28th December

1. New additions to the Robin Hood Promotional Pics gallery as follows: series1-06, series1-13, series1-15, series2-18, series2-28, series3-50 and some pictures are now available in larger versions. To see the new pictures you may need to press F5 to refresh each page of the gallery if you have visited it recently.

2. The Impressionists Promotional Gallery has been re-created with larger pictures and some new additions.

3. New poll on the left-hand side. You may use all or a combination of many of those online tools to read news about Richard, but which one do you access first? Previous poll results are here.

4. Lady Enigma has made a new Guy of Gisborne wallpaper which you can see on the Gisborne wallpapers page. Click the thumbnail image to enlarge.


24th December

There’s a Christmas message from Richard on Annette’s site RichardArmitageOnline. Go read it and Merry Christmas to all!


23rd December

Strike Back in Germany: all 6 episodes of Strike Back will be shown on RTL2 on 26 and 28 January 2011. The BBC Germany site has a lot of details about the production, some new pictures and schedule information – click the headings at the top. I will put the new pictures into the gallery later today. Thanks to CDoart for the email, who received a promotional email from BBC Germany with this image included (click to enlarge):


2. The BBC Entertainment channel is showing the whole of Robin Hood series 2 on Christmas Day and Boxing Day starting at 12.00pm in Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden. I haven’t checked all countries so click on the link to see if your country is showing it. Thanks to MillyMe for the email.

3. There are 24 new pictures in the Spooks promo gallery from series 7 and they are all in extra large size: #719, #723, #725, #726, #728, #730, #732, #737 – #742, #744, #745, #747, #748, #756, #757, #762, #764, #765, #769, #770. Thanks to the Russian RA site for sharing with us.

To view the larger size, click ‘original image’ in the corner and click again to zoom to the large size. You may need to press F5 to refresh each gallery page if you have visited the gallery recently and the new pictures aren’t showing. There are now 6 pages in this gallery.


22nd December

1. James Nesbitt who is playing Bofur in The Hobbit has been quoted in The Sun and Digital Spy. He says he’ll be off to New Zealand in January to start a month’s “Dwarf training”, learning sword fighting and horse riding. Presumably Richard will be doing the same although his Hood Academy training will help!

Update: in an interview with Moviefone, James says that Richard will be joining him for dwarf training, that he’s filming for a year with time off in the summer and there will be more filming for him in 2012.

2. Robin Hood series 3 will be shown again in Australia starting 9 January on UKTV. Click here for the schedule.

3. As reported on 14 December, The Impressionists will be shown tonight at 8.00pm on the Viasat History channel. Nadia has reported that it is also showing in Russia starting tonight at 10.00pm and repeated each Thursday at 6.00am and 2.00pm. Check this TV schedule to see what time The Impressionists starts in your country if you receive Viasat History.

4. Amazon UK are now showing the cover for Spooks series 9 – click thumbnail below to enlarge. The release date is still set for 28 February 2011. Click on the small video image on the Amazon page to see a preview of the DVD extras, with clips of Richard.


5. The abridged audiobook of Georgette Heyer’s Venetia is now available for download from Audible.com who are also offering it at a reduced rate if you take part in their special offer. Listen to Richard’s interview about Venetia here (released 2 March 2010).

6. Thanks to Veritas for permission to embed three of her videos on our Videos page: You’ve Stolen Our Hearts, Sir Guy’s Lament and Breaking Inside.

7. All episodes of Robin Hood series 1-3 are showing in Belgium on digital TV channel 8 at the moment, every week day at 6.00pm. Thanks to Anne for the email.


21st December

1. Nine new pictures have been added to the Spooks Promo gallery from series 8 and they are all in extra large size: #804, #806, #809, #810, #814, #822, #823, #825, #828

There are also five existing pictures in the gallery which have been updated to a larger size: #801, #802, #805, #808, #816, #820, #826, #829

To view the larger size, click ‘original image’ in the corner and click again to zoom to the large size. You may need to press F5 to refresh each gallery page if you have visited the gallery recently and the new pictures aren’t showing.

2. Spooks series 8 will be broadcast in France from January 10th, 2 episodes each Monday at 8:50pm on Canal+ (time to be confirmed next week). You can view a promo clip on the Canal+ website. Thank you to Céline for this information.


20th December

Two more additions to the Strike Back promo gallery courtesy of Bccmee. The last two images are the new ones and can be enlarged to extra large size.

19th December

1. The Mail Online has posted a picture of Lucas North and Sarah Caulfield alongside their article about security for the London 2012 Olympic Games. Read the article here.

2. New additions to the Strike Back promo gallery: #4, #5, #15, #18 and #19 which is also available in extra large size.

3. Miss Marple: Ordeal by Innocence is showing on the Hallmark channel in the Netherlands at 10.55am local time tomorrow. Thanks to @mysteriousred via twitter.


18th December

New poll on the left-hand side, thanks for voting. Based on the previous poll results, I’ll be choosing a picture of Richard for the Christmas Day pic of the day. Suggestions gratefully received.


15th December

1. BBC America showing Vicar of Dibley today. Starting at 12.00pm ET BBC America are showing ‘The Handsome Stranger’ episode and ‘The Vicar in White’ episode back to back. Link to BBC America’s 12 days of Christmas schedule.

2. New poll on the left-hand side. Tell me who you would like to see in the picture of the day on Christmas Day – as I can’t decide! I’ve only listed the most popular characters to narrow down the vote. Previous poll results are here.

3. The North and South DVD is available to buy on region 4 format with Portuguese subtitles from the Livraria Cultura shop. Thanks to @moyarte on twitter.


14th December

1. During an interview with Marvel Studios President of Production, Kevin Feige, it’s been revealed that they are currently working on the Captain America trailer and it will be released in the new year. Further details on Screenrant.com

2. Amazon.com customers can order Moving On: Drowning not Waving as a $1.99 download from Amazon’s Video On Demand service. Thanks to Juanita for the email.

3. Good news for German viewers: Strike Back will be shown on RTL2 on 26 January at 8.15pm. Thanks to Luna.

4. The Impressionists in Hungary: this 3 part series will be shown each week starting Wed 22 Dec at 8.00pm on the Viasat History channel. Thanks to Zsuzsanna.


13th December

Added some artwork to the site today: two Lucas North wallpapers by Bccmee and a pencil & charcoal drawing of John and Margaret by Olde-Fashioned. Many thanks ladies.


9th December

1. New Guy of Gisborne artwork added to the Artwork page, with thanks to Rinter.

2. There’s a short but funny quote from Richard in this week’s Woman’s Weekly magazine about school nativity plays. Thanks to Jackiwi for the email.

3. Richard appears briefly in the latest BBC iPlayer advert but this is only available to UK viewers. Bccmee has uploaded it to youtube here.


8th December

Inspector Lynley on Dutch TV: the episode with Richard, In Divine Proportion, will be shown on Dutch TV channel Ned1 on Wednesday 12th January at 9.30pm. Thanks to Linda for the info.

7th December

1. Spooks in Serbia: Spooks series 7 started on the Serbian television channel RTS 1 last night (Monday). More information on the RTS website with a translated version here. Thanks to Karima for the email.

2. As confirmedby head of Sky drama Elaine Pyke on 10 November, it does seem that Richard will be in some episodes of Strike Back but not all. There are no more details as yet. Today this was confirmed again by David Stephenson, TV Editor of the Sunday Express on twitter: “For Richard Armitage fans, Sky says actor is in “some” episodes of Strike Back 2, but not all.”

3. Added a digital painting of Gisborne to the Artwork page, thanks to Silverwing24. Comments can be left on this page or on her deviantart.com page.


4th December

Spooks in Israel: thank you to Na’ama for the news that all nine series of Spooks are about to be shown on Israeli television starting 12 December. Here is the website with more information, and here it is again in translation.


3rd December

1. Spooks series 7 and 8 in Australia: Series 7 starts on Tuesday at 9.30pm on UKTV. Click for the UKTV Listings. Thanks to Ann for the email. A reminder that Spooks series 8 episode 6 is on Saturday 8.30pm on ABC1.

2. On 1st Dec the campaign for ActionAidUK was launched with a voiceover from Richard. The youtube clip is now embedded on our 2010 Advertisements page with all the other voicework that Richard has done this year – there’s quite a lot! He’s also recorded another jewellery advert for the radio with a Christmas theme that I heard in the car the other day but I haven’t been able to capture it (yet).

3. Anne Rice has mentioned Richard and other British actors with regard to casting of her novels in a couple of recent interviews: The Vulture Transcript and chuckpalahniuk.net

1st December

1. Today’s blog from Naxos Audiobooks has a comment about Richard’s popularity as an audiobook reader:

“Richard Armitage has been, without a doubt, the single most popular reader on Naxos AudioBooks this year. Listeners on both sides of the Atlantic, Australia and elsewhere too, have been homing in on his recordings of Georgette Heyer. We hope that more will come next year… but it is dependent upon his availability as he is about to disappear to New Zealand for months on end to film The Hobbit. Nevertheless, we at the Naxos AudioBooks office would like to thank the kind anonymous person who, every time we release a new Armitage/Heyer audiobook, sends us a rather fine box of Belgian chocolates as a gesture of gratitude. We appreciate it!”

2. Richard has provided the voiceover for ActionAidUK’s latest campaign – ‘Sponsor a child’. Watch it on the ActionAidUK youtube channel.


29th November

The English Touring Theatre had a few enquiries about The Rover on twitter since their message on 26th Nov (see below). Today they have responded as follows: “No final casting/tour dates for The Rover yet, it’s still in the early stages of development. We’ll keep you posted as and when it firms up!”


27th November

Updated the Biography page and the RA on DVD page today. Spooks series 8 is available to pre-order from Amazon US for $27.99. It is released on 25th January 2011. The Convenient Marriage audiobook is now available to order from iTunes for £10.95 or $17.95 (US). The Lords of the North audiobook can be ordered online from AudioGo Ltd at a cost of £22.99 plus £3.50 postage & packing (for UK delivery). Most of the other DVDs are reduced in price since the last time I updated that page.


26th November

1. A message from the English Touring Theatre has just popped up on twitter: “Great read-through of The Rover with Richard Armitage yesterday! Positive feed back and things are looking good!” You can view their twitter entry here (you don’t have to be a member of twitter to see it). The ETT produces and performs plays around England – more information on the ETT website.

2. Screencaps from the Spooks 9 DVD trailer are here in the gallery. See yesterday’s news for links to the trailer on Amazon.

3. There’s a new picture of Guy which I’ve put in the Robin Hood Promo gallery although it’s actually a photo manip from series 1 episode 5 ‘Turk Flu’, created by Karima. Here is the original picture. Inventive use of an extra sack there! Thanks to Karima for sharing this.

4. Pictures from the Old Vic 24 Hour plays have been added to the screencap gallery.


25th November

1. There’s a new page on the site covering all the news relating to the 24 hour plays gala held at the Old Vic last Sunday evening, including scans of the programme (thank you to Hazelb for these) and a clip recently uploaded on to youtube: 24 hour plays page.

2. Amazon have a trailer advertising the extras on the Spooks 9 DVD and there’s a few shots of Richard talking to camera and playing Lucas North. You can watch it on the Amazon UK site (click the video thumbnail under the DVD picture). Or watch the youtube clip that was uploaded from the Amazon clip.

3. The Culture Show on BBC2 reported on the events of last Sunday at the Old Vic theatre in London. Watch the clip on the 24 hour plays page and there are three screencaps which you can enlarge if you click on them.


24th November

Added a watercolour painting of John Thornton to the Artwork page courtesy of ManderFFA. Click on the deviantart link above the painting to see more of her artwork.


22nd November

1. Richard appeared at The Old Vic’s 24 hour plays gala yesterday evening in a play entitled ‘The Third Wish’, written by Stephen Beresford and directed by Charlie Westenra. Richard’s co-stars were Miranda Raison, Niamh Cusack and Debbie Chazen. Pictures from the event are here on Getty’s site and here on Wooller.com. You can read all about the play and the after show party at the Feigned Mischief blog. Thanks to @feignedmischief who was an avid twitterer and fantastic at keeping us up-to-date with the news. In the event’s programme, Richard said that he was dedicating the evening to the late Betty Pattison (see 20th Nov for information about his tribute at her memorial).

2. A couple of people have asked what is the age range of those who visit this site, so there’s a poll now on the left-hand side. Please vote.

3. There is an article in today’s Evening Standard about the 24 hour plays held last night, reporting that over £100,000 was raised. Click on the small thumbnail of Richard to see his picture. Here is a copy of the print edition of the Evening Standard available this evening.


21st November

1. Thank you to the Russian RA site who have found a copy of the picture of Lucas in series 8 that appeared in The Age newspaper (see news 18th Nov). We have added it to our Spooks Promo gallery.

2. There is confirmation that Richard is attending the 24 hour plays gala at the Old Vic thanks to the German RA forum. As mentioned on the 19th Nov below, clips of this event will be shown on BBC2′s The Culture Show on Thursday. He is also mentioned in an article just published on the Independent’s online site.

3. Added three new pictures to the Artwork page courtesy of GiztheGunslinger – one drawing of John Thornton and two of Richard. Thanks G!


20th November

1. Annette from RichardArmitageOnline has more information on her website about Richard’s tribute to Betty Pattison, which was played in a recording on Friday 19th November in Coventry Cathedral (further details – see news 18 November below).

2. Some more artwork added to two of our icons pages: 15 Gisborne icons and 5 Richard icons. Many thanks to Nim for sharing these.


19th November

1. Richard is appearing in the 24 hour plays gala at The Old Vic theatre in London this weekend according to the Evening Standard and IndieLondon (see news 1st and 2nd November for more info). There will be highlights from this event on BBC2′s The Culture Show next Thursday 25th November at 7.00pm. I will post a clip of this shortly after it is broadcast.

2. The international release schedule for Captain America: The First Avenger has been released – find your country’s release date  on Marvel.com. The USA and Canada will have it first on 22 July, the UK on 29 July.

3. Richard is featured in an article on BestWeekEver.tv, a site affiliated with MTV and VH1: ‘this British actor is quickly becoming THE IT ACTOR in England’. Thanks Olga for the email.


18th November

1. ‘The Age’ newspaper produced in Melbourne, Australia has reviewed Spooks series 8 episode 4, which airs on Saturday at 8.30pm on ABC1. The review is on the Spooks Reviews page with a slightly different picture of Lucas from those we’ve seen before. Thanks to Ann for the scan.

2. Richard has recorded a eulogy to be played during the memorial service for Betty Pattison, founder of Pattison College, Coventry. The memorial will take place tomorrow evening in Coventry Cathedral. Read more from the Coventry Telegraph.


17th November

Thanks to agenoria for the scan from the Leicester Mercury announcing the casting of Richard in The Hobbit. Read it on the Hobbit career page.


16th November

1. The new Hyundai advert with voiceover from Richard can be watched or downloaded via the 2010 Adverts page.

2. Spooks series 7 will be broadcast on KCTS 9 starting Saturday 18th December at 10.00pm. This station can be received in Washington State, USA and also British Columbia, Canada. Thanks to Audrey for the email.


15th November

1. BBC Entertainment Europe is showing North and South episode 1 tomorrow evening. Click for the TV Schedule, click on ‘Tuesday’ and change the ‘time zone’ box to your country to see what time it starts. Thanks to Naama for the email.

2. Richard has provided the voiceover for a new Hyundai advert. Hopefully I will catch it soon and will upload it to the site. Thanks to those who have emailed and texted.


14th November

1. A Richard Armitage 2011 calendar and a Lucas North 2011 calendar are now available on the 2011 Calendars page (now archived). A John Porter calendar will be available soon. Print for personal usage only and mix and match the months as you like.

2. We often link to the blog ‘pauseliveaction’ for their Spooks reviews, and the review for episode 8 is now up (due to blogger being on holiday!) Read it here.


13th November

1. Jessie has sent us some lovely signatures one of Lucas ‘who are you?’ and another of Richard wearing his cap. If you’d like to leave a comment about any artwork on the site, you will find a comments form at the bottom of each artwork page.

2. There’s a new poll on the left-hand side about series 9 of Spooks. Previous poll results are here.


12th November

I’ve had a request to upload a specific clip from Spooks series 9 episode 8, but I won’t reveal which bit here in case some people are still avoiding spoilers. You can watch or download the clip from the Spooks 9 downloads page.


11th November

New large high resolution pictures added to the Outside Radio 1 4th May 2010 gallery (the last 7 pictures) and a new gallery of pictures taken outside the ITV Studios on 17 September 2010. You can see them in full size by clicking on a picture then click ‘original image’ in the bottom corner – click again to view the full size. With thanks to Cesta. The interviews with Richard on those dates can be viewed or downloaded from the Spooks 9 downloads page.


10th November

1. Joe Johnston, director of Captain America: The First Avenger, has commented on the recent publicity photos from the film. Of the photo of Richard in the submarine, he says ‘The submarine was built by Paul Corbould’s team of special effects technicians. It can actually dive and resurface, travels at 12 knots, has a watertight compartment for the actor, Richard Armitage, who plays a very convincingly evil spy, Heinz Kruger.’

The full size high resolution version of this picture is on the Captain America page.

2. Strike Back series 2 news: Elaine Pyke, head of drama on Sky1 has confirmed that Strike Back will be back “bigger and better”. When asked specifically about Richard she said that Richard will be in it in some way, but then the series will have two new leads who’ll take the action to new heights. No other details available at this time. This information courtesy of  Nietzsche from the C19 forum.

3. There’s an article about casting for The Hobbit in Empire magazine’s December issue. Read it on the Hobbit career page.

4. The Russian TV channel FoxCrime is currently showing Spooks series 7 on Thursdays at 9.55pm. Details on the FoxCrime site (translated version here, although ‘Spooks’ translates to ‘Ghosts’) with a nice picture of Lucas and Ros plus a video clip. There was a quote from Richard about the series showing in Russia – see news 6th October below item #3.


9th November

1. Spooks s9 episode 8 screencaps have been created and are in two galleries: Episode 8 standard size and Episode 8 high resolution. The latter is a smaller gallery of what I think are the best pictures. The episode was broadcast on BBC1 HD last night and although the programme was not recorded in high definition, it was upscaled to HD resolution. Click on an image and then click ‘original image’ to see the full HD size. You can download all the standard size images from the Spooks 9 downloads page.

2. Reviews of the Spooks series 9 finale are here (spoilers obviously):

  • Vicky Frost in the Guardian – ‘After a brilliant script last week, we were back to bonkers amounts of exposition’
  • The Metro – ‘it was so desperately sad and gripping in equal measure that it would be a crime not to commission another series.’ Did the reviewer not see the caption at the end saying there will be a series 10 in 2011?
  • The Arts Desk – ‘His aquiline curtness was reminiscent of Timothy Dalton’s James Bond, and he was able to project a more convincing deadliness than such predecessors as Adam Carter (Rupert Penry-Jones, too Nick-and-Dave for comfort) or Ros Myers…’
  • Den of Geek – ‘to make the leading man the main bad guy of a entire show is brave and, in my opinion, pays off. Well, for the most part.’
  • Unpopcult – ‘Richard Armitage and the incredible Nicola Walker making their scenes together tragically believable and gripping’
  • Daemon’s TV – ‘The Lucas/Ruth interaction was fascinating to watch, especially when intercut with those unstable flashbacks that made Lucas look even more unhinged’

3. On 2nd November (see news below) I received a scan from What’s on TV magazine which I have now posted on the Spooks Reviews page (scroll to 2nd Nov). This has spoilers for episode 8 of Spooks. Thanks to Jen for the scan.


8th November

1. Two previews of the last episode of Spooks series 9 showing at 9pm tonight. Both have spoilers, but if you’ve already read the BBC episode synopsis then they don’t give anything else away. The episode will be shown on BBC1 and also the new BBC1 HD channel.

  • The Mirror –  ‘This might just be the best Spooks finale ever’
  • The Guardian – ‘The preview disc comes with a note requesting we don’t give away the ending’

There is a preview of Spooks episode 8 on the BBC Spooks site and also on youtube.

2. There is a new poll on the left-hand side asking if you have read The Hobbit or if you are planning to do so now that Richard has been cast as Thorin Oakenshield. Thanks for voting. Previous poll results are here.

3. Two scans have been added to the Spooks reviews page from the Daily Mail Weekend magazine and the Sunday Express S magazine, both of which preview tonight’s episode. Do not read if you are avoiding all spoilers. Thanks to Jen for the scans.

4. Vicky Frost’s review of Spooks 9 episode 8 in her Guardian blog – episode spoilers obviously.


7th November

Three sound files have been requested, so these have now been added to the sound player – press the ‘play’ button to listen. You can also download all the sounds from that page. The three newest sound clips are at the top – a line from The Vicar of Dibley, a snippet from Richard’s interview on GMTV on 17 September (a download of this interview is on the Spooks 9 downloads page) and the ‘close your eyes’ clip from Spooks series 9 episode 3.

If you have any particular sound clip requests, email Ali at [email protected]“>[email protected]This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


6th November

1. Spooks series 8 DVD release in the US and Canada: the series 8 DVD is due to be released on 25th January 2011 according to BBC Canada and BBC America. The extras on this DVD are the same as those on the UK (region 2) DVD –  two episode commentaries and two behind-the-scenes featurettes. Richard isn’t in much of the extras – blink and you’ll miss him I’m afraid. Thanks to Lynn and Susmita for the emails.

2. Miss Marple: Ordeal by Innocence in which Richard played Philip Durrant is on ITV3 this evening at 6pm. Our screencap gallery is here and there is an episode summary and links on the Miss Marple career page.


5th November

1. The Daily Mail has an interview with Richard about Spooks today – warning: spoilers and dodgy journalism (no mention of Richard’s Captain America or Hobbit projects, nor the fact that Sophia Myles is engaged to be married). Please don’t read this if you want to remain spoiler free about the ending of Spooks.

I’ve now added a scan of the Daily Mail interview from the print edition to the Spooks Reviews page. Thanks to Jen for the scan. SPOILERS.

2. There is a preview of Spooks episode 8 on the BBC Spooks site and also on youtube. SPOILERS.


4th November

1. Further to the 2011 calendar news yesterday, we’ve also decided to create a John Porter calendar using HD pictures. This will be on the site next week.

2. Dawn French was on the ITV1 show ‘Loose Women’ today. She was asked whether there will be another Vicar of Dibley in the future and there was a very brief complimentary mention of Richard. You can view the clip on ITV Player here and scroll to 40 minutes 30 seconds. Apparently this is just for UK residents, so here’s an mp4 clip. Thanks to KK for the email.


3rd November

1. Spooks series 8 in Atlanta: the local public television station in Atlanta, GA (PBA 30) is showing Spooks series 8 episode 1 tomorrow night at 10pm, and it’s repeated on Friday at 11pm. Thanks to Gail for the email.

2. Fictional Frontiers, a show on a Philadephia radio station interviewed Larry Curtis, senior contributor to TORn (www.theonering.net) a few days ago. They discussed the casting Richard Armitage as Thorin and you can listen to the extract on the Hobbit career page.

3. I’ve had a few queries about 2011 calendars, so just to let you all know that there will be a Lucas North calendar and also a generic Richard Armitage calendar available to print from this site soon. Just waiting for Spooks to finish.


2nd November

1. More reviews of Spooks episode 7 with spoilers:

  • Unpopcult – ‘all bravura work from Nicola Walker, Peter Firth and Richard Armitage which made this hard to watch but impossible not to’
  • Pauseliveaction – ‘As usual with Spooks, I’m left with more questions than answers, which is why I love it so much.’
  • thisisleicestershire.co.uk – ‘Spooks keeps up breathless pace over Lucas’ shady past’
  • Daemon’s TV – ‘the final ten minutes hit us like a ton of bricks’

2. Here’s a high resolution picture of Richard as Heinz Kruger sitting in the HYDRA sub. You can just about see that it’s him now (click to enlarge). Other pictures and news can be found on the Captain America career page. Thanks to the Richard Armitage Spanish forum for the picture.


3. Ian Wylie has posted his blog on the last episode of Spooks. Mild spoilers. Life of Wylie blog ‘Richard Armitage’s finest hour’

4. I’ve been sent scans from What’s on TV magazine which I’m told have huge spoilers in them for next week’s episode of Spooks series 9, but I’m afraid I’m cannot put them on the site as that would mean I’d see the spoiler. Apologies for that but I don’t want to be spoiled for the last episode, especially since last week this magazine revealed far too much for episode 7. They will be put up after the episode airs next Monday.

5. Screencaps for Spooks 9 episode 7 are now in the gallery and a download of all the screencaps can be obtained from the Spooks downloads page.

6. The IndieLondon site has a report on the Old Vic’s 24 hour plays on 21st November, with a picture of Richard as John Porter and more information about the event and other participants.


1st November

1. A scan of the Entertainment Weekly article about casting of The Hobbit is now on the Hobbit career page. Thanks to Bccmee for the scan.

2. Two short previews of Spooks episode 7 which will be shown on BBC1 at 9pm tonight – both contain big spoilers – The Mirror and What’s on TV.

3. According to the Evening Standard, Richard will participate in The Old Vic theatre’s fund-raising event, the ’24 Hour Plays Celebrity Gala’ on 21 November 2010. Details about this event are at The Old Vic’s website although Richard’s name is not mentioned here. Cast cannot be confirmed, according to the site, “…due to the nature of the event, the cast and company may change up until the date of the performance.”

4. The BBC have uploaded a clip from tonight’s episode of Spooks on youtube. Watch it here – spoilers obviously and a jaw dropping moment.

5. Scans from the Entertainment Weekly article about Captain America: The First Avenger are on the Captain America career page. Many thanks again to Bccmee for these scans.

6. Reviews for Spooks 9 episode 7 (episode spoilers – do not read if you haven’t seen it yet)

  • Vicky Frost in the Guardian – ‘I’m on the edge of my seat.’
  • Den of Geek – ‘the best hour of telly this week and by far the best episode of Spooks all season. Fantastic stuff, all laid out for next week’s blockbuster finale, and I can’t wait’
  • Metro.co.uk – ‘tense and touching drama that played out between Harry and Lucas’

30th October

There are lots of new pictures in the Spooks Promo gallery, most of which are high resolution and extra large size. Press ‘original image’ in the bottom right corner and then click again on the picture to see the extra HUGE size. If you have visited thsi gallery recently, you may have to press F5 to refresh the screen if you cannot see the new pictures and/or page 5 of the gallery. There are 26 pictures for series 9 altogether – some may consider these mild spoilers.


29th October

Robin Hood in Hungary: series 2 starts this Sunday 31st October at 1.45pm on RTL Klub. Thanks to Marika for the email.


28th October

1. Some pictures from the Captain America movie have been released. One of the pictures shows Richard as Heinz Kruger in a submarine, but I’m afraid it’s not easy to see him! Pictures on ComicBookMovie.com.

2. The BBC One HD channel is being launched on 3rd November, which means that the last episode of Spooks series 9 will be broadcast on this channel on Monday 8 November at 9pm as well as BBC1. The programme will be upscaled to HD and I will be taking screencaps from this new HD channel so hopefully the quality of the pictures will be better than usual for this last episode.

3. Two new youtube videos have been embedded on to the Videos page with permission from the creator Elvira. They are both showreels demonstrating the range of Richard’s work. Enjoy! If you double-click a video it will open in youtube and you can leave a comment if you wish.

4. Four new promotional pictures for Spooks episode 7 are in the Spooks Promo gallery. Warning – some may consider these new pictures to be spoilerish! Press F5 to refresh the screen if you cannot see the new pictures.

5. Apologies if you’ve had difficulty leaving a guestbook message in the past. Previously registered users of this site may have encountered a problem with the guestbook but this is now fixed. (Registration on the site is now disabled as everything on this site is now available to all).


27th October

1. Peter Jackson explains his reasons for casting Richard as Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of the company of dwarves in The Hobbit films on the EW Popwatch site. He says, “Thorin Oakenshield is a tough, heroic character, and he certainly should give Leggie and Aragorn a run for their money in the heartthrob stakes — despite being four feet tall”. Thanks to Martha for the email.

2. The Hobbit movies will be filmed in New Zealand. Reports now on BBC News and the TVNZ site.

3. Thanks to Ann for a scan from Australia’s Herald Sun newspaper. It gives a great review of Spooks series 8 episode 1 which is due to air this Saturday at 8.30pm on ABC1. Richard gets a lot of compliments in this article. Read it on the Spooks Reviews page.

4. arclarkpig has been having fun imagining Richard as Thorin Oakenshield and has created 2 bits of artwork for us to enjoy. They are on the Artwork page. Click the pictures to enlarge.

5. There’s a new picture of Lucas North on the BBC Spooks site for episode 7. Do not click the link if you are avoiding spoilers as the episode synopsis is right next to the picture. The picture is also in our Spooks Promo gallery.


26th October

1. Screencaps for Spooks 9 episode 6 are now in the gallery and a download of all the screencaps can be obtained from the Spooks downloads page.

2. Reviews for Spooks 9 episode 6 as follows (all include episode spoilers):

  • Vicky Frost in the Guardian – ‘he’s acting like a first-time internet user confronted with a Nigerian phishing scam’
  • The Metro – ‘Once you get past the nonsense and melodrama, Spooks is still gripping’
  • Den of Geek – ‘For the first time this series everything seems to be tying together’
  • thisisleicestershire site – ‘You require a need for speed and a certain amount of intelligence to watch this superb spy drama.’
  • Daemon’s TV site – ‘This episode was the least complicated of the series so far, and for good reason. Lucas’ turmoil more than made up for it’
  • Unpopcult – ‘This was breakneck, heartstopping, utterly exhilarating stuff and I absolutely loved it.’
  • Sam Wollaston of The Guardian – ‘The music’s so good too. If you had it for your ringtone would your life immediately become more exciting and glamorous?’

3. Ian Wylie has written a preview of Spooks episode 7 which contains the usual mild spoilers, some interesting teasers and reveals John’s last name.

4. Once again Spooks had excellent ratings last night peaking at 5.2 million viewers and beating ITV1′s Whitechapel. Details on the MediaTel site.

5. Richard gets another mention on the Digital Spy site today with regard to The Hobbit, which is apparently set to be the most expensive feature film ever made. The decision on where the filming will take place may be decided in the next 24-36 hours according to the Prime Minister of New Zealand, as reported on the BBC News site.

6. There is a huge spoiler in What’s On TV magazine about Lucas’s past which I wasn’t sure whether to put on the site, but after asking on twitter there seem to be enough people who want to read it. It’s a shame these magazines give it all away, ah well! I have put the scan on the Spooks Reviews page. Please do not click on the scan on that page unless you don’t mind spoilers – but this is a biggie! Thanks to Jen for the scan.


25th October

1. There’s a preview of tonight’s episode of Spooks in The Mirror and it is also one of tonight’s TV highlights in The Guardian. Do not read if you are avoiding spoilers.

2. The Hobbit parts 1 and 2 are now listed on Richard’s IMDB page.

3. Spooks series 8 starts in Australia this Saturday 30 October at 8.30pm on ABC1. Watch a preview on the ABC TV site and click here for program details.

4. The high viewing figures for Spooks series 9 was discussed on the BBC’s Points of View programme last night. You can watch it on BBC iPlayer if you are in the UK or watch the clip on the Spooks downloads page.

5. Reviews for Spooks 9 episode 6 as follows (all include episode spoilers).

  • Vicky Frost in the Guardian – ‘he’s acting like a first-time internet user confronted with a Nigerian phishing scam’
  • The Metro – ‘Once you get past the nonsense and melodrama, Spooks is still gripping’
  • Den of Geek – ‘For the first time this series everything seems to be tying together’

24th October

1. An article in the Sunday Express today announces Richard’s involvement in The Hobbit film and with quotes taken from previous interviews… and a few odd comments from the journalist too! This article is now on The Hobbit career page. Thanks to Jen for the scan.

2. The Daily Mail Weekend magazine has chosen Spooks episode 6 as its Pick of the Day for tomorrow. There’s a scan (thanks to Jen) on the Spooks Reviews page.

3. Jen has also sent a scan from the letters page of the ‘TV Guide’ magazine, in which they say that Strike Back 2 is expected late next year – how The Hobbit news will affect this, however, is yet to be seen. Read it on the Strike Back reviews page.


23rd October

1. More details about the two Hobbit movies: filming is due to start in February 2011 although filming locations are still not confirmed, and both movies will be filmed in digital 3D. This information from the TimeWarner press release 15 Oct 2010. Further details about the location dispute are on the Variety site. The film producers are set to meet with the New Zealand prime minister and other government officials early next week to discuss the issue.

2. Although Richard’s United Agents page has not updated yet with Captain America or Hobbit information, the main page of the United Agents site has announced the news that Richard has been cast as Thorin.


22nd October

1. Hobbit news

Richard Armitage has been cast in The Hobbit! He will play Thorin Oakenshield, leader of the Company of Dwarves which sets off to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from a thieving dragon.

Director Peter Jackson says ‘Richard is one of the most exciting and dynamic actors working on screen today and we know he is going to make an amazing Thorin Oakenshield. We cannot wait to start this adventure with him and feel very lucky that one of the most beloved characters in Middle Earth is in such good hands’.

The film will be released in two parts in December 2012 and December 2013. Congratulations Richard! Thank you to all those who emailed me about this.

There are now hundreds of articles online – here’s a selection:

BBC News site: reporting on the casting news, and the decisions still to be made about the filming location. New Zealand was the original choice, but co-creator Fran Walsh recently said that film producers ‘had people in the UK taking location photographs’.

There is now a career page for The Hobbit on this site where I will be collating all the news, links, pictures, etc as they arrive.

Articles in the British newspapers: The Guardian, The Mirror, Daily Express, The Telegraph, The Independent

Coventry Telegraph – with a couple of pictures of Richard as Guy of Gisborne

CBS News – reporting that shooting will start in February

2. Strike Back in Canada tonight: as reported below on 1st October, Strike Back episodes 1 and 2 will air on the Showcase channel today at 5pm then repeated again tonight at 10pm and Saturday at 2pm. Thanks to Marie for the email reminder.

21st October

1. There’s a picture of Lucas and a brief synopsis of Spooks episode 6 in What’s on TV magazine this week. Read it on the Spooks Reviews page – spoilers! Thanks to Jen for the scan.

2. The BBC Press office have released the synospis for the last episode of series 9 of Spooks. Huge spoiler warning on this one! If you don’t mind reading spoilers, then it’s here on the press office site.

3. There’s a new poll on the left-hand side asking whether you are reading the Spooks spoilers that are on the BBC press site (see #2 above) and in magazines. Thanks for voting. Here are the results of the previous poll.

20th October

1. The latest pictures promoting episode 6 of Spooks are now in the Spooks Promo gallery.

2. There’s an interview with Richard in this week’s Woman’s Weekly magazine, conducted whilst he was filming Spooks a few months ago. Similar answers that we’ve read before with just a couple of new bits of information. I’ve put a scan on the Interviews page. Thanks to JJ for the email.

19th October

1. Screencaps for Spooks 9 episode 5 are now in the gallery and a download of all the screencaps can be obtained from the Spooks downloads page.

2. Reviews for Spooks 9 episode 5 as follows (all include episode spoilers). The episode is repeated on Sunday 24th October at 11.25pm on BBC1.

  • Den of Geek – ‘For all its tense situation, race against time and fast-paced action, this episode was essentially a filler’
  • Vicky Frost in the Guardian – ‘it’s a Spooks twist I totally didn’t see coming, and one that makes next week’s episode look pretty exciting’
  • Metro – ‘it retains all the gloss and thrill that makes it so watchable’
  • Independent – ‘it is done with terrific verve, and…there is at least a kernel of realism in the storylines’
  • Pauseliveaction – ‘The episode benefited hugely from not having too much of the Lucas/John stuff in it’
  • Daemon’s TV – ‘Overall, a good episode, if a little confusing yet predictable. The highlight of the entire thing had to be the end’
  • Unpopcult – ‘A rather sombre, earnest episode this week’

3. There are two scans from today’s Radio Times magazine which features Spooks as its Pick of the Day for Monday 25 October. Read them on the Spooks Reviews page. Spoiler warning.

4. Read a preview of Spooks episode 6, light on spoilers, at Ian Wylie’s Life of Wylie blog. Three new pictures of Lucas too!

5. More people watched Spooks than Whitechapel last night, according to Digital Spy.

18th October

The Mirror has a review of Spooks episode 5, which is on BBC1 at 9pm tonight. There are spoilers in the article though. For a fairly spoiler-free review, read Ian Wylie’s Life of Wylie blog.

17th October

Richard on BBC1 today: Lost Land of the Tiger episode 2, which Richard narrated, at 5.10pm and Spooks series 9 episode 4 at 11.25pm.

16th October

Richard is interviewed in the Leicester Mercury newspaper today, which concentrates mostly on Spooks. Agenoria has kindly provided a scan of the interview. Read it on the Interviews page.

14th October

1. The BBC Press office has posted a synopsis for episode 7 of Spooks. Spoiler warning!

2. All news for September 2010 has been archived here.

12th October

1. Screencaps for Spooks 9 episode 4 are now in the gallery. All Spooks screencap downloads are on the Spooks downloads page.

2. Reviews for Spooks 9 episode 4 as follows (all include episode spoilers). The episode is repeated on Sunday 17th October at 11.25pm on BBC1.

  • Pauseliveaction – ‘This was just the kind of Spooks epsiode I like’
  • Vicky Frost in the Guardian – ‘I suspect this instalment will get a rather better reception’
  • Daily Express – ‘it’s impossible to watch Spooks without hoping that at least one of them is going to cop it’
  • Daemon’s TV – ‘Lucas North, how little we know thee.’
  • Unpopcult – ‘this eventually turned into a thrilling and, at times, unexpectedly hilarious episode of Spooks’

3. The ratings for last night’s Spooks are interesting. Whitechapel on ITV1 starring ex-spook Rupert Penry-Jones started with more viewers at 9pm but then lost out to BBC1 after 9.30pm, according to Mediatel.

4. New poll on the left asking if you will go and see Captain America next year. Thanks for voting. In the previous poll, The Lords of the North was voted as your favourite audiobook read by Richard – results here.

5. What’s on TV magazine has a couple of scans about Spooks episode 5, with one quote from a fan that ‘Richard Armitage is very dishy’. Is he? I hadn’t noticed ;) Thanks to Jen for the scans.

6. Ian Wylie has written another ‘mild spoilers only’ preview of the next episode of Spooks. Read it on his Life of Wylie blog.

11th October

1. There is now a Captain America career page on this site, which has a summary of all the news relating to Richard’s involvement in this movie.

2. Spooks episode 4 is on at 9pm tonight BBC1. The BBC have posted this picture on their TV page to advertise the programme:


10th October

Richard is now listed as Heinz Kruger on the Captain America IMDB page.

8th October

1. Interesting interview in the Financial Times with Richard about money. Also on the Interviews page.

2. Interview from Marie Claire about Richard’s favourite telly. Man has impeccable taste – Blackadder is my favourite too Wink Thanks to Man Wah and Margaret. Also on the Interviews page.

3. Another scan from Best. Interview with Laila Rouass with mentions of Richard. Thanks to Jen for this one. There’s a big SPOILER on this. Apologies I didn’t put that before.

7th October

1. The BBC Press Office has released the programme info for Spooks Episode 6. SPOILER ALERT as usual.

2. ABC TV in Australia have a Preview of Spooks here. Thanks to Jenny for the info

3. Woman’s Own have an interview and some pics with Richard about Spooks. It’s running off my photobucket account whilst Ali is off jaunting but will be uploaded upon her return. Thanks to ladyjuliana for the scan. Ali is back – it’s on the Spooks Reviews page.

6th October

1. You can now order the unabridged audiobook of The Lords of the North by Bernard Cornwell here on the AudioGo website, rather than telephoning their customer service number. This audiobook is currently leading our poll for favourite audiobook read by Richard and is therefore highly recommended. Cost is £22.99 plus postage & packing. Thanks to Kaprekar for the email.

2. Miss Marple: Ordeal by Innocence will be shown on October 24th at 10.25pm on CTV Czech TV. Programme listing here and further details with a picture of cardigan-wearing Richard here. Thanks to Jonia for the email.

3. The Sun is reporting today that Spooks will be shown in Russia starting with series 7, the series that introduced Lucas North of course. There is also a quote from Richard in the article. We do not know yet when it will be broadcast.

4. There’s an interesting article in The Independent today about Spooks’ death rate, and yet ‘the pace of these episodes is audacious, relentless, unhinged. You don’t have time to grieve’.

5. Added two new promo pictures of Lucas in the Spooks Promo gallery. If you cannot see the ones numbered promo05 & promo06 then press F5 to refresh your screen.

6. The documentary Lost Land of the Tiger which Richard recently narrated, is repeated on BBC1 for the next three Sundays starting this Sunday 10th October at 5.05pm.

5th October

1. Screencaps for Spooks 9 episode 3 are now in the gallery.

2. Reviews for Spooks 9 episode 3 shown last night at 9pm on BBC1. The episode is repeated on Sunday 10th October at 11.25pm on BBC1.

  • Pauseliveaction – ‘It’s time Lucas changed his route home, as Vaughn seems to be able to pop up with alarming regularity’
  • Daemon’s TV – ‘a decent enough episode but nowhere near the greatness of episodes 1 and 2′
  • Den of Geek – ‘once again, gripping stuff’
  • Vicky Frost in the Guardian – ‘This week’s Spooks hits the perfect balance of action, suspense and Harry pursing his lips – no wonder David Cameron’s a fan’
  • Metro.co.uk – ‘Spooks insulted our intelligence’ Oh dear

3. Previews of Spooks episode 4 in What’s on TV magazine and the Radio Times on the Spooks Reviews page (spoilers).

4. Sound clip from episode 3 if anyone wants it for their phone Wink Closeyoureyes.mp3 (right click to save it or Ctrl-click on a Mac).

5. Preview of Spooks 9 episode 4 on Ian Wylie’s Life of Wylie blog. Mild spoilers. New picture of Lucas too:


6. IndieLondon.co.uk has just released an interview with Max Brown who plays Dimitri in Spooks. He discusses working on the show and Richard: ‘he’s so professional. His head is always in the game and he always knows what’s going on.’


4th October

1. Vicky Frost’s review of Spooks episode 3 is now on the Guardian online site.

2. Spooks episode 3 is on BBC1 tonight at 9pm. It’s been listed as a ‘TV highlight’ in The Guardian, The Telegraph, Metro.co.uk and in The Mirror.


3rd October

David Stephenson, TV Editor for the Sunday Express has just announced on Twitter that Spooks series 10 will be commissioned, confirmed by the head of drama at the BBC. View his tweet here. Excellent news!


1st October

1. Spooks series 8 in Australia: Good news for Spooks fans. The eighth series will start on Saturday 30th October at 8.30pm on ABC1. Thanks to Ann for the email.

2. Strike Back in Canada: Strike Back will be shown on the Showcase channel in Canada on Friday 22nd October at 10.00pm, according to a spokesperson for the channel. This page on the Showcase site suggests that it is on this evening, but thanks to an email from Susmita, the channel have indicated that this is not the case.

New picture of Richard, Orla Brady and Andrew Lincoln on the Showcase site:




30th September

The BBC Press office has posted a synopsis for episode 5 of Spooks, which will be broadcast on Monday 18 October at 9pm on BBC1. Spoiler warning!


29th September

There’s a new interview with Richard in Best magazine this week, in which he talks about Spooks and a mention of his fans who visited him on set recently – pictures of that event are on the Spooks career page (scroll down to 18 July). All print and online interviews with Richard are on the Interviews page. Thanks to June for notifying me about this interview.


28th September

1. Screencaps for Spooks 9 episode 2 are now in the gallery.

2. Good reviews for Spooks 9 episode 2 shown last night at 9pm on BBC1. The episode is repeated on Sunday 3rd October at 11.10pm on BBC1.

  • Daemon’s TV – ‘this episode was fast, tight and a thrill to watch’
  • Den of Geek – ‘Once again this was a tense, cracking episode that continues with the plots within plots we have come to expect’
  • Vicky Frost in the Guardian – ‘Life on the Grid gets complicated’
  • Metro.co.uk – Spooks remains as over-the-top, dramatic and exciting as ever’
  • Unpopcult – ‘punchy, entertaining, and largely compelling stuff’
  • Mirror.co.uk – preview of episode 2 before the show was broadcast

3. Sites that are reporting Richard’s involvement in the Captain America movie:

4. Preview of Spooks 9 episode 3 on Ian Wylie’s Life of Wylie blog. Mild spoilers.


27th September

1. Vicky Frost’s review of Spooks episode 2 is already on the Guardian’s website: ‘Life on the Grid gets complicated’. You’re not kidding. Spoiler alert.

2. The Coventry Telegraph is reporting today the very sad news of the passing of the founder of Pattison College, Betty Pattison. Richard attended this college from 1985 to 1989 and there are quotes from him in the article about how that period of his life influenced him.

3. Added two more links as requested to the French Richard Armitage forum and to a French period drama forum known as The Inn at Lambton to the weblinks page. Please visit that page to see other sites and forums dedicated to Richard.


26th September

1. Update: added a scan of the Spooks bit on the Spooks Reviews page. In today’s Mirror online there is an interview with Laila Rouass who plays Maya in Spooks. (Do not read if avoiding spoilers). At the end of the interview she talks about working with Richard in Spooks, and of their characters: “Their relationship is dynamic and explosive and it makes them both question certain things – he has to make some serious decisions.”

Spooks episode 1 is repeated on BBC1 tonight at 11.35pm.

2. In the Guardian online, there’s a review of Lost Land of the Tiger (no mention of the narration!) and a good review of Spooks “a cracking, well-paced, brilliantly written adventure”. Quite right too.

3. Just added a link as requested to the Spanish Richard Armitage forum on the weblinks page. Please visit that page to see other sites and forums dedicated to Richard.


25th September

1. The Daily Mail had a review about Spooks episode 1 on Friday with an amusing comment about Lucas’s smouldering, and the Daily Mail’s Weekend magazine today has a feature about Richard entitled Hero or Villain? Both of these articles are also on the Spooks Reviews page, with thanks to Jen for the scans.

2. Here’s another picture of Richard on the Manchester set taken on Tuesday 21 September by Hobbsy. Click to enlarge.


3. Here are links to other sites reporting on the Captain America filming in Manchester and next week, Liverpool:

  • Comicbookmovie.com – scroll to the comments to see a picture of Richard as Heinz Kruger
  • Hobbsy.com – pictures and video of Richard on the Manchester set taken on Tuesday 21st during rehearsals
  • Youtube clip – Richard appears to be the man in the white/grey suit running away and then jumping into a car
  • Daily Mail – article about Chris Evans and pictures from the film set (no pictures of Richard)

Captain America is due to be released in cinemas on 22nd July 2011.

4. All screencap downloads for Spooks series 7-9 are now located on the Spooks downloads page.


24th September

1. There’s a new promotional picture of Lucas, Dimitri and Beth from Spooks which was posted on the This Morning website. The larger version is in the Spooks Promo gallery – click ‘original image’ to see the full size.

2. Reports from filming in Manchester on the Captain America set, suggest that Richard Armitage is playing the part of Heinz Krüger. There is no official confirmation yet about Richard’s involvement in this film.

23rd September

1. Video clips from the set of Captain America, currently filming in Manchester, are surfacing. In this clip on youtube, we suspect that Richard might be the person running in the white suit. Lots more clips on the comicbookmovie.comsite.

2. The BBC Press office has posted a synopsis for episode 4 of Spooks, which will be broadcast on Monday 11 October at 9pm on BBC1. Spoiler warning!

3. Bccmee has done a marvellous photoshopping job on this original picture in TV & Satellite Week. Click on the thumbnail below to enlarge.


22nd September

1. Update: these pictures on Hobbsy.com prove that Richard is involved in the filming of Captain America, currently taking place in Manchester. Footage on this clip on youtube. More information about this video can be found on the originator’s blog: Hobbsy.com

Here’s a couple of snapshots (click to enlarge):

th_RACaptAm1 th_RACaptAm2

Thank you to Antonella for the email.

2. The second part of the Lost Land of the Tiger is on BBC1 and BBC HD tonight at 9pm. If you live in Scotland, you can watch the first episode of this documentary on Thursday at 9pm on BBC1 – thanks to Esther for this information.

21st September

1. Richard narrated Lost Land of the Tiger on BBC1 and BBC HD at 9pm this evening. Sorry there was no indication that he was providing the voiceover. BBC Programme Information. Episode 2 is at the same time tomorrow and episode 3 on Thursday at 9pm.

Click this link to watch a clip, or right-click then Save (Ctrl-click on a Mac) to download

2. Spooks 9 episode 1 reviews. There have been some great reviews for episode 1 today:

  • Daemon’s TV – a very strong and enjoyable episode
  • Guardian – John Crace – still as compellingly watchable and implausible as ever. I say implausible, but then you never really know…
  • Guardian – Vicky Frost – By the end of last season, Spooks was looking a bit lacklustre. Now it seems to have raised its game.
  • Telegraph – Spooks remains as tight, gripping and exceptionally watchable as it was in series one
  • theartsdesk – Section D’s Heathcliffean operative, Lucas North
  • Metro – Spooks has got its hooks in again.
  • TV.com – series 9 will mix plenty of intrigue with the standard compelling drama aspects that Spooks is known for
  • Unpopcult – Lucas rocked it all the way through
  • Independent – the entire episode…required a sustained suspension of disbelief, but it was very slickly done, with a few smart nods to reality

3. Ian Wylie has previewed Spooks episode 2 on his blog Life of Wylie. No major spoilers but don’t read if you haven’t seen episode 1.

4. Episode 1 screencaps are now in the Spooks ep 1 gallery.

5. Spooks episode 1 attacted almost 5.6 million viewers last night. Read more in Digital Spy.

6. Voting for the National Television Awards has begun. Spooks is nominated for Drama, Richard is nominated for Drama Performance and Strike Back is nominated in the Digital Choice category. The awards will be presented on 26 January 2011 at the O2 arena. Voting closes Monday 11 October. Vote here.

7. The BBC Spooks page has updated and there are pages for each of the personnel on the Grid. This is Lucas’s page.

20th September

1. There’s an interview in the print and online editions of The Metro today with some new information from Richard that we haven’t heard before. The article is also on the Spooks Reviews page.

Scan added with thanks to JJ.

2. Digital Spy has a short article entitled ‘Armitage not worried about typecasting’ but you may have read other versions of this interview in other articles. Also on the Spooks Reviews page.

3. Spooks is pick of the day in many newspapers today (short mentions with spoilers): Guardian, Metro, Telegraph (scroll down the page to Monday’s picks), The Sun (link disabled), The Express, The Mirror and The Daily Star.

4. Spooks 9 in the US in approx. April 2011 on PBS? According to this article on the Tellyspotting site.

5. I’ve updated the Interviews page so that all print and online interviews with Richard are in one place. Some of these will be duplicated on the Spooks Reviews page which lists ALL Spooks related articles and interviews.

6. Sophia Myles and Max Brown appeared on ITV1′s This Morning programme today. There were clips of Spooks and an amusing mention of Richard as a dancing banana! Bccmee has put this on youtube for me, or you can watch via the Spooks career page.

7. Following on from her witty articles about Spooks last year, Vicky Frost of the Guardian has written her first article about Spooks 9. I’d suggest not reading this until you’ve seen the episode as it takes you through exactly what happens: Spooks 9 ep1 review.

8. Screencaps for episode 1 will be on the site tomorrow morning.

19th September

1. Two interviews today in the Sunday papers:

Both articles and all other Spooks print and online articles are on the Spooks Reviews page.

2. On Friday a member of the C19 forum, Rivengal, met Richard outside the ITV1 studios. She has kindly given me permission to share the pictures on this site. Click to enlarge:

th_Rivengal1 th_Rivengal2

3. Screencaps of the three appearances on TV and Radio webcam are now in the Richard gallery:

To watch the original interviews, go to the Spooks career page.

4. A second clip from episode 1 of Spooks can be seen halfway through TV.com’s interview with Sophia Myles (at 5 mins 34 seconds) or you can watch/download on the Spooks career page. Thanks to Luna for the email.

5. Strike Back episodes 3 and 4 are being shown again on Sky1 and Sky1 HD tonight at 10pm.

18th September

1. Richard appeared on Clive Anderson’s Radio 4 programme today. Listen or download it from the Spooks career page.

2. Yesterday on The Wright Show on Channel 5 they showed a brief clip from episode 1 of Spooks. Watch a download on the Spooks career page. Many thanks to Vicki for the email about this.

3. TV.com has a new interview with Richard on their site (link now disabled). This is only for UK residents so Bccmee has uploaded it to youtube for the rest of you – thanks B!

4. Stuart Heritage has written a preview of episode 1 on the Guardian’s website today. Big spoilers though. There’s also an image of the article on the Spooks Reviews page.

5. Screencaps from the TV.com interview are now in the gallery.

6. Article scans from the Daily Mail Weekend magazine and Daily Express Saturday magazine are now on the Spooks Reviews page. Thanks to Jen for the scans.

7. The link to the synopsis for Spooks episode 3 on the BBC Press site does not seem to work for everyone, so there is an image of the synopsis here. Spoiler warning!

9. The Mail Online has just released a new interview and picture on their site. An image of the article is also on the Spooks Reviews page. Here’s a copy of the picture:


17th September

1. Richard was on BBC Breakfast this morning and on Lorraine Kelly’s show interviewed by Myleene Klass. He also watched a cookery demonstration. All clips are on the Spooks career page.

2. The BBC clip is also on the BBC news entertainment page.

3. Richard appeared on Greg James’ Radio 1 show today at 3pm. Webcam footage is now on the Spooks career page. The quality isn’t great, but it is a webcam. Just added a great picture of Richard and Greg to that page.

16th September

1. Richard will appear on Clive Anderson’s Radio 4 programme this Saturday between 6.15pm and 7.00pm UK time. Programme information.

2. There is an interview with Laila Rouass on Digital Spy in which she talks in some detail about Maya’s relationship with Lucas in Spooks – spoiler warning – and also the fact that she met Richard a few years ago in LA.

3. Richard will be on Lorraine Kelly’s show tomorrow between 8.30am – 9.25am on ITV1 tomorrow. Thanks to KK for the email. The show will be hosted by Myleene Klass.

4. Spooks articles from three more magazines have been added to the Spooks Reviews page: Inside Soap (thanks to Tonia for the scan), Soaplife and Woman (thank you to the Simply Sophia Myles site for these two articles). Spoiler warning again.

5. AOL TV has published an online interview with Richard. Plenty of Spooks spoilers in that one. Find it on the Spooks Reviews page dated 16 Sept 2010.

6. A synopsis for Spooks episode 3 has been posted on the BBC Press site. Plot spoilers!

15th September

1. Just added two scans from Closer magazine to the Spooks Reviews page which has a slightly more personal interview with Richard than most of the articles posted yesterday. This will also be posted on the Interviews page as it’s not just Spooks specific. The second scan has a caption in which Richard says “My next job involves diving in deep, dark water…” Strike Back 2 or something else??

2. Teena has created 3 fantastic wallpapers from the Sunday Times 12 Sept picture. Have a look at the Richard wallpapers page. Thanks T!

14th September

1. Spooks 8 DVD in Australia: the series 8 DVD is now available to pre-order from EzyDVD and the ABC shop to be released on 3rd November 2010. Thanks to Michele for the email.

2. Ian Wylie has written in his blog about Spooks and as usual he is careful not to give away spoilers. However those of you avoiding ALL Spooks news and pictures should perhaps resist until you’ve seen episode 1.

3. SPOILERS IN THE TV MAGAZINES. Previews and articles about Spooks 9 are in many of the television magazines today: Radio Times, TV Times, TV & Satellite Week, TV Choice, TV Easy and Total TV Guide. You can read them on the Spooks Reviews page. Just added What’s on TV magazine scans – again there are spoilers.

4. Richard has been interviewed about Spooks on the Digital Spy site. Spoiler warning.

5. Richard will appear on Greg James’s Radio 1 show on Friday 1pm – 4pm. You will be able to listen live from the Radio 1 website.

6. More news…but this time about Robin Hood. The complete DVD set will be available to buy from Amazon.com from September 17 at a cost of $70.49 (also available via the BBC America shop but more expensive). The region 2 DVD is already available via marketplace sellers on Amazon UK.

13th September

1. The Spooks series 9 advert was shown on BBC1 this evening. To view or download, go to the Spooks 9 career page.

2. Play.com and Amazon UK are advertising the Spooks 9 DVD already, to be released on 28th February 2011 (3 discs!). However, the series 8 DVD was originally scheduled for release early this year until the release was put back several months so we will have to wait and see. The series 8 DVD is now scheduled for release next Monday and pre-order information is on the RA on DVD page.

3. Richard is narrating the second part of Surgery School on ITV1 tonight at 10.35pm.

4. Words and Music ‘Symphony of a City’ is available to listen to via BBC iPlayer for the next seven days on this Radio 3 page. Alternatively, you can listen to or download just Richard’s readings on the Words and Music page. Thanks to Bccmee for the clip.

12th September

1. There is a full page interview with Richard in today’s Sunday Times magazine. It’s a feature called ‘A Life in the Day’ in which Richard describes his typical daily routine both on filming days and non-filming: discussing food, running to the gym, not having a cleaner and trying not to lose top secret scripts! You can read a scan of the article on the Interviews page. (The Sunday Times online is only available if you are a subscriber, so I cannot provide a link to the online article.)

Many thanks to Orpheus of the C19 forum for this picture which accompanied the online article:


2. Sky1 and Sky1 HD are repeating Strike Back tonight at 10pm. They are showing episodes 1 and 2 tonight and then the remaining episodes on the next two Sundays at 10pm.

3. Richard will be on Radio 3 at 10.45pm tonight – further information on the Words and Music page.

4. Added a new wallpaper to the Lucas wallpapers page which uses today’s pic of the day, courtesy of Bccmee.

11th September

1. Four new pictures of Lucas North have been passed to me which are in extra large size and are high quality. One of them is from episode 2 but I don’t think it needs a spoiler warning. You can view them in the Spooks Promotional Pics gallery. Click on an image to view it and then click ‘original image’ in the bottom right corner to see the extra large size. Enjoy!

2. The Radio 3 site now has a more detailed description of its Words and Music programme which will air tomorrow evening at 10.45pm. Scroll down the page for details of exactly what Richard will read. There is also a large photograph of Richard, the one used on his United Agent’s page (larger version here). UK and overseas listeners will be able to listen to this programme via BBC iPlayer on this Radio 3 page.

10th September

1. Vulpes Libris have an excellent review on their website today of Richard Armitage’s reading of The Lords of the North by Bernard Cornwell. In July 2009, Vulpes Libris ran an interview with Richard which you can read here. Details of how to order the audiobook are on the RA on DVD page.

2. Percy Courtenay will be on BBC4 again tomorrow evening. BBC4 are showing Miss Marie Lloyd at 11.15pm Saturday evening.

9th September

Spoiler alert: a synopsis of Spooks episode 2 has appeared on the BBC Press site, which will be shown on Monday 27 September, 9pm, BBC1.

8th September

1. The BBC press office has now confirmed the date and time for episode 1 of Spooks series 9. It’s Monday 20 September, 9pm – 10pm on BBC1.

2. A new Lucas wallpaper has been added to the Lucas wallpapers page, with thanks to Bccmee.

7th September

1. Two clips from last night’s Surgery School can be viewed or downloaded from the Surgery School career page.

2. Previews for next week’s TV magazines (thanks Jen for the scans):

Total TV Guide What’s on TV
TotalTVGuide_11-17Sept WOTV_11-17Sept

6th September

1. Robin Hood series 2 is being shown on BBC Entertainment throughout Europe and Asia on Saturday evenings. The home page has a large picture of the cast (but no Guy). You can check what time Robin Hood is broadcast this Saturday by clicking on ‘TV Schedule’, choose your country and select the date.

2. Thank you to Maryp who has given me copies of her six BAFTA red carpet pictures. One is blurry but some may still like to see it. View them at the end of the BAFTA candid gallery here.

3. Richard is narrating Surgery School tonight on ITV1 at 10.35pm, and also the next two episodes to be shown on Monday 13th and Monday 20th September at the same time. I’ll put a couple of clips on the site tomorrow.

5th September

A picture of Richard taken during Spooks filming has turned up on Digital Spy. Also in the picture are DS’s journalist Catriona and Richard’s co-star Laila Rouass.

Click to enlarge:


4th September

1. The latest Santander advert is now on the 2010 Adverts page. Richard has provided a new voiceover to advertise their Loyalty Tracker Bond, but the visuals are the same as a previous advert.

2. The first George Gently episode co-starring Richard is on the Alibi channel in the UK this evening at 9pm.

3rd September

1. Following the news yesterday about a new three-part series called Surgery School, ITV have informed me that Richard will be providing the voiceover for all three episodes. The first episode will be shown at 10.35pm on Monday 6th September on ITV1.

2. Richard will be reading poetry and prose on Radio 3 on Sunday 12th September from 10.45pm to 11.45pm as part of a Words and Music programme, evoking the atmosphere of the city. UK and overseas listeners will be able to listen to this programme via BBC iPlayer on this Radio 3 page. Many thanks to Annette of RAOnline for this info.

3. Just captured a new Sky Sports advert. This time Richard has provided the voiceover to an advert promoting football coverage on Sky’s HD channels and also ESPN. You can view or download on the 2010 Adverts page.

2nd September

1. The BBC Press Office has revealed that episode one of Spooks series 9 will be broadcast week beginning 18 September. No exact date and time has been given. There is an interview with Richard (with some spoilers) about what we can expect from Lucas in this series, plus episode one information (spoilers again). Here are all the links:



2. New picture of Lucas and Beth (Sophia Myles) from an episode of Spooks series 9, courtesy of Mia from Simply Sophia Myles. View it and the other new promo picture on the Spooks career page.

3. Two pictures we haven’t seen before from Spooks series 7 episode 5 and episode 8 have been discovered on the Dutch TV site Vara. These are large, high resolution images and I’ve added them to the Spooks Promo gallery. Click on ‘original image’ to view the full enormous size! Thanks to Violet for the email. Spooks 7 will appear on Dutch television soon – dates to be confirmed.

4. Richard has provided the voiceover for a new series on ITV1 called Surgery School, the first episode of which will be broadcast on Monday 6th September at 10.35pm. The Radio Times only lists his name in episode 2, although it seems likely that he will narrate all 3 episodes of this series. Thanks to the German RA board for this info.

1st September

1. Thank you to Heathra for her latest excellent wallpaper of Richard. There are three different sizes to fit your desktop which you can download from the Richard wallpapers page.

2. Two new signatures added to the site today courtesy of Jessie. A Guy of Gisborne signature and a new John Porter signature (#5). Thanks J.

3. Thanks for telling us where you are from. We had nearly 1000 replies and the results are here. Our new poll is now up – please vote on the left-hand side. You may not have listened to them all, but please choose your favourite to give us a general idea of which of these are the most popular. Cheers.

26th August

Richard Armitage Central have an interesting interview with Naxos about their audio books on their site. Richard is a very busy man apparently. You can read it here.

22nd August

1. Sky1 and Sky1 HD are repeating Strike Back, starting Sunday 12 September. Episode 1 starts at 10pm (UK time) with episode 2 following straight after, according to the UK TV guide.

2. Thank you SO much for all 201 birthday messages! A link to the Birthday page has been sent to Richard’s agent.

21st August

1. A new Guy wallpaper has been added to the Gisborne wallpapers page courtesy of Lady Enigma.

2. Added a new downloads page showing an old clip from 2006. The NTAs 2006 page is here.

19th August

1. Following a query I’ve had about acquiring Richard’s reading of Bernard Cornwell’s Lords of the North, I’ve received some ordering information from one of the sales advisers at The Audiobook Collection.

The complete and unabridged version of the Lords of the North audiobook is available to order exclusively via The Audiobook Collection and is priced at £22.99 plus £3.50 postage & packing. It comprises 10 CDs (or 10 cassettes if you prefer). To order, phone their dedicated Customer Service telephone number 01225 443400, (overseas +44 1225 443400) or email [email protected]“>[email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

I was also told the following: “The Audiobook Collection is the mail order department within BBC Audiobooks, which has very recently (July 2010) been sold and so we are now known as – AudioGo Ltd. It’s really just a name change, we still provide the same service/titles etc… But it does mean that very soon, we will have a new AudioGo Ltd website where customers can search/order Lords of the North etc…”

All other DVDs and audiobooks are listed on the RA on DVD page.

2. Thanks to Alice for the amusing poem that I’ve posted on the Artwork page, in honour of Richard’s birthday in a few days.

3. Birthday messages can be left here until 7.00pm GMT Sunday evening.

4. It is looking more likely that Spooks could air in September this year (last year episode 1 aired on 4 November 2009). As reported on 12 August, Amazon and Play.com have brought the series 8 DVD release date forward to 20 September. Today, thanks to KK, we’ve discovered that the September print edition of the Virgin Media magazine lists Spooks series 9 as one of the programmes starting in September, but there’s no official airdate yet.

17th August

Added a Strike Back series 2 career page where all news relating to the new series will be posted.

16th August

1. Spooks in New Zealand: UKTV is currently showing series 7 which is due to finish on Tues 17 August at 9.30pm. Series 8 starts the following week on the 24th. The UKTV Guide has more details. Thanks to Missy for the email.

2. Following yesterday’s news about the Laila Rouass interview, I’ve recorded the clip about Spooks for those who cannot hear it via BBC iPlayer. The clip is on the Spooks 9 career page.

3. Just captured yet another Sky Sports HD advert! View or download on the 2010 Adverts page.

4. Just added a new North and South Promotional & Behind the Scenes gallery. Some of these images are courtesy of the Russian RA website.

15th August

1. Laila Rouass has been speaking on BBC Asian Network radio about her character’s relationship with Lucas North in Spooks. She doesn’t give much away but it’s still food for thought. You can listen to what she has to say on the Spooks career page, scroll down to 11 August. Thanks to the Spooks Info Central forum for the link.

2. Another Sky Sports HD advert with voiceover from Richard is available to view or download on the 2010 Adverts page.

14th August

The Guardian have a review of The Convenient Marriage audiobook read by Richard today. A good review but there is no specific mention of Richard’s reading of the abridged novel.

12th August

Amazon UK have brought the release date of the Spooks series 8 DVD forward to 20 September. If you order via Amazon UK by clicking via the link on RichardArmitageOnline then commission from your order will go to charity.

10th August

1. The RA on DVD page has been updated with the latest prices and releases. Note: The Spooks series 8 DVD was due to be released on 11 October, but Play.com have updated the release date to 20 September 2010.

2. Thanks to Jane for pointing out that we’d missed off some pictures of Guy at the end of Robin Hood series 3 episode 8. The gallery has now been updated. How could we forget Guy in the cage!

9th August

The first episode of George Gently, co-starring Richard as Ricky Deeming, will be shown in Sweden on Kanal nio tomorrow at 9pm CET. Thanks Sara for the email.

7th August

1. There is a wonderful review of The Convenient Marriage audiobook on the Austenprose site. Well worth a read and no major spoilers.

2. Thank you for voting in the favourite character poll. John Thornton is the winner, Guy second and Lucas third – no major surprise perhaps? For a full breakdown of votes, click here. The latest poll was requested by a visitor who was interested in the nationalities visiting this site. Working out the regional divisions wasn’t easy, so I have used this map on Wikipedia, which you can refer to if your region is not obvious. Many thanks for voting.

6th August

Strike Back wallpapers added to the site today with thanks to Rossella and Mary, see the last three entries on the John Porter wallpapers page. Mary has also created a Robin Hood collage which you can see on the Guy wallpapers page.

5th August

Ricky Deeming is on UK television tonight – the Alibi channel is showing the first episode of George Gently at 8pm.

2nd August

Second series of Strike Back confirmed: The Guardian is reporting that Sky has commissioned a new 10 part series of Strike Back! Read more on The Guardian’s site.

Digital Spy are also reporting the news, and they state that the series is expected to air late in 2011.

1st August

1. If you would like to leave a birthday message on this site for Richard, you can do so on our new Birthday 2010 page. Thank you.

2. Thanks to Lady Enigma for a new Guy wallpaper which has been added to the Gisborne wallpapers page.

3. You can now download Richard’s reading of The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer from Naxos Audiobooks at a cost of £11.00.



28th July

1. It seems Richard has recorded quite a few of those Sky Sports HD radio adverts. There are now four on the 2010 Adverts page to listen to.

2. We still haven’t had official confirmation of a second series of Strike Back, but the Mirror is reporting on possible locations for series 2 according to ‘an insider’ : Mirror site.

27th July

1. I’ve put up some more John Porter artwork with kind permission from Teena today. Lots and lots of John Porter icons and 2 new John Porter signatures with matching icons. If you’d like to use any of these in forums, please help yourself but give credit to Teena. Thanks.

2. Richard has recorded a couple of new adverts for Sky Sports HD which are playing on many different local radio stations around the UK. I’ve captured one of them so far – link on the 2010 Adverts page.

3. More John Porter artwork thanks to Rossella. Three wallpapers just added to the John Porter wallpapers page.

26th July

1. Spooks 7 in Sweden: series 7 is starting on 12th August at CET 9.00pm showing both episodes 1 and 2 back to back. The Kanal9 site has more information. Thanks Sara for the email.

2. Thanks to Jessie for creating an excellent wallpaper from the Strike Back viral clip (see news 21 July). You can see it on the John Porter wallpapers page.

3. Four more John Porter wallpapers have been added courtesy of Teena. See them on the John Porter wallpapers page. Thanks T.

25th July

1. The documentary Too Poor For Posh School which Richard narrates, will be shown in New Zealand on TV1 in New Zealand at 9.25pm. Details about the programme are on the TVNZ site. Thanks Kiri for the email.

2. A reminder to Australians that Cold Feet series 5, which featured Richard as lifeguard Lee, will start at 9.30pm on ABC2. You can also watch the episode on ABC iView.

23rd July

Lady_t_220 has created some fantastic artwork from the Strike Back viral (see news 21 July). A white pencil drawing on black paper which you can see on the Artwork page (click to enlarge it) and 15 icons which are on the John Porter icons page.

22nd July

1. I couldn’t resist taking some screencaps of the Strike Back viral that appeared yesterday. View them here in the gallery.

2. The last part of Homes from Hell, which Richard narrates, is on ITV1 and ITV1hd tonight at 9pm.

21st July

A previously unseen clip of Richard has appeared on Vimeo, the video site, to promote Strike Back. It looks similar to the Sky advert promoting their HD box, which is the 3rd clip on the Strike Back downloads page. If you are a member of Vimeo (which is free to join) you can download a copy of the video, scroll down the page for a download link.

20th July

1. Marguerita has kindly shared a photograph that she took on Sunday while meeting Richard at Wandsworth Town Hall (see yesterday’s news). Click on the thumbnail to enlarge. Many thanks M!


This picture was taken during a break in filming later in the afternoon. They were filming a flashback scene to 1995.

2. Richard has provided the voiceover for another Sky Sports HD advert featuring Eric Cantona. You can watch or download from the 2010 Adverts page.

19th July

1. Spooks filming yesterday: Richard was filming Spooks at Wandsworth Town Hall yesterday and met some fans who had patiently waited for a sighting. More than one crew member confirmed that Spooks series 10 has been commissioned and will start filming in February 2011.

RA’s next project: rumours are abound that Richard’s next project will be on the forthcoming Captain America film which is due to start filming in South Wales in September and will be released next summer. The information came from a crew member at yesterday’s Spooks shoot. WalesOnline confirms filming location.

Many thanks to Marguerita of the C19 forum for allowing me to post the above information.

2. Cold Feet in Australia: thanks to Sue for the email to confirm that Cold Feet series 5, in which Richard appeared, is now showing on Sundays at 9pm on ABC2.

3. Some new lovely icons have been put on the site, with thanks to Enough4, as follows:

16th July

There is very little news at the moment as it seems that Richard is just finishing off filming Spooks and there is no confirmation of what’s coming next…so while we wait, I’ve changed the poll to see which RA character is your favourite. The last time this question was asked we hadn’t encountered John Porter, so previously John Thornton and Guy of Gisborne came joint first with 42% of the votes each. Let’s see if John Porter has any impact on the results. Thanks for voting!

14th July

1. Thanks to Ann for sending us a scan of the latest review of Robin Hood in Australia’s Herald Sun. Episode 12 of series 3 will be shown this Saturday on ABC2.

2. A new Guy wallpaper has been added to the Gisborne wallpapers page thanks to Lady Enigma.

12th July

1. The Sun Online (link now disabled) have a photo gallery of Richard which includes some pictures from the past that you may not have seen before. Scroll down the page and click on the picture of Richard.

#1 John Porter; #2 BAFTA 2007; #3&4 Spooks series 7; #5 attending Carrie’s War press night June 2009; #6 as Philip Durrant in Miss Marple 2007; #7 from a 2005 photoshoot; #8 as Alec Track from The Golden Hour 2005; #9 John Thornton; #10 Lucas North Spooks series 7

2. Added Miss Marple and Vicar of Dibley promotional pictures to the gallery.

3. A clip from Homes from Hell episode 2, which Richard narrated, can be viewed or downloaded from the Homes from Hell career page.

11th July

Three wallpapers of Gisborne added today and two of Lucas North, with many thanks to Rossella.

9th July

Some more artwork put on the site today, with thanks to Jessie, Kiteflier and Bee:

8th July

1. The poll has changed again today as the last poll was pretty conclusive. 71% of you would rather Lucas does not leave Spooks and that there is a series 10. Please vote on the left in our new poll.

2. Richard is narrating the 2nd part of Homes from Hell tonight on ITV1 and ITV1 HD at 9pm.

3. There is now a Spooks series 9 career page on this site where all the latest news, press articles and pics from the set will be displayed.

6th July

For those living in the US, The Convenient Marriage audiobook is $10 cheaper at Barnes and Noble than if you buy through Amazon.com. Thanks Bandia53 for the email.

5th July

Updated the RA on DVD page with latest prices and availability for DVDs and Audiobooks. New info as follows:

  • The Convenient Marriage audiobook can be pre-ordered from Amazon UK, Amazon US and The Book Depository. It’s released on 2nd August, at which time you will also be able to download a digital copy from Naxos Audiobooks. The audiobook will also include the full interview with Richard. Sample chapters and excerpt from the interview are on The Convenient Marriage career page.
  • A Complete series 1-3 Robin Hood DVD has been released by Amazon UK (via marketplace sellers) and will be available on Amazon US on 14 September 2010.
  • Read the text at the top of the RA on DVD page for information about earning commission for charity.

4th July

Robin Hood in Russia: Series 3 of Robin Hood will be shown on the Russian channel “Culture” (“tvkultura”) starting tomorrow (5 July) at 10.30am, showing episodes 1 and 2. Here’s a translation of the Robin Hood page into English for those who can’t read Russian ;) Thanks to Nadia for the email, who says that TV3 will stop showing Robin Hood 3 after episode 8 – TV3′s showing of Robin Hood was mentioned in the news on 10 June.

3rd July

1. Richard has provided the voiceover to an advert promoting the five Sky Sports HD channels. Listen or download it on the 2010 Adverts page.

2. Richard has not revealed whether this autumn’s series of Spooks will be his last, although he has said that “Lucas isn’t who you think he is”, Sunday Mirror 30 May 2010. But do you think this should be Richard’s last series of Spooks? Vote in our poll on the left-hand side of the home page. Thank you!

2nd July

1. The opening clip of last night’s Homes from Hell, which Richard narrated, can be viewed or downloaded from the Homes from Hell career page.

2. Naxos have created a page for the audiobook of Georgette Heyer’s The Convenient Marriage which includes a longer extract from chapter one, the same extract from Richard’s interview that was sent to us on 22 June and also an analysis of Heyer’s novels. As a special treat, they have contacted me today with the complete audio for chapters one and two, which you can listen to on The Convenient Marriage career page – go to the section titled “Special Excerpt”. Thank you Naxos!

3. You can now pre-order The Convenient Marriage audiobook from Amazon.com for US$28.98 or Amazon.ca for CDN$21.99. It will be released between 1st and 3rd August.

1st July

1. Richard is narrating the first in the new series of Homes from Hell on ITV1 and ITV1 HD at 9pm this evening. I’ll put some clips on the career page tomorrow.

2. Spooks filming news on Twitter: “Spooks filming on Bermondsey St / Mon 12th Jul : There will be imitation firearms on display for filming + real police presence #dontpanic” View the tweet here


30th June

1. The creator of Spooks, David Wolstencroft, has written an article in the Guardian about the recent alleged Russian spy ring and writing espionage fiction. There’s a picture of Ros and Lucas too.

2. Another lovely Spooks signature from Jessie has been added to the Spooks signatures page.

29th June

You may remember voting for Richard, Spooks and/or Strike Back in the TV Choice Awards long list. Unfortunately neither he nor those 2 shows made it to the short list: TV Choice short list voting (link now disabled).

28th June

1. Strike Back in Australia: BBC Worldwide Australia, who own the distribution rights for Strike Back, have arranged the sale of Strike Back to ABC TV. Details here on Mumbrella.com. The series will be shown later this year.

2. Thanks to Jessie for some fantastic graphics which she has sent to us, as follows:

3. Richard has narrated a new series of Homes from Hell, according to the TVguide.co.uk site. This is a four part documentary series telling the stories of those who have had disastrous house buying/building experiences in the UK and abroad. The series will be in four parts, and the first will be shown on Thursday 1st July 9.00 – 10.00 on ITV1 and ITV1 HD and then repeated on Monday 5th July at 8pm on ITV2. According to the ITV Press Centre, the first episode will focus on dream homes in Dubai. The second episode will concentrate on Dream Developments, self-built homes in the UK. Details of the other episodes have not yet been released, but will be added to the Homes from Hell career page when we have more news.

4. While channel hopping this evening, I caught a new Santander advert on the GOLD channel with another voiceover from Richard. You can view or download it from the 2010 Adverts page.

5. Quotes from Richard in Digital Spy today – click for link but be warned about Spooks spoilers.

27th June

It’s one year ago today that we watched Sir Guy of Gisborne’s sad demise on British TV and the finale of Robin Hood, the TV series. Here’s our last screencap of this wonderful character to commemorate that fact and also because without Sir Guy, my online friends and I would not have met and neither perhaps would this site exist.

Any chance of a resurrection and a spin off series…please?


25th June

A few journalists interviewed Richard today to talk about Spooks at the PPRTV offices. David Stephenson, TV editor for the Sunday Express, announced this on twitter so there will be audio to listen to soon. Also TV.com posted this on twitter yesterday and many questions have already been submitted. TV.com have announced that the interview cannot be posted until September, however the lady that conducted the interview has posted a picture of Richard which is in this tweet and also here:


This is the Richard Armitage page on TV.com where the interview will appear..

23rd June

Screencaps from the Strike Back DVD Extras are now in the Strike Back gallery.

22nd June

1. A trailer for the Strike Back DVD has appeared on Amazon UK and Play.com and Bccmee has uploaded it to youtube and given us permission to link to it. Go to the Strike Back downloads page to view the video.

2. Strike Back in Canada: Strike Back will air on Friday 12th November at 10pm ET/PT on the Showcase channel. It will be broadcast at 11am and 5pm. It seems that 2 episodes will be shown back to back, just as it was broadcast in the UK, so Strike Back will be on for 3 weeks in total.

3. Thank you to Naxos Audiobooks for sending us a 4 minute extract from the beginning of The Convenient Marriage audiobook by Georgette Heyer and also part of their interview with Richard. You can listen or download on The Convenient Marriage career page.

21st June

1. There’s a new Strike Back Promotional Pics gallery which contains all the promotional pictures and wallpapers for Strike Back, credited to the Sky site. Thanks to Bccmee for finding the first 2 pictures on the revamped Left Back Productions site. The last picture is courtesy of Daniel Kennedy and was reported in the news on this site on 26th April here.

2. Thanks to Bee for finding this page which details when the remaining parts of North and South will air on BBC Entertainment in Germany. Scroll down to news on 9th June for information about when North and South is broadcast across Europe and Asia on the BBC Entertainment channel.

3. Just caught this alert from Helen James on Twitter, who has interviewed Richard today for the Spooks series 9 DVD extra features. There is more information on the Spooks page of her website.

17th June

1. Ann has sent us another scan of a review of Robin Hood series 3 episode 8 in The Age’s Green Guide, read it on the Robin Hood Reviews page. A positive review although they have Toby Stephens mixed up with another actor! Thanks Ann.

2. Several more galleries have been added to the ‘Richard’ gallery which includes appearances and interviews over the last few years.

3. New artwork on the site today thanks to Rossella who has created some signatures and icons for John Porter, Lucas North and Alec Track.

4. Behind the Scenes pictures have been added to the Strike Back gallery, sourced from the Sky mini-site. Click here for the gallery.

16th June

A favourable review of Robin Hood series 3 episode 8 in today’s Herald Sun newspaper which airs this Saturday in Australia on ABC2. You can read it on the Robin Hood Reviews page. Thanks to Ann for the scan.

15th June

1. UK viewers: Miss Marie Lloyd: Queen of the Music Hall in which Richard played Percy Courtenay is on BBC4 tonight at 10.25pm.

2. Our Sparkhouse gallery has been revamped. It’s now more extensive and seperated into each episode of the drama. Thanks to Jen for taking all the screencaps – much appreciated!

3. Thank you to June for our first BAFTA themed wallpaper. You can see it on the Richard Armitage wallpapers page. Also thanks to Rossella for 2 new Lucas wallpapers. See them at the end of the Lucas North wallpapers page.

4. The TV.com site has a lovely picture of Richard and Miranda Raison which is slightly different to the one I’ve seen before. I’ve added to the BAFTA 2010 screencap gallery.

14th June

Thanks to Laure for finding a short video of Richard talking to the press at the BAFTAs on the Getty site. I can’t lip read so I’ve no idea what he’s saying! The other videos on that site are from the Strike Back Premiere held on 15 April 2010.

13th June

1. 13 more pictures from the red carpet have been put up this morning donated kindly to our site. You can see them at the end of the 2010 Candid BAFTA gallery plus a video from youtube added to the 2010 BAFTA downloads page.

2. 2 high resolution pictures of Guy from Robin Hood series 2 episode 13 have been added to the Robin Hood Promotional Gallery courtesy of Jonia.

12th June

1. Six more press pictures of Richard on the red carpet have been added to the end of the BAFTA 2010 screencap gallery, thanks to Cesta.

2. Voting in the long list for the TV Choice awards has now closed. The shortlist will be announced on Tuesday 29 June when we will be able to vote again. I’ll put up the link when the voting opens.

3. If you live in the UK or Ireland you can try your luck in a competition to win one of two Blu-ray copies of Strike Back, details are on the site cheapbluraymovies.co.uk. The closing date is 26 June.

4. I’ve disabled the registration system on this site as it’s no longer necessary, hence the Log In form on the left-hand side has been removed. All material on this site is freely available to all.

5. Thanks for voting in the Strike Back character poll. Layla was the most popular character with 31% of the vote and Katie came second with 19%. Our new poll is asking whether you have ever written to Richard or sent him anything in the post. You can write to Richard at his agent’s address which you can find at the top of the FAQ page.

10th June

1. Ann has sent us two scans from Australia with reviews of series 3 episode 7 of Robin Hood which you can read on the Robin Hood Reviews page. The Age is a lot more complimentary than the Herald Sun as you will see. Thanks Ann.

2. Thanks to Nadia for the email about Robin Hood series 1 which is currently being shown in Russia on the TV3 channel. Each Friday, three episodes are shown.

3. Eight more pictures added to the 2010 Candid BAFTA gallery courtesy of Ady, many thanks to him for sharing with us.

9th June

The BBC Entertainment channel is showing North and South episode 1 today at 5.05pm in many countries across Europe and the Middle East. The rest of the series will be shown each Wednesday at 5pm in most countries. Thanks to Rosie for the email.

8th June

1. All BAFTA red carpet candid photos have been put into a new 2010 gallery. Many thanks to Tony, Siouxsie Sioux and JJ who generously gave their pictures, including Koolkat whose pictures I have just received. These ones are extra large and fantastic quality!

2. More pics in the 2010 Candid BAFTA gallery from Kiteflier. Thanks so much KF they are brilliant!

3. There’s now an edited version of the This Morning clip which shows mostly RA with Sharon Marshall, thanks to TEHI for editing the clip. View it on the 2010 BAFTAs page.

4. Miss Marie Lloyd: Queen of the Music Hall in which Richard played Percy Courtenay, is being repeated on BBC4 next Tuesday 15 June at 10.25pm. More details on the BBC4 site or our Marie Lloyd career page.

5. Richard has recorded an advertisement for Platinum jewellery which you can listen to/download on the 2010 Adverts page or on the Sounds page (press the ‘play’ button to listen). Thank you Camila for recording this for us.

6. A couple more pictures added to the 2010 Candid BAFTA gallery from Sadie – thank you!

7th June

1. Thanks to TEHI for editing my clip (I’m still learning how to do this!) – the extended third clip of the BAFTAs has been edited to remove the nomination clips so it’s just Richard in the video now. Thanks also to Siouxsie Sioux for allowing me to post her candid shot of Richard on the red carpet yesterday. You can find all of this on the 2010 BAFTAs page and more pics will be added later today.

2. More pictures added to the BAFTA 2010 gallery, including bow tie-less pictures. Thanks to cesta for the red carpet pictures.

3. Bccmee has created a lovely BAFTA signature & icon set. See it here.

4. JJ has written a BAFTA report telling us about her experience on the red carpet yesterday. It’s now in the main menu on the left or click here.

5. The ITV show This Morning had a report from the BAFTAs earlier today in which Richard appears several times. This is no longer available but there is a download and a couple of screencaps on the 2010 BAFTAs page. The download is taken from the website so the video quality is not the best.


6th June

1. You can download three clips of Richard at the BAFTAs on the 2010 BAFTAs page. Also many thanks to JJ for emailing me her pictures from the red carpet, apparently there are more to follow! I’m pleased to say that JJ  has agreed to write a BAFTA report for the site to tell us what happened when she met Richard earlier today. Watch this space.

2. There’s a picture of Richard on the red carpet on the BAFTA site. Picture #24. Click here.

3. Screencaps from the BAFTA awards shown on BBC1 this evening are in the gallery.

4. Unfortunately Spooks did not win in the category of Best Drama Series, that award went to the E4 show Misfits.

5. Photo of Richard on the WENN press site.


5th June

1. Hedgey has found her photoshop muse and created a gorgeous John Porter wallpaper – see it here.

2. IndieLondon has reviewed the entire series of Strike Back to coincide with the DVD release: ‘Armitage brought convincing muscular energy and wore the haunted look of a troubled but efficient killing machine in his portrayal of Porter…’. All reviews are on the Strike Back Reviews page.


4th June

1. David Stephenson, TV editor for the Sunday Express has published his full audio interview with Richard. Read More

2. It’s confirmed that Richard will attend the BAFTA TV awards on Sunday 6 June at the London Palladium and he will be presenting an award. An email from BAFTA has confirmed this, many thanks Patty for finding out.

3. A scan of the interview that appeared in last Sunday’s Mirror Celebs magazine has now been added to the Interviews page (sorry, better late than never…)


3rd June

The Robin Hood series 3 DVD boxset is released today in France and Studio Canal has released some new promotional pictures of the cast to coincide with this release. There is a picture of Gisborne with his sword that is new to us, and I will add it to the RH promo gallery when I return from holiday tomorrow (my internet access is somewhat limited). Many thanks to Céline for the email.


30th May

There’s a really good interview with Richard in the Mirror today, which sounds like it was conducted at the Strike Back premiere. You can read the online version and print version here.


29th May

1. David Stephenson, TV editor for the Sunday Express has released more audio from his interview with Richard a few weeks ago. You can listen and download  on the Strike Back downloads page (1st item).

2. The documentary Too Poor For Posh School, narrated by Richard will be repeated on More4 on Sunday 6th June at 10.10pm and again on 7th June at 3.05am. Many thanks Vicki for finding out for us.


28th May

1. A short piece with a nice picture in this week’s Woman’s Own magazine, scan courtesy of Ladyjuliana. When you see the title, it might be relevant to mention that Richard Arnold refers to RA as ‘Dickie’ on occasion.

2. The audiobook of Georgette Heyer’s Venetia read by Richard is now available to buy from iTunes at a cost of £5.95 or $9.95. All Richard’s DVDs and audiobooks are listed on the RA on DVD page.


27th May

1. A fantastic new John Porter wallpaper has been added here, thanks to Angelfish69. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge.

2. Episode 5 of Robin Hood series 3 will be shown this Saturday in Australia and Ann has sent us a positive review of the episode in the Green Guide. Read it on the Robin Hood Reviews page. Thanks Ann.

3. Thanks for voting in the last poll. 68.1% of you thought it was either excellent or very good, 9.1% didn’t like it, 2.1% thought it was OK and 20.6% hadn’t seen it. There’s a new poll on the left asking who your favourite SB character was , not including John Porter obviously!


26th May

1. The WATCH channel in the UK is to start showing series 7 of Spooks from Tuesday 22 June. You’ll have to stay up late or record it however, as they will be showing most episodes at midnight.

2. Many different icons have been added to the site today courtesy of Teena and Grendel. Thanks ladies. Please credit the designer if you use any of these icons. The icons menu is here.


25th May

The first episode of George Gently co-starring Richard will be shown in British Columbia, Canada on Sunday 30 May at 9pm on the Knowledge Network. More details and a video clip here. Thank you Audrey for the email.


24th May

A glowing review of the whole series of Strike Back on the Monsters and Critics site. Read it here. And Dan Owen gives the latest storyline 3.5/5 stars, you can read his review on Dan’s Media Digest.


23rd May

There’s a very positive review of Strike Back in Richard’s local paper The Coventry Telegraph. You can read the online article here.


21st May

1. The full set of regular sized screencaps for episodes 5 and 6 of Strike Back are now available to download from the Strike Back downloads page.

2. Episode 5 and 6 pictures have appeared on Sky’s Strike Back page. These stills are sometimes different from the images we can capture from the episodes so they are worth a look, for example #2 in the episode 6 stills.


20th May

1. “it’s been pretty entertaining, and, for pity’s sake, Richard Armitage was magnificent” so says Unpopcult in their review of Strike Back episodes 5 and 6. Well, we can’t argue with that!

2. There’s a brief mention of Richard as Guy and a picture in a review about the new Robin Hood film on the FlickFilosopher site. Thanks Lynn for the email.

3. Episode 5 and 6 screencaps plus HD images are now in the Strike Back gallery.

4. Another review added to the Strike Back Reviews page from the indielondon site.


19th May

1. US Spooks/MI-5 viewers: Spooks/MI-5 season 7 is currently being shown at 9pm on Thursdays on the KERA Dallas PBS station. Episode 3 will be shown tomorrow. To view the TV schedule for your local PBS station visit this site: http://www.pbs.org/. Thanks to Lynn for the explanation of the PBS network!

2. Thanks to Bccmee for more John Porter signatures which have been added here. If you like us to display your artwork please send an email to[email protected]“>[email protected][email protected]“>[email protected]This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

3. If you’ve noticed anything different, you’ll see we have a fantastic new banner thanks to Hedgeypig as I felt that John Porter needed adding.

4. Thanks to GizTheGunslinger for 2 new drawings – Guy and the Sheriff and John Mulligan. You can see them here. She has also passed on the excellent news that all 3 series of Robin Hood will be shown in Russia on the TV3 channel starting Friday 21st May at 7pm.

5. You can now vote in the TV Choice awards long list. Strike Back and Spooks are listed in 2 different categories and Richard is up for Best Actor (Strike Back). The short list will be announced on Tuesday 29th June.  You can vote in the long list until Friday 11th June and you can only vote once. Thanks KK for the alert.


17th May

1. Thanks to Juicy Fruit who contacted Annette on RAOnline recently, we became aware of an advert Richard has been doing for a Bedford jewellers on Heart local radio. That’s my local radio station, so with luck I managd to capture it. You can download it on the 2010 Adverts page or you can listen now on the Sounds page. Press the play button to hear it.

2. The Sky Strike Back page now has pictures for each episode shown so far. Scroll down the main page to see the links.


16th May

A reveiw of episodes 3 & 4 in IndieLondon and 3 preview scans in the weekend newspapers for the last 2 episodes of Strike Back, all added to the Strike Back Reviews page. Thanks Jen for 2 of the scans.


15th May

1. An excellent review for Strike Back on the website seenit.co.uk. I’ve added it to the Strike Back Reviews page.

2. Robin Hood series 3 DVD can be ordered from ezydvd.co.au in Australia. Same release date for both – 1st July. Thanks to Michelle for the email.

3. The trailer for Strike Back episodes 5 and 6 can now be downloaded in HD or a smaller high quality version from the Strike Back downloads page.


14th May

1. Strike Back episode 3 and 4 screencaps are in the gallery plus high definition images. Thanks to Hedgey for doing episode 4 caps. You can download the full set of regular sized caps from the Strike Back downloads page.

2. Many thanks to Mulubinba for the scan from the Australian paper The Herald promoting Robin Hood series 3 with some quotes from Richard. The quotes were from the original BBC press release which you can read on the Interviews page or click here.

3. Dan Owen has reviewed Strike Back episodes 3 & 4 on his Media Digest, a pretty good review I think.

4. Some new signatures added today from Bccmee for Spooks, Strike Back, Vicar of Dibley and a Richard signature using the images from the Sky interactive magazine. Thanks B!

5. There’s a link on the Sky Strike Back page to the Strike Back forum where you can leave your comments about the show. I may be mistaken, but I don’t think that link was there before.


13th May

Two reviews of Strike Back episodes 3 & 4 so far: Unpopcult’s blog and a small article in the London newspaper The Metro. Some criticism but with positive comments too. Read them on the Strike Back Reviews page.


12th May

1. Press articles today as follows. Read all the articles on the Strike Back Reviews page.

  • The Mirror gives a preview of tonight’s episodes of Strike Back but there are some spoilers.
  • There is a fascinating interview with Chris Ryan in the Daily Record today, in which he says ‘I was chuffed when I saw the cast. I thought Richard Armitage was very good. It was very well done, right across the board. I’m thrilled with it.’
  • The Daily Mail has chosen Strike Back as it’s Satellite Choice for today. Thanks to Jen for the scan.

2. Sky are currently advertising their HD box on the Sky1 HD channel, which shows a slow motion clip of John Porter dripping wet. Download it in HD (or smaller HQ version) on the Strike Back downloads page. Four screencaps from this advert can be seen in our Sky HD Ad gallery. Click on ‘original image’ when viewing one of the pictures to see the full size.


11th May

1. Sky is offering the chance to win one of twenty copies of Chris Ryan’s novel Strike Back signed by the author. (Competition now closed.)

2. The Radio Times have chosen Strike Back as one of ‘today’s choices’ for Weds 19 May. Read the article on the Strike Back Reviews page.


10th May

1. Spooks has been nominated in the Drama Series category for the 2010 BAFTA Television Awards which take place on Sunday 6th June.

2. Lots of new wallpapers have been added to the site in the last few days. Click on the character names under the Wallpaper menu on the left-hand side to see them. Thank you to Daisy, Bccmee, Teena, Rossella and IslaJane.


9th May

1. Three reviews added to the Strike Back Reviews page today, from The Independent, The Guardian and The Sunday Times. Surprisingly the normally acerbic AA Gill of the Times is the most complimentary of the three: ‘if this is a genre you like, then it’s pretty damn good’.

2. Two small previews appeared in The Mirror and Daily Mail magazines yesterday for the next episodes of Strike Back, and one today in the Sunday Mail. Read them on the Strike Back Reviews page. Many thanks to Jen for the scans.

3. New poll on the left to see how you have taken to Strike Back. Thanks for voting!


8th May

1. A brief but complimentary review in the Financial Times today in which Richard is described as ‘one of the best action men on television, with actorly reserves enough to bring to life private griefs as well as public derring-do’. Read the full article on the Strike Back Reviews page.

2. The last two episodes of The Vicar of Dibley co-starring Richard will be shown in Australia on the UKTV channel soon. Part 1 is on Monday 24th May at 8.30pm and part 2 is on the following Monday at the same time. Richard’s appearance in George Gently can be seen on the UKTV channel on Sunday 16th May at 8.30pm.

3. The Great Sperm Race narrated by Richard will be on UK television again on Tuesday 25th May 2.30am on Channel 4 and Channel 4 HD. A bit early in the morning perhaps, so set the recorders if you didn’t see it before.

4. The trailer for Strike Back episodes 3 & 4 can be downloaded now from the Strike Back downloads page.


7th May

1. There is an interview in the Daily Mail today with Richard (scan on our Interviews page) and there are four more reviews on the Strike Back Reviews page, one of which (the Guardian) lists the ratings for episodes 1 & 2 of Strike Back in which “Both episodes more than tripled Sky1′s average audience share in their slots over the past three months.”

2. A detailed interview in The Stage was published yesterday in which Richard discusses his preparation for the role of John Porter and gives more information about how he trained as an actor. Thank you Orpheus of C19 for the scan – read it on the Interviews page.

3. Finally…the HD caps are done. Strike Back screencaps in HD can be viewed in our Strike Back gallery as well as regular sized caps (of which there are considerably more). The regular sized caps can be downloaded from the Strike Back downloads page.

4. An amusing review of Robin Hood series 3 episode 2 in The Green Guide, before it is broadcast in Australia tomorrow night. Read it in Robin Hood Reviews.


6th May

1. Strike Back reviews are being added here as I find them, so far there are reviews from the Times, the Guardian, the Independent, the London Metro, the SundaySun blog, Pauseliveaction’s blog and Unpopcult’s blog. The Independent is a tad harsh but Metro are more generous. The Times review is very positive apart from one daft comment and Unpopcult’s blog is positively glowing!

However, for what it’s worth, I thought it was entertaining, exciting and I loved it! If you’d like to leave your own review, please put your comment in our guestbook. We’d love to know what you think.

2. Screencaps for episodes 1 and 2 of Strike Back will be on the site tomorrow, including High Definition images. Apologies for the delay as I had hope to upload today but real life events took over.

3. The Robin Hood series 3 DVD is available to pre-order from the Australian ABC online shop. It’s released on 1st July 2010. Thanks Michele for the email.


5th May

1. Pictures of Richard leaving the Radio 1 studio yesterday have surfaced on the Wenn photo library. Click on a picture to enlarge. Thanks to Luna for alerting me. We’ve now found copies with a less obtrusive watermark on the Contact Music site (thanks colinfever!)

2. Lots of press articles today, you can find them on the Strike Back Reviews page:

  • I’ve scanned in a copy of this week’s Radio Times which has an article about the quality of British TV drama. There is a lovely picture of Richard plus comments about the types of roles he likes to play. Read the full article on the Interviews page. Also there is a short but positive preview of episodes 3 and 4 of Strike Back in the Radio Times plus a new picture. Read them on the Strike Back Reviews page.
  • An interview with Andrew Lincoln in The Sun, a preview of Strike Back in the Express online and 2 scans from the Daily Mirror.
  • A tiny mention in the Daily Mail’s Satellite choice for today (scan on Strike Back Reviews page).
  • A review from onthebox.com
  • Small article in the Daily Express
  • Digital Spy have published an interview with Richard with some new information about Spooks. Read it here. AND he says he’d do a Gisborne spin off – quick someone write it! Laughing
  • Vicky Frost of The Guardian has published her interview with Richard, which you can read here.

3. Sky have released what appears to be the opening 6 minutes of Strike Back on their website! Click here and then on the large Strike Back picture in the centre.

4. The webcast of Richard’s interview with Richard Bacon from Radio 5 Live is now available as a single file (and a smaller combined file size) rather than two separate downloads. Download it from the Strike Back downloads page.

5. There’s a lovely picture of Richard and Scott Mills now on Radio 1.

6. Heathra has produced two brilliant photoshop manipulations to remove the text from the pictures that appeared in TV & Satellite Week magazine on 27 April (see the article here). We’ve put them on our Artwork page, scroll down to Heathra’s art. Thanks H!

7. Details of the extra features on the Strike Back DVD here on 2Entertain’s site plus confirmation that the DVD and Blu-ray DVD will be released on 7 June 2010. Thanks Vicki for the alert.


4th May

1. Richard was on Lorraine Kelly’s sofa on GMTV at 9.15am. A download of the interview is available on the Strike Back downloads page. You can see screencaps from this interview in the Richard/GMTV gallery.

2. Interview with Andrew Lincoln about Strike Back in the free London newspaper the Metro today, online version here.

3. Amusing but brief preview of Strike Back on Unpopcult’s blog today. Thanks Lynn for the email.

4. Richard appeared on the following radio stations today:

  • BBC5live with Richard Bacon at 2pm (live webcam footage has been captured plus audio)
  • TalkSport with Hawksbee & Jacobs at 3pm
  • Radio1 with Scott Mills at 4.30pm

He is also being interviewed by DigitalSpy, the Guardian and Sky News Radio. Thanks to Colin Watkins, Sky PR for letting us know on Twitter.

5. Just heard Richard on the radio advertising Sky’s coverage of the General Election. Download on the 2010 Adverts page.

6. All of the downloads from today’s broadcast interviews are now on the Strike Back downloads page. Wow that was a busy day – enjoy!

7. A very good preview of Strike Back on TV Guide’s blog. Thanks Lynn for the email.


2nd May

1. An audio interview with Richard about working on Strike Back by David Stephenson of the Sunday Express has been released on twitter. You can listen and download  on the Strike Back downloads page (1st item). Right-mouse click (Ctrl-click on a Mac) on the ‘Download’ button and Save Link as… to download your own copy of this audio. Thanks to Camila for the email.

2. Want to see Richard straightening his tie and looking rather Bond-esque? Sky magazine interactive have a moving cover clip of Richard and more inside.

Richard features predominantly in May’s issue of Sky magazine interactive. There is a moving image of him straightening his tie on the front cover, a 50 second clip of Richard explaining how to use the interactive guide – click in the centre of pages 2 and 3 where you can see the large Sky logo – and a double page feature on pages 4 and 5 where you can read parts of the interview with Richard and Orla Brady by clicking on the various headings.

I’ve saved the clips of Richard which you can download here:

Any problems with opening these downloads? You might want to use VLC mediaplayer, it’s free for Mac and PC: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/

On Sky’s accessibility site, there is a PDF version of the cover of Sky magazine’s May issue featuring Richard and Orla. You can listen to a reading of the full interview with Richard and Orla on this page of the accessibility site, and click on the track TK05 Chris Ryan’s Strike Back.

3. David Stephenson of the Sunday Express told the site via twitter that there is an interview with Richard in the newspaper today. Scan on the Strike Back Reviews page.

4. There’s an interesting interview with Orla Brady today in the California Chronicle (link now disabled) talking about Strike Back: “I thought Richard would play the sensitivity of that and wouldn’t just be some macho guy sliding around the place with a machine gun.”

5. Article in The Mail on Sunday’s Live magazine. Read it on the Strike Back Reviews page.

6. As reported on 30 April, Richard will appear on GMTV on Tuesday. He will be interviewed by Lorraine Kelly between 8.30 and 9.25am. Those in the UK – set those recorders now!

7. Article about Strike Back in the midlands-based newspaper The Sunday Mercury.


1st May

1. A gallery has been added to this site, containing several screencaps from the behind the scenes videos on the Sky Strike Back website. You can view them all here.

2. Another video has surfaced from the Strike Back premiere. Brief interviews with Richard, Andrew Lincoln, Orla Brady and Shelley Conn plus new clips not previously seen – spoiler warning! View the video on talktalk.co.uk or on the Strike Back downloads page – scroll down to 1st May 2010.

3. Thanks to Annette for discovering this interesting preview of Strike Back by Frost magazine.

4. There are links to all 5 behind the scenes videos on our Strike Back page, it’s not easy to find the John Porter video on the Sky site, but it’s still there.

5. Scans from two Saturday magazines are on the Strike Back Reviews page: the Daily Express S magazine (thanks to Jen) and the Sun TV magazine.

6. More John Porter icons added here thanks to Teena and Hedgey and two more signatures by Teena on the John Porter signatures page. Thanks ladies.

7. Promotion for Strike Back has even spread to a fitness website! MotleyHeath.com has an article talking about the regime he had to follow to get fit for Strike Back. Thanks Lynn for the email.

8. David Stephenson, TV editor for the Sunday Express has published the full audio interview with Richard Armitage that led to this print interview in the Sunday Times:

David has written an introduction on his blog with a link to the audio file of the interview underneath.

The audio is a compilation of the audio interviews mentioned in the news on 29th May and 2nd May however, there are a few extra bits now that the interview can be heard in full.

David has given me permission to convert the file into an mp3 format which may be easier to access than the original format. Right-mouse click here and choose ‘Save Link as’ to download it (Ctrl-click on a Mac).


30th April

1. The full interview with Richard in the printed edition of the Reader’s Digest is now available to view on the Interviews page.

2. GMTV have confirmed that Richard will be appearing on their sofas on Tuesday. I will be all set to record it! GMTV is ITV’s breakfast show and Richard has appeared on there a few times before: on 25 March 2009 (gallery of pictures and download here), during a Spooks on set visit on 4 Nov 2009 which can be downloaded here and 3 October 2007 when he was interviewed by GMTV’s Lorraine Kelly about Robin Hood series 2 (download here).

3. A new interview on the AOL TV site has just appeared, again Richard is promoting Strike Back on the set of Spooks. Apparently this site cannot be viewed by all, so I’ve taken screencaptures and uploaded to the Strike Back Reviews page.

4. Following on from her interview on 28 April, Heather Hughes has written a glowing reivew of Strike Back on TV.com’s site. Both articles are also listed on the Strike Back Reviews page.


29th April

1. Two reviews today, in the Shortlist newspaper and Time Out magazine, with thanks to Stef and Orpheus respectively for the scans. Read them on the Strike Back Reviews page.

2. Excellent interview by Emily Phillips of Screenrush.co.uk just out. Lots of questions and very interesting answers. Play next year possibly, and he still plays the cello! Read it here.

3. Richard appears on the front cover of the May edition of Reader’s Digest, with a long interview inside. There is an online edition here and more in the printed copy which I will post later. Scroll through to page 4 and the interview continues to page 7. Thanks to jh of the C19 forum for spotting it.

4. We are accumulating some artwork for Strike Back which you can see on the John Porter signatures page, JP icons and JP wallpapers. Thanks to all the ladies who have contributed so far. If you would like to contribute your own artwork to this site, please email Ali at[email protected]“>[email protected][email protected]“>[email protected]

5. There’s an article in FHM magazine which you can see in Strike Back Reviews from their June issue. The text is very similar to articles in the recent TV magazines, but there is an excellent full page picture of John Porter and a summary of some of Chris Ryan’s other novels.

6. Five BRAND NEW videos on the Sky Strike Back website, interviews with Richard and the cast, new clips from the shows: click here for John Porter page and five new videos main page is here.

7. Amazon have changed the release date on the Strike Back DVD back to 7th June – thanks Vicki for letting me know.


28th April

1. Hood series 3 starts in Australia on Saturday 1st May at 7.30pm on the ABC2 channel. Thanks to Ann for the scan of the Herald Sun showing a picture of Guy of Gisborne, which you can read on the Robin Hood Reviews page.

Also it appears that George Gently will be shown on Australian UKTV at 8.30pm on Sunday 16th May, however it is not yet confirmed if this is Richard’s episode.

2. Chris Ryan is interviewed in today’s Telegraph about his experiences in the SAS and its relevance to his novel Strike Back. Read it online here.

3. Colin Watkins, who is a publicist for Sky1 has told us via twitter that Richard will be doing some broadcast press next Tuesday. Richard on TV and/or radio next week then! You can follow us on twitter here: http://www.twitter.com/RAnetdotcom

4. New interview with Richard on TV.com’s website: 10 minutes with Strike Back‘s Richard Armitage which is linked to this article: Richard Armitage plans Prequel to The Tudors.

5. TV Choice have alerted us to their blog entitled ‘Speaking to Spooks’ which has just been posted. ‘Big surprises in store for his character Lucas North’ apparently and there are other interesting tidbits of information about other members of the cast including Sophia Myles and Max Brown. Read the article here.

27th April

1. Many of this week’s television magazines have articles about Strike Back and interviews with Richard. Read them on the Strike Back Reviews page.

2. There’s an interesting interview with Richard in The Times’ Body & Soul section today. Read it on the Interviews page.

3. Added the Daily Mail October 2009 tuxedo picture without cropping or text overlay – in the 2009 Promo gallery.

26th April

1. Daniel Kennedy posted a news item on his site about photographing Richard and Orla Brady for the cover of Sky magazine to promote the forthcoming Strike Back production, but the two actors were 5000 miles apart. In his blog he shows the individual photographs and the combined result, which you can also see below.

Skymag DanielKennedy-April2010

The May 2010 edition of Sky magazine has this photo on the cover and an article about Strike Back which you can read here.


25th April

1. A new Strike Back trailer aired on Sky1 this evening, incorporating new clips in amongst clips we have seen in other trailers.

You can download a copy of this trailer here:

Please credit RichardArmitageNet if these files are shared.

These downloads have also been added to our Strike Back page.

New screencaps from the trailer have been added to the end of the Strike Back trailer gallery.

Here’s a sample:

SB 62

SB 66

SB 68


2. Billboards of Richard as John Porter in Strike Back are popping up all over the country. I saw one in London today and Koolkat took a pic of one in another part of the country. She’s shared her pics with us which you can find at the end of the Strike Back page.

24th April

1. OK TV have released video interviews with all the cast from the Strike Back premiere which can be found on the Daily Express website. The music is a bit loud and distracting to say the least, but it’s great to get another new interview.

2. There’s a full page article in the Daily Express magazine today with an interview with Richard. See the Strike Back Reviews page. Thanks to LadyJ for the scan.

23rd April

There are now behind the scenes pictures on the Sky Strike Back site here and larger versions of the wallpapers here.

22nd April

1. In the latest copy of The Stage, Richard has expressed his interest in returning to the stage soon with a preference for doing comedy. One of the options he’s considering is Aphra Benn’s The Rover. Thank you to Annette of RAOnline for the printed version on our Interviews page or there is an online version here. Thanks to Orpheus of the C19 forum for discovering this for us.

2. Another advert for tonight’s Leaders’ Debate heard on Classic FM today. Download on the 2010 Adverts page.

21st April

Richard Armitage and Orla Brady are on the front cover of this month’s Sky magazine, and there is a 3 page article inside in which Richard and Orla answer questions about the characters they play in Strike Back. There is also a tiny picture of Richard as John Porter in the TV Planner section of the magazine. All scans are in Strike Back Reviews, click on the images to enlarge.

20th April

1. There’s a full page advert for Strike Back in this week’s Radio Times showing Richard, he looks quite different I think. See it here (click on the image to enlarge).

2. Thank you so much to those who attended the Strike Back screening last night and who are leaving comments on our site. Could I ask that you leave your comments on our guest book please so that all the reactions can be found in one place? For those who already left comments in the news pages, I will copy your comments to the guest book. Cheers!

3. I’ve just found this page on WireImage which has captions under pictures of all the cast. It gives an idea of what Richard was discussing during the Strike Back premiere last Thursday. Unfortunately this is a press site so we cannot view the video, but it might be a taster of what will appear in the press soon.

4. New interview with Richard today in the Mirror.co.uk and all the local news sites are now starting to print the same interview, e.g. here and here – article originates from The Press Association.

5. Another extra large picture of Guy added to our Promotional Pics gallery. Click here and then click ‘original image’ to fill the screen. Thank you Jonia for the picture.

6. Amazon UK and Amazon.com have updated their Georgette Heyer: Convenient Marriage audiobook page to show what the cover will look like. Does this mean it’s a bodice ripper? ;) It’s come down in price too.

7. ANOTHER new interview, in which Richard reveals that Lucas North will be much less physical in series 9 than he has been in the past. Click here for the Press Association.

8. Richard was heard today advertising the General Election Leaders’ Debates on local radio around the country – thank you to those who contacted me about it. I’ve made an mp3 download which is available on the 2010 Adverts page.

19th April

The Sky Strike Back page is taking shape with a lot more content: an interview with Richard and other cast members, production facts, wallpapers, cast biographies, details of the story and photos (with spoilers). All banners can be found on this  news page. Thanks to Lynn for alerting me.

The Strike Back page on Sky1′s website is now taking shape, with detailed pages as follows:

Richard on John Porter page: In Richard’s interview, he describes the character of John Porter as ‘a kind of killing machine who’s discovered quite a serious flaw whereby compassion kicks in and he allows his heart to rule his head’

He also discusses why he took the role, what was involved in the training, his competitive nature, and he reveals that he wasn’t allowed to do the cliff jump despite performing many of the other stunts as it was too dangerous – presumably this is the jump that we’ve seen in the trailers.

In the interview with Shelley Conn, we discover that Danni’s relationship with John Porter is fairly ambiguous. She says ‘I think it’ll be interesting for the audience because they’ll be seeing it more from Porter’s point of view than anybody else’s, so they won’t necessarily know how much is real.’

In Orla Brady’s interview she says that this is a story ‘of people and how they cope with and how they survive moments in life when things go very badly wrong. There’s also something very beautiful about the idea of a man who’s made a terrible mistake and then has the chance to set it right.’

And when discussing Richard she gives high praise indeed. ‘Very few actors could carry off this part, in that very few actors have the physique to be believable as a big SAS guy, yet have a deep sensitivity. He has both these things and that’s a very powerful combination.’

18th April

Short but very positive article in the Mirror online today about Strike Back, see Strike Back Reviews

17th April

1. There are now some very large pictures at the end of the Strike Back Premiere gallery, with thanks to Jonia for finding them. Click on ‘original image’, then you may need to click again so that the image fills the screen. Extra close ups!

2. Screencap gallery for Malice Aforethought has been added to the site.

3. Very short clip of Strike Back shown during the BBC entertainment news show E24 on the Strike Back downloads page.

16th April

1. The Strike Back Premiere took place in the Vue West End cinema in London’s Leicester Square last night. Yesterday’s news link. Unwatermarked pictures are now appearing on news sites all over the web so I’ve created a Strike Back premiere gallery and will add to this as more pictures surface. Enjoy!

2. I’ve found a 2 minute video taken at the Strike Back premiere last night, including an interview with Richard and a couple of previously unseen clips from the first episode of Strike Back: Strike Back Premiere video

The Independent are also showing the video which can also be enlarged, but it appears that this one is better quality: click here

Here’s a download of the video clip: 43Mb avi download and screencaps are in the Strike Back Premiere gallery.


3. Thanks to Cami for leaving a comment on the site about this article in GQ online magazine. I’ve added it to the Strike Back Reviews page.

4. RichardArmitageCentral found this clip on youtube today, it’s an interview with co-star of Strike Back Dhafer L’Abidine at last night’s premiere and there are clips of Richard at the start. Thanks ladies!

5. There is also an interview with Andrew Lincoln on youtube with a couple of nice mentions of Richard and a tiny view of him at 4mins 50seconds.

6. Links to all downloads and screencaps for Strike Back are on the Strike Back page.

15th April

1. Sky have released programme information for week beginning 8th May which reveals that they will show episodes 3 and 4 back to back at 9pm on Wednesday 12th May. It’s repeated on Thursdays starting at 9pm on Sky2, Fridays starting at 10pm on Sky1, then again on Saturdays starting at 9pm on Sky1. So if you have Sky – you won’t miss it!

2. More Strike Back pics found on the Sky website. Thanks to Maike for discovering the extra ones today. See them all here.

3. Sky1Insider on twitter posted the following at about 3pm on 15 April:

Sky1 is preparing for tonight’s premiere of Chris Ryan’s Strike Back. Richard Armitage, Andrew Lincoln, Orla Brady & many more attending.

This event is taking place at the Vue West End cinema which is in Leicester Square, London.

  • WireImage.com are now showing photographs from this event – here
  • Also at Life.com – here
  • GettyImages – here
  • Pic from AFP – here

Strike Back Premiere gallery added 16 April – open here

Samples from the gallery here:


14th April

1. New Strike Back trailer on the SkyMedia.com site here, some clips are familiar but there are lots of new clips too. Thanks Debs for the email.

2. Sorry that the latest news item about a photo in May’s Sky magazine has been taken down. It’ll be back up when the Sky magazine has been published.

3. There’s no content on the Sky1 website yet, but the banners are there and they’re looking good.

No news – just pics!

Update 15 April: 5 more pics found on the Sky site which have been added below.

Update 19 April: the first 4 banners below have been added to the Sky site today







13th April

1. Repeats of Strike Back: the first 2 episodes will be shown first on Weds 5 May starting 9pm and then repeated on Sky2 on Thursday 6th May from 9pm – 11pm, then again on Sky1 and Sky1 HD on Friday 7th May starting 10pm.

2. Strike Back article in the The Sun TV magazine. Although this article has appeared on many sites already, Annette from RAOnline has generously given me a copy of her scan to add to the Strike Back Reviews page. Thanks Annette.

3. The Alibi channel in the UK will be showing Richard’s episode of George Gently again on Monday 10th May at 8pm.

12th April

The Book Depository has copies of the Venetia audiobook read by Richard back in stock, according to an email sent to me this morning. Click here to order which will earn commission for charity.

9th April

1. All news items for March have been archived here: March 2010 news archive

2. Robin Hood in Australia: confirmation that series 3 will start on Saturday 1st May 7.30pm on ABC2 has appeared on the ABC website. Thanks Mulubinba for the email.

8th April

1. I’ve managed to make a high definition version of the long Strike Back trailer, with grateful thanks to Elvira of C19 for all her advice and assistance.

The HD version will play in VLC Player, DivX Player and Quicktime providing your PC or Mac has the correct software and codecs and is able to play high def vids. If not, there is a High Quality version which should work for you.

HD screencaps have been put in the Strike Back gallery. View the full HD size by clicking ‘original image’ and then click again to fill the screen!

Please credit this site if these files are shared, many thanks.


2. Air date for Strike Back! It will start Wednesday 5 May 9.00pm until 11.00pm on Sky1 and Sky1 HD so that’s the first two episodes back to back then. Thanks Luna for the email.

3. Amazon UK have changed the release date of the Strike Back DVD, putting it back one week to 14 June 2010 instead of 7 June according to Play.com (perhaps Play haven’t updated their site yet?).

7th April

1. New poll on the left asking if you’ve read Strike Back by Chris Ryan. Thanks for voting!

2. HD caps of the Strike Back trailer have been added to the Strike Back gallery. You can click on ‘original image’ to see the HD full size. Screencaps are for personal use but if you share them then I’d appreciate a credit back to RichardArmitageNet, many thanks.

Update: I’ve taken this gallery down as I’ve realised I can get even better quality pictures, which I’ll put up tomorrow. Sorry – got ahead of myself there!

6th April

1. Sky showed a shorter version of the Strike Back trailer yesterday, but there’s nothing new. However you can download it along with the longer version here.

2. Robin Hood showing in France and Belgium: The Canal+ Family channel will be showing series 3 at 8.45pm on Fridays and the first 2 episodes start this Friday, 9th April. The DVD boxset for series 3 will be released on June 3rd and can be ordered from Amazon France. In Belgium, the La Deux channel will show Robin Hood series 2 at 5.00pm starting Saturday, 17th April. Thanks to Céline for this information.

3. You can now play the longer version of the Strike Back trailer directly from this site on the Strike Back career page.

5th April

Added mpg download of the new trailer which should be better quality, especially for those who use Quicktime.


4th April

1. Sky1 showed a new trailer for Strike Back this evening and here are some downloads:


Sky showed a shorter version of this trailer earlier today (no new images or dialogue): mp4 download

If you cannot view these downloads, it would be advisable to get a copy of VLC Player (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/) which is free and cross-platform.

I’ve added pictures to the Strike Back screencap gallery from this trailer, here’s a sample:

SB 03  SB 16  SB 49

2. A moderator on the ABC TV (Australia) messageboard has stated that Robin Hood series 3 will begin on May 1st at 7.30pm on the ABC2 channel.

3. If you receive ITV4 in the UK, you may be interested to know that Richard makes his first appearance in Ultimate Force tonight at 9pm, in the second episode of series 2 called ‘Mad Dogs’. Our screencap gallery is here.

4. You can now listen again to Clarissa episode 4 here.


2nd April

1. The pic of the day archive for March 2010 has now been added to the menu on the left-hand side. You can view it and download all the individual pictures here.

2. Just been listening to Feedback on Radio 4, in which they were reading letters from listeners about Clarissa and there was a short interview with the director Marilyn Imrie. The programme is repeated again on Sunday at 8pm but you can listen again using BBC iPlayer here. It starts at 18mins 25s. Alternatively, a download of the Clarissa discussion can be found in the Clips section at the bottom of our Clarissa page.

31st March

There is a small article in The Sun today confirming that Spooks will be shown in the autumn and is currently filming in London. A new picture of Lucas too – see Spooks Press Reviews.


29th March

1. Yesterday in Radio 4′s Open Book programme, Mariella Frostrup interviewed Marilyn Imrie, the director of Clarissa and talked about the task of adapting the huge novel. You can listen again to BBC iPlayer here (12.5 minutes in) or download the interview here.

2. Many thanks to Grendel who has allowed us to display many of her icons on our Icons page. We’ve split up the pages into Richard’s different characters to make it easier to view them all and Emerald designed a nifty banner for us too.


28th March

1. Clarissa episode 3 is now available to listen to again on BBC iPlayer – Radio 4 link.

2. More pictures and larger images have been added to the Spooks Promotional Gallery click the button to view – and yes I’ve been fiddling about with the gallery today.


27th March

1. The Inspector Lynley episode ‘In Divine Proportion’ will be shown in Germany on the ZDF-Neo channel this Monday, 29 March at 9pm. More details on their site here.

2. A reminder, particularly for those not living in the UK who wish to listen to Clarissa on Radio 4 tomorrow, that the UK changes to British Summer Time tonight which means the clocks go forward one hour. Clarissa will be broadcast at 3pm British Summer Time, so non-UK residents will need to listen an hour earlier.

3. New poll on the left-hand side. We’d like to find out how you rate Clarissa. Thanks for voting!

4. There is a new cover for Chris Ryan’s novel Strike Back, featuring a certain someone: book cover. The Amazon link is here.


26th March

BAFTA will be showing the first two episodes of Strike Back at the Princess Anne Theatre in London at 6.15pm on Monday 19 April and you can buy tickets.

After the screening, there will be a Q&A with the Director Dan Percival and Executive Producers Elaine Pyke, Head of Drama at Sky, and Andy Harries of Left Bank Pictures.

Full details are here where you can also purchase tickets.

25th March

Richard’s voiceover page on the United Agents website has been updated with some new soundbites, specifically the ‘Harrow School documentary extract’ and the ‘Times commercial’ which I believe are new additions. Listen to them here.


22nd March

1. Sky have issued a press release for Strike Back, which confirms that the series will air during the week 1 – 7 May 2010 on Sky1 and Sky HD. There will be 6 x 1 hour episodes, although each pair of episodes tells a separate story.

There is also a detailed episode synopsis further down the press release, but be warned this contains many spoilers for the show.

Richard is quoted as saying: “It’s an ambitious project for television. We’ve made three feature films on a TV budget and schedule. But the advantage of that is that these three feature films are linked together so you get a really interesting character arc through all episodes. American television is being brave and doing that at the moment, and this is stepping into that area.”

2. Strike Back page updated with new information from the press release issued today.

3. The Frozen gallery has been re-capped today, with lots more images.

4. The Stage has reviewed Clarissa today, see link under Press Reviews on the Clarissa page.


21st March

1. Like to hear Richard/Lovelace singing again? Here you go:  mp3 download and it’s been added to the Sounds page so you can play it directly from this website.

2. You can now listen again to Clarissa episode 2 on the BBC Radio 4 Clarissa page.


19th March

1. The Daily Mail has confirmed that Sophia Myles and Max Brown have joined Richard in Spooks series 9 which is filming now. Scroll down to article with pic of Sophia: Daily Mail online.

2. New poll on left-hand side. Please tell us how you first came across Richard.

3. Apologies for making changes to our Strike Back gallery, as the promo clip has had to be removed from public display.

4. Ian Wylie has published an official production press release for Spooks on his blog. There are five new actors joining as series regulars. Read more on Ian’s blog ‘Life of Wylie’.


17th March

Richard Armitage will be on UK television tonight at 7.55pm in Miss Marple: Ordeal by Innocence on ITV3, playing Philip Durrant.


16th March

Another excellent review of Clarissa in an otherwise slightly depressing article about BBC radio drama cutbacks. See Press Reviews on the Clarissa page.


15th March

1. An excellent review of Clarissa episode one in today’s Guardian… ‘everything you could possibly want from Sunday afternoon radio drama’. This review and other articles on the Clarissa page.

2. BBC iplayer is currently showing a very nice picture of John Thornton at the dinner party, which stays put when you listen to episode one of Clarissa. iPlayer link

14th March

1. You can now listen again to Clarissa on BBC iplayer on the Classic Serial drama web page.

2. Clarissa episode one will be broadcast at 3pm GMT on Radio 4 today. Those living outside the UK can listen live. The Classic Serial webpage has more details and a ‘listen live’ button in the top right corner.

3. Thanks to Vicki for letting us know that Too Poor for Posh School? the documentary that Richard narrated, will be repeated on More4 in late spring – no exact date confirmed yet.

4. Teena has created a huge version of the Strike Back cover for all to enjoy, it’s on our Strike Back page towards the bottom. Click to enlarge! Thanks Teena.

5. There was a small scan in the Daily Mail weekend magazine out yesterday which you can read on the Clarissa page. Many thanks to Jen for the scan.

13th March

1. The Convenient Marriage audiobook is now available to pre-order from Amazon UK at a cost of £16.99. If you click through to Amazon after visiting RAOnline you will earn commission for charity.

2. Inspired by the volume of audio work Richard has provided lately, Alice has sent us a poem entitled ‘Voice?’ which is now in the Artwork section. Thank you Alice.

3. Strike Back DVD updates: Amazon UK have brought the price of the Strike Back DVD down a few pounds to £15.93 and also amended the release date by bringing it forward by one week to 7 June 2010. You can pre-order your copy now, further details are on our Richard on DVD page. There is also a Blu-ray edition available to pre-order. Amazon UK are offering this at £17.99. A nice birthday treat for me then!


12th March

1. Richard Armitage narrated the Channel 4 documentary Too Poor for Posh School? at 9pm on Thursday 11 March. You can view a clip on the Channel 4 site or on youtube. Those living in the UK and the Republic of Ireland can view the entire programme on 4oD on youtube or from 4oD on the Channel 4 site.  On the Channel 4 site you can read feedback from viewers and further information about the documentary.

2. Richard appears to have read another Georgette Heyer novel – The Convenient Marriage. Link to Amazon UK and link to Amazon US. Thanks to Olga for the email. There is a date of 2 Aug 2010 mentioned on the Amazon page, which appears to be the release date.

3. So far we have heard 3 clips from Episode One of Clarissa to be broadcast on Sunday 14 March. All 3 clips can be downloaded from our Clarissa page. Thank you to AnnetteG for kindly sharing clips 2 and 3.

4. The latest audio clips from the adverts and the Clarissa clips are now available on our Sounds page in case you would like to listen without needing to download.


11th March

Mike Ogden, the producer of the film Charlie, announced on the film forum last night that Richard is no longer involved in the project due to other commitments in his schedule.


10th March

1. A short clip of Clarissa was played this morning on Radio 4 just before the Today programme. Thank you to Nell on C19 for the heads-up. Here’s an mp3 download of the clip. Episode one will air on Sunday at 3pm, Radio 4.

2. According to Mike Ogden’s latest post on twitter, Richard is no longer playing the part of Charlie in the film of the same name. Clickie for tweet.


9th March

1. The Radio Times has made Clarissa one of ‘Today’s Choices’ for Sunday 14 March. You can read the article on our Clarissa page.

2. The Book Depository have informed me that the audiobook of Venetia has been released from the publisher and will be sent in the next few days. Apparently Amazon UK are saying a similar thing. So if you want to order Venetia now, you will not have long to wait.

3. Thank you to Librarygirl for finding new Spooks filming pictures taken a few days ago. The Foxhills Hotel Facebook page has posted pictures of Spooks filming in their grounds last week. Click here to view the pictures – you do not have to be a member of Facebook to see them. There are 10 photos in total and we can spot Richard in 2 of them.

Here are the 2 photos that show Richard:

8th March

1. The Robin Hood Promotional Gallery has been updated with all the latest pictures, many of which are now available in large format and are courtesy of Shootastic who have given us permission to display these in our gallery. When you click on a picture to view it, you will see an ‘original image’ button in the bottom right corner which you can click to see the image in its full size glory. Here’s some examples of the larger images: Guy from series 2 and Guy and Isabella. Click again if the magnifying glass is on your cursor to view in full size. If you have viewed this gallery recently and cannot see the larger images, press Ctrl+F5 (PC) or Apple key+F5 (Mac) to refresh the page. Enjoy!

2. Thank you to Maichi for three brilliant wallpapers which you can find in Richard Armitage wallpapers and Lucas North wallpapers. Newest wallpapers are at the end of the page.

3. New poll about 2010 projects on the left-hand side. Thanks for voting!


6th March

Amazon UK and Play.com have updated their Strike Back DVD pages to show the cover art for the DVD. Amazon link and Play.com link

4th March

1. The BBC Entertainment channel which can be received via satellite or cable across Europe is showing Robin Hood series 1 starting 15 March at 5pm (CET). More details on the BBC Entertainment website.

BBC Prime relaunched as BBC Entertainment on 11 November, 2009. This channel is also available in Asia although they are not showing Robin Hood at this time. However the Asia website has a Robin Hood series 1 page and a series 2 page that you may enjoy – there are a few short clips of Gisborne.

The Spooks page has a photograph of Lucas and Ros that is slightly different from one we’ve seen before on the ‘Spooks Facts’ page.

There is also a bit of a tough quiz about Spooks on the ‘Quiz’ page. You have to be a real fan of the show to get some of those questions correct.

(Ali got 15/20 and is amazed she got that many!)

Series 7 of Spooks is currently being shown on Sunday evenings on BBC Entertainment Asia.

2. Richard will narrate Forest Elephants: Rumbles in the Jungle tonight at 8pm on BBC2 and BBC HD. More info here.


3rd March

1. The picture of the day archive for February 2010 has been added to the menu on the left-hand side, or click here.

2. Moving On: Drowning Not Waving is repeated tonight at 7.15pm on the BBC HD channel.


2nd March

1. Richard has been interviewed by Naxos Audiobooks regarding his recording of Venetia by Georgette Heyer. The 11 minute audio clip consists of an interview followed by an excerpt from the audio book.


You can listen and download the mp3 audio interview on the Naxos Venetia page.

The interview reveals many interesting things including… (perhaps you would like to listen first before I reveal too much):

  • How long he has been working on audio books
  • Listening to radio plays as a child
  • Challenge of creating a world, characters, where the voices might come from
  • What he thinks of Georgette Heyer and her writing, the comedy in the writing
  • What he reads, how his reading is affected by his job and the authors he prefers to read
  • Strike Back – there is the possibility for another series
  • He still hopes to create the Richard III drama, and it’s picking up interest now.

2. There are lots more clips of the Forest Elephants programme to be broadcast this Thursday on the BBC2 Natural World site, however these can only be viewed by UK residents, sorry.

3. Richard has provided a voiceover for another Santander advert promoting ISAs on ITV. You can download it or just the audio from our 2010 Adverts page. I think his voice sounds a bit croaky!

4. There’s a new Clarissa career page where we will be posting all news and information about the production leading up to and during the broadcast dates.


28th February

The BBC2 programme Something for the Weekend showed a short clip of the Forest Elephants programme that Richard narrated, to be shown on 4th March. You can download this clip here.


27th February

1. Updated the Clarissa news page with further information. Read More

2. Thanks to Jonia at the C19 forum for finding some new and some seen before but better quality pictures from Robin Hood series 1 and series 2. They were found on this Czech TV website. Full size images of these and more can be seen in our Robin Hood Promotional Pics Gallery. You can download a copy of all of the images from the Czech site here: 2.4Mb Zip Download

3. Two lovely new Guy wallpapers added here. Many thanks Teena.


26th February

1. The DVD of Strike Back will be out 14 June 2010. You can pre-order it now.

The DVD of Strike Back is now available to pre-order from Play.com or from Amazon.co.uk. Note: although the price is cheaper through Play, if you order from Amazon UK via the RAOnline website then commission will be given to charity.

Update 8 March 2010:

Cover art for the DVD has now been published:

2. New poll on left-hand side to ask if you will be buying the Strike Back DVD. Thanks for voting.

3. Richard is to play Robert Lovelace in the Radio 4 dramatisation of Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa, serialised in four parts and starting on Sunday 14 March 3.00 – 4.00pm.

There is more information on the BBC Press Office webpage. This drama is part of Radio 4′s ‘Classic Serial’ programmes, defined as ‘Adaptations of works which have achieved classic status’. More information is here on the Classic Serial webpage. Further details for this adaptation of Clarissa will appear on this page nearer to its air date.

The Classic Serials are broadcast first from 3:00-4:00pm on Sunday, then repeated on 9:00-10:00pm the following Saturday.

Update 27th Feb: More information from the production company on their website here: Catherine Bailey Limited. This site also confirms that it will be retransmitted on Saturday evenings.

Radio broadcasts are available to listen to outside of the UK, unlike BBC television programmes. The BBC’s ‘Listen Live’ service will be available on the Classic Serial webpage during the broadcast of each episode of Clarissa, or you can listen again with BBC iplayer after each episode is broadcast.

Update 2nd March: There is now a Clarissa career page on our website, where full information about the programme is listed and a full download of the broadcast.

25th February

1. According to Richard’s UA page, he is now shooting Spooks 9. Yay!

2. Further to the news posted on 20th February about Richard’s involvement in The Natural World programme on 4th March, the BBC2 Natural World page has confirmed Richard will be narrating. Although they are calling him a ‘participant’ – not quite sure what they mean by that!

3. Richard on UK television: apart from Robin Hood series 2 at the weekends on WATCH, Richard can also be seen in Moving On and George Gently in March, as follows:

  • Moving On: 3rd March 7.15pm on BBC HD
  • George Gently: 5th March 11.45pm on Alibi and 6th March 9pm also on Alibi.

4. Two more brilliant Guy wallpapers by Teena have been added to the end of this page.


24th February

1. Angelfish has created a Richard-as-vampire wallpaper, which might be popular with those of you who chose ‘vampire’ in our last poll. Browse and download from this wallpaper page.

2. You can now download large scale versions of many of the Robin Hood promotional pictures here. Thank you to Shootastic for allowing us to share these.


23rd February

A new BBC Winter Olympics advert has been captured, advertising access to the BBC’s coverage on your mobile phone. Go to the 2010 Adverts page to download.


22nd February

Radio 4 played another clip to advertise the BBC’s coverage of the Winter Olympics today, with thanks to Annette for the alert. Download today’s clip from the 2010 Adverts page.

20th February

Richard will be providing the voiceover for The Natural World programme ‘Forest Elephants: Rumble in the Jungle’ shown on BBC2 and BBC HD. This programme will air on Thursday, March 4th, 2010 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm. The Locate TV website gives further details here.

Here’s a description of the programme:

Over the last 20 years, Andrea Turkalo has been studying the complex social lives and unique vocalisations of the Central Africa’s Forest Elephants, getting to know over 4,000 intimately. As new acoustic research sheds light on the many mysteries that still surround forest elephant society, will these endangered elephants finally speak out and tell Andrea what it is they need to survive?

There is more information about Andrea Turkalo’s elephant research on therevealed.wildlifedirect.org website.

Update 25 Feb: Programme details can be found on the BBC2 Natural World webpage and further clips are available to view, but unfortunately only for those who live in the UK.

17th February

1. New poll on the left-hand side for you to choose your favourite actress from the list of Richard’s co-stars. ‘Vampire’ was your chosen winner of the last poll with 20% of the vote – Poll results here.

2. Added 5 amazing pencil drawings by GizTheGunslinger to the Artwork page. Art listed in alphabetical order by artist. You may comment at the bottom of the Artwork page if you wish.

16th February

1. Strike Back and Spooks series 8 and 9 will be promoted at next week’s Showcase event held in Brighton. Will Richard attend as he did last year? 

The Television Business International (TBI) Vision website has announced that Strike Back and Spooks series 8 and 9 will be promoted at next week’s Showcase event held in Brighton. Last year Richard attended this event to promote Spooks.

A download clip of Richard last February can be found here and pictures in our gallery here, which include the pic below:


According to the Left Bank Productions website, the BBC have the international distribution rights for Strike Back, hence why this production will be promoted in Brighton at the BBC Showcase next week along with Spooks.

More details of this event at the BBC Showcase website.

BBC Worldwide Press Release about the event.

2. Another Olympics advert played on BBC radio this morning. Download it from the 2010 Adverts page. Thanks Annette for pointing this out.

15th February

1. News for January 2010 has been archived here.

2. Some excellent wallpapers have been given to us from Teena, click on the following links: 1 Guy of Gisborne, 3 Richard Armitage and 7 Lucas North wallpapers. Many thanks Teena.

14th February

You can now download a copy of the new advert for the BBC Winter Olympics website, which includes a voiceover from Richard. All downloads are here. Many thanks to Annette from RAOnline for providing this clip.

13th February

Richard has provided a voiceover for the Alfa Romeo Mito advertisement which has been put on youtube here.

An audio of the Alfa ad is now available here. Thanks Luna for the audio.

12th February

1. The Santander advert has been added to Richard’s United Agents Voiceover page. You can download an mp3 version from here without the pauses that are part of the television advert. Right-click  (Ctrl-click on a Mac) the down arrow and choose Save Link as.

2. Slightly different voiceover for the Olympics ad today, since the games start tomorrow. Download here if you’re so inclined.

11th February

Another radio broadcast, this one about ski jumping. You can download all the ads here.

9th February

1. We’ve captured two more radio broadcasts advertising different sports at the Winter Olympics, Skeleton Bob and Snowboarding which you can download here.

2. Tiny little snippet in What’s on TV magazine this week about Strike Back. You can read it here. Thanks Jen for the scan.

7th February

Added a new downloads page for the Santander advert and the BBC Winter Olympics advert that Richard has provided voiceovers for this year: 2010 Advertisements. This now includes the ad that appeared on BBC1 today.

6th February

Richard was heard on Radio Wales this morning advertising the BBC’s coverage of the Winter Olympics which starts next Saturday. Here’s a download of the advert: mp3 download. Many thanks to welshvalley for finding this snippet.

5th February

The website for the film Charlie has been updated: http://www.charliefilm.co.uk/

4th February
1. 20 signatures for various RA characters added to the site today courtesy of Daisy and Grendel, plus 6 Spooks wallpapers created by Grendel. Many thanks ladies.
2. Areyouscreening.com has given the Robin Hood season 3 DVD a favourable review and they are running a competition to win a copy of the DVD, although the competition is only open to U.S. residents. The winner will be chosen on 1st March 2010. Click here to enter.

3rd February

Spooks series 8 can be ordered from Play.com at a cost of £29.99 or pre-ordered from Amazon.co.uk although no price has been set by Amazon yet. The DVD will be released on 11 October 2010. Update 17 Feb: Amazon price is £29.98.

All prices have been updated today on our Richard on DVD page. Many prices have gone up, although there are still some bargains. The following DVDs are available for less than six pounds each from UK sellers: the Vicar of Dibley, North and South, all Robin Hood series 1 audiobooks, The Golden Hour, Frozen, Ultimate Force series 2, Cold Feet series 5, Sparkhouse, This Year’s Love, Shakespeare Retold.

2nd February

1. New poll on left-hand side for a bit of fun.

2. The pic of the day archive for January 2010 has been added to the menu on the left-hand side, or click here.

1st February

Heathra has allowed us to display her fantastic picture of Richard which is now in our Artwork section. Art is sorted alphabetically by artist. There is a space to comment at the bottom of the page if you wish to.


22nd January

Spooks series 8 has just started on BBC Canada, showing on Thursday evenings. Episode 1 has already aired, apologies for only just discovering this.


21st January

Digital Spy is reporting that the BBC has denied that Spooks is facing the axe. Click here for the full article. Maybe there will be a series 10 after all?

20th January
1. The Daily Mail is reporting that Spooks is going to be axed here. However the last sentence of the article appears to contradict the headline. Possibly they mean that series 9 will be the last. The BBC has not confirmed however.

2. If further confirmation was needed that Spooks 9 will be shown this year, this is it: Read More

3. News for December 2009 has been archived here.

14th January
1. Ian Wylie, freelance journalist who writes the Life of Wylie blog, has just announced on twitter that the BBC have commissioned series 9 of Spooks, but there are no more details at present.

2. Another lovely Spooks signature & avatar set added here thanks to Bccmee.

3. Some excellent John Standring artwork added today, courtesy of AmandaJane. Icons are here, wallpapers here and signatures here. Thanks AJ! Our John S artwork is looking a bit lonely, so if you have any Sparkhouse artwork you’d like to share please email Ali & Wendy at [email protected]

12th January
1. The Robin Hood season 3 DVD is released in the US today. Amazon US are selling it for $38.99 (click here). The boxset comes with 5 discs and several special features:

– A Legend Reborn (behind the scenes feature)
– A New Look (behind the scenes look at costuming)
– Trebuchet: Creating Chaos
– Character Profiles
– Video Diaries

2. According to the Grantham Journal, Richard has sent a letter of congratulations to Robert Miles Infant School, in Bingham, for its 100 year old birthday. The school has also received notes from other actors, authors, sports men & women and the Prime Minister.

11th January

Richard’s voice can be heard on the latest Santander advert which was broadcast on ITV and Channel 4 in the UK this evening. Here’s the advert on the Guardian online: click here or here on youtube. Thank you to djonia on C19 for finding this.

8th January

The Times is reporting that Spooks will be back on TV this autumn, even though the BBC Press Office still haven’t formally announced that another series has been commissioned. Here’s the article on Times Online. Thanks to Jennie for the info.

6th January
1. Richard attended the gala performance of Varekai by the Cirque du Soleil on Tuesday evening. Read More

2. Cold Feet series 1 is currently being shown on ABC2 in Australia on Sundays at 8.30pm, so hopefully they will run through to series 5 and the episodes that Richard appeared in. However, you can buy series 5 from the ABC shop for $34.95. Click here for the ABC shop. Thanks to Sandy for this info.

3. FHM magazine has a full page pic of RA as John Porter in Strike Back and a short article previewing the series. Click here and click on the pic to enlarge.

5th January

You may remember this news item when we voted for Richard and Spooks in the longlist for the National TV Awards. The shortlist has been announced but unfortunately neither Richard nor Spooks made the cut. You can vote here.

4th January
1. Picture of the Day archive for December 2009 is now available to view or download. See menu under ‘Pic of the Day Archive’ or click here.

2. Three new amazing Guy pictures have been added to our Artwork page courtesy of Rinter. Scroll down the page to view, artwork is in alphabetical order by artist’s name.

3rd January

Downloads of the five children’s stories read by Richard on CBeebies are now available here courtesy of Yorkshirewench.

2nd January

1. There are awards from Unpopcult for both Hermione Norris and Richard Armitage

2. New promo clip for Strike Back. Read More

1st January

Interview with Frances Tempest the costume designer of Robin Hood here.