Richard Armitage in

The 24 Hour Plays Gala

at the Old Vic, London


Stephen Beresford

Jessica Hynes

DC Jackson

Richard Curtis

Alexi Kaye Campbell

Lucy Kirkwood


Charlie Westenra

Tim Roseman

Toby Frow

Josie Rourke

Polly Findlay

Mark Rosenblatt


21 November 2010


Old Vic Theatre, London



On Sunday 21st November 2010 Richard appeared at The Old Vic's 24 hour plays gala in a play entitled 'The Third Wish', written by Stephen Beresford and directed by Charlotte Westenra. Richard's co-stars were Miranda Raison, Niamh Cusack and Debbie Chazen. In the event's programme, Richard said that he was dedicating the evening to the late Betty Pattison who was the founder of Pattison college in Coventry, which Richard attended aged 14 - 17 (see third scan below).

You can read all about the play and the after show party at the Feigned Mischief blog. Simone attended the event and the after show party and has kindly permitted a link to her blog to read all about her evening.



click thumbnail images to enlarge

Here's a copy of the Old Vic's information page about the event (should the link above disappear).


A two page printed flyer was included with the programme, as follows:



BBC2's The Culture Show 25 Nov 2010

Highlights from the event were shown on BBC2's The Culture Show on Thursday 25th November at 7.00pm. Click pictures below to enlarge.

View Culture Show streaming clip or right-click the link (Ctrl-click on a Mac) to download.



Pictures from the Event

Press pictures from the after show party are here on Getty's site and here on

More pictures in the Old Vic 24 Hour Plays gallery


Clip on youtube showing Richard outside the Old Vic theatre:

Dim lights Embed



Articles in the Press

22 Nov 2010

The Evening Standard had an article about the 24 hour plays, reporting that over £100,000 was raised. Click on the small thumbnail of Richard to see his picture.

Print edition:


21 Nov 2010

The event was reported in The Independent.


02 Nov 2010

The IndieLondon site reported on the Old Vic's 24 hour plays on 21st November 2010, with a picture of Richard as John Porter and more information about the event and other participants.





Useful Links

The Old Vic Theatre

Old Vic 24 Hour Plays gallery


last updated 26 November 2010