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GMTV on the set of Spooks 4 November 2009


Pictures from this interview are in the Spooks on Set gallery


Interview with Miranda Raison on GMTV 4 November 2009


Interview with Hermione Norris on This Morning 4 November 2009


Spooks Advert broadcast on BBC1 28 October 2009

Click picture below to watch or right-mouse-click (Ctrl-click on a Mac) to download:


The Stage Podcast 27 February 2009

Scott Matthewman interviewed Richard Armitage and Robert Glenister in Brighton, while they were attending the BBC Showcase event to promote BBC drama around the world.

More details here on The Stage website.

This download contains just the Richard and Robert interview, not the whole podcast: Click to listen or right-click to download



Useful Links

Spooks series 8 career page

Spooks series 8 articles in the press

Spooks on IMDB

BBC Spooks page

Spooks series 8 Screencap Gallery