Fraud Squad

series 1 (2011) and series 2 (2012)

Series Producer:

Tom Anstiss

Channel: ITV

26 Aug & 2 Sep 2011 (2011)

5 Apr - 26 Apr 2012 (2012)


60 minutes x 2 (2011)

60 minutes x 4 (2012)


Richard Armitage



Series 1 (2011)

This documentary comprised 2 episodes shown in August and September 2011. It followes an investigation lasting over 2 years led by police detectives hoping to recover £20 million stolen from victims of one of Britain's biggest share frauds.

The hunt for the Nigerian ringleader and his gang spread across Europe as detectives tried to recover the stolen money before the gang spent it on their lavish lifestyles. The documentary also showed the impact of the fraud on the British victims.


Series 2

The second series follows the search for organised crime gangs who exploit high street cash machines. Millions of pounds are stolen from customer's bank account details each year using elaborately designed equipment explicity for the purpose of frauding the public via ATM machines. The series shows how the gangs are able to keep up with new technologies in this highly lucrative crime.




Series 1 review in The Telegraph

Ratings are up for series 2 as reported by Broadcast Now










Last updated 11 April 2012