Screenplay by: Harold Pinter

Di Trevis

Performance date:

Thursday 16th January 2014


    Natasha Andrews

    Richard Armitage (Charles Swann)

    Dan Amboyer

    Kersti Bryan

    Annabel Capper

    Peter Clements (Marcel)

    Samantha Dakin

    Andrew Fallaize

    Lara Hillier (Odette)

    Hall Hunsinger

    Natalie Turner-Jones

    Michael Villastrigo



      On Thursday 16th January 2014, Richard appeared in a staged reading of Pinter/PROUST, a one night only performance of Harold Pinter's screenplay written as an adaptation of Proust's seven-volume novel Remembrance of Things Past.

      The production was part of a series of celebrations commemorating the 100 year anniversary of the publication of Swann's Way, the first volume of Proust's novel. Originally produced at the National Theatre in London in 2001, it had never been performed in the US before. Director Di Trevis collaborated with Harold Pinter in 2001 to bring the production to London, and now she brought the play to the Kaufmann Concert Hall, 92nd Street Y in New York City.

      Richard played the character of Charles Swann and Lara Hillier played Odette.

      92Y production information for more details.


      Video Clips

      A 13 minute long video clip showing Richard in the one-night only performance of Pinter/PROUST in New York is on YouTube.

      Three short videos showing Richard at last night's Pinter/PROUST performance are on YouTube thanks to Chrissy Lampard: clip 1, clip 2 and clip 3.



      23 Jan 2014: Lara Hillier, who played Odette in Pinter/PROUST has posted a cast photo on twitter. Click the instagram link to see the photo.

      18 Jan 2014: Here's a photograph from the Pinter/PROUST programme showing the actor's biographies. Thanks to @girlfriday1035 on twitter.

      To see more pictures from the play, visit the Pinter/PROUST gallery.


      Reviews 'Pinter/PROUST: Remembrance of Things Past.

      "Charles Swann, one of the novel’s heroes, was played with melancholy dignity by Richard Armitage"

      The Paris Review, '"The Past is a Mist": Pinter's Proust'

      The New Yorker, 'In search of a lost screenplay: when Pinter adapted Proust'.

      "Trevis had four days to prepare the New York reading, which involved actors with scripts, who were nevertheless extremely deft with frequent changes of character and context, and she brought with her two original cast members, including a strapping Richard Armitage as the stately Swann".




      last updated 28 July 2014