Into the Storm

Screenplay by:

John Swetnam

Simon Beaufoy


Steven Quale


Todd Garner, Sean Robins and
Jeremy Stein

Running time:

89 minutes

Release dates

UK and US:

8 August 2014 (US)
20 August 2014 (UK)

Production Companies:

Broken Road Productions
New Line Cinema


    • Gary Fuller -
    • Allison Stone -
    • Jacob -
    • Trey -
    • Donnie -


      On 11th July 2012, Entertainment Weekly exclusively revealed that Richard Armitage had landed a major role in a tornado thriller, with the provisional title Category 6 (a title given by and other sites). Director Steven Quale, who was second unit director on Avatar and Titanic, directed the movie and it is being produced by New Line Cinema. Shooting began on July 23 in Michigan and finished on September 27, 2012 according to this report on the Oakland Press site.


      Synopsis from the publicist:

      "In the span of a single day, the town of Silverton is ravaged by an unprecedented onslaught of tornadoes. The entire town is at the mercy of the erratic and deadly cyclones, even as storm trackers predict the worst is yet to come. Most people seek shelter, while others run towards the vortex, testing how far a storm chaser will go for that once-in-a-lifetime shot.

      Told through the eyes and lenses of professional storm chasers, thrill-seeking amateurs, and courageous townspeople, “Black Sky” throws you directly into the eye of the storm to experience Mother Nature at her most extreme."


      Interview with Todd Garner, 1 September 2012

      Producer of Into the Storm (formerly Black Sky), Todd Garner, gave some fascinating insights into Richard's involvement in the tornado movie in an interview with RAFrenzy. According to Mr Garner, Richard has contributed much more than acting in the lead role:

      “He’s an amazing actor but also a terrific writer even though he wouldn’t say that. He has come up with great moments not only for himself and others but for the movie. In fact we just finished shooting a moment he came up with that might be in the trailer.”

      Read the whole interview on Frenz's blog.


      Fan encounters with Richard 17 Aug 2012 - 28 Aug 2012

      Four fans of Richard were lucky enough to catch up with him on set in Michigan filming Into the StormYou can read ItsJSforMe's account on her blog. Richard was happy to pose for pictures and he and a stunt coordinator on the movie revealed some information about the new tornado film. Scroll down her blog if you wish to leave a message.

      • He plays a school teacher
      • His character has two sons, one of which is played by Nathan Kress
      • His character has an American accent
      • The movie is set in Silverton, Oklahoma

      The other lady's report (RAlover) are on the AA forum and C19 forum. You will have to register to read the reports.

      Another fan encounter with Richard at Oakland University campus in Michigan took place on 21 August 2012. The full account with pictures is on AwkwardCeleb's tumblr site. It's a fun read.

      Another fan has met Richard on the set of Into the Storm in Michigan. Her full account with pictures is on the RichardArmitageCentral website.


      On Set Pictures

      RAlover has kindly shared her pictures with this site after meeting Richard on set at Oakland University campus. There are descriptions of the pictures taken by her and by ItsJSforMe in the new candids gallery on the site. Click on a picture to read the description at the bottom. Thanks to both ladies for sharing these pictures with RAnet.


      Offical Trailers




      Latest News

      29 March 2014

      Marlise from The Anglophile channel has posted her reaction to meeting Richard at CinemaCon in Las Vegas and includes some footage of Richard speaking on stage at the end of the video.



      28 March 2014

      Lots of entertainment sites have posted short articles about the new Into the Storm trailer and this one from Anne Thompson, who has a regular film feature on WNYC ( in New York, is no exception, but the large picture of Richard at the top warrants a mention! Here is a link to the article on Anne's Facebook page.



      27 March 2014

      1. A new picture showing the main cast from Into the Storm has been posted by Warner Bros France on twitter - click here. A collection of all the pictures posted by official sources is in the Into the Storm gallery.

      2. Here is the teaser trailer for Into the Storm - wow, that's exciting! Also on their official website.

      3. Many pictures have appeared of Richard at CinemaCon in Las Vegas today. He has joined the Warner Bros panel to promote Into the Storm and The Hobbit: There and Back Again.



      26 March 2014

      The teaser trailer for Into the Storm has appeared on YouTube. Blink and you'll miss him 😉 Todd Garner has tweeted that this is 'a teaser for the teaser' so there will be more tomorrow (see news 22nd March).



      24 March 2014

      In this article in USA Today, Sarah Wayne Callies talks about the spectacular special effects in Into the Storm and there is a picture of Sarah and Richard - click the picture to enlarge. The article gives some idea of what to expect in the trailer.



      4 March 2014

      The German TV magazine 'TV Movie' has a small article called 'Hollywood destroys the world' in which Into the Stormis mentioned, alongside films like Godzilla, Planet of the Apes, Transformers 4 and Pompeii. Thanks to Carmen for the scan below (click to enlarge) and this translation:

      Into the Storm
      Alarmingly close to reality: A mega-hurricane follows in the wake of the tornadoes that sweep across Silverton, Colorado. Between low-flying debris, a desperate father (Richard Armitage, "The Hobbit") is looking for his son. Film release : 21 August 2014



      9 Feb 2014

      Into the Storm release dates have been updated on IMDB. More countries have been added to the list and France's release date has been brought forward to 13th August.



      23 Nov 2013

      An orchestra record the film score for Into The Storm and Richard, playing Gary Morris, appears on the big screen at the back in this picture tweeted by producer Todd Garner on 20 November.



      10 Nov 2013

      The latest issue of the French magazine L'Ecran Fantastique has an article about Into the Storm with a picture of Richard (seen before - see the Into the Storm gallery).

      Click the thumbnail below. Thank you to Joane.

      English translation by me (apologies for any errors):


      A tornados found footage version.

      Produced by New Line and Warner, the thriller Black Sky from Steven Quale, a mockumentary of high-school pupils caught in a trap of a terrible hurricane has just had a title change, having been launched under the name Category 6 then Tornado, it is now (definitely?) called Into the Storm. It will be released on August 8, 2014 in the USA. Richard Armitage  portrays a widowed father trying to save his son following a series of tornadoes in the space of a single day, ravaging the city of Silverton. The entire city is at the mercy of the deadly cyclones, so that even stormhunters foretell that the worst is yet to come ... told through the eyes of the thrill seekers and courageous townspeople, the film is supposed to jump straight into the eye of the storm.



      4 Oct 2013

      Release dates for Into the Storm: according to IMDB, but as yet unconfirmed by Warner Bros., the UK release date for the tornado thriller is 22 August 2014 (coincidentally Richard's birthday). This is also the date listed on the Film Distributors' Association site so 22nd August sounds a likely date for the UK. The release date for Spain is 14th August 2014 as tweeted by @RentrakSpain, an Entertainment reporting site. Thanks to @ForoRArmitage for passing this on. The film will be released in the US on 8th August 2014.



      25 Sep 2013

      The Hollywood Reporter have confirmed the title for the found footage tornado film and the release date: Into the Storm will be released 8th August 2014 in the US. Worldwide release dates not yet known.



      22 Sep 2013

      According to Nathan Kress, another star of Black Sky/Into the Storm, filming wrapped on 19th September and they still haven't decided on the name.



      17 Sep 2013

      Todd Garner (producer Black Sky/Into the Storm) has posted several pictures via his twitter account in the last few days including three of Richard. I've added the new additions to the Black Sky Stills gallery - note they are not very clear but these are teaser shots! The cast and crew are currently filming additional footage for the film - see Nathan Kress' tweet here.

      Update: this new picture of Richard posted on Todd Garner's twitter feed is a much clearer shot of him on set. Also added to the Into the Storm Stills gallery.



      15 Sep 2013

      Rumours that the movie's name may be changed from Black Sky to Into The Storm have started after this interview with the screenwriter John Swetnam. Todd Garner (producer) states that no final decision has been made yet.



      14 Jul 2013

      Todd Garner (producer) tweeted recently that there was a screening of the film and now on IMDB someone has posted a no-spoilers review, which paints Black Skyin a favourable light:

      "It'd be an IMMENSE shame if this went straight-to-video or was shelved. People gotta see this on the big screen. If you like Twister, you'll love this one. Now, maybe because I'm a fan of Twister, I did feel this film lacked a certain charm that Twister had, but there are SO many things this film did BETTER."

      There is no confirmation if this review is genuine. There is still no news of a release date for this film.



      15 May 2013

      Todd Garner (producer) has posted a picture on twitter from the film, showing someone who looks a lot like Richard. The caption 'back on track' refers to the recent disruption to post-production as a result of FX company Rhythm and Hues' financial difficulties.



      09 Feb 2013

      Richard has been working on Black Sky again today, according to his co-star Nathan Kress who posted this on twitter.



      17 Jan 2013

      There is a clip of Nathan Kress on youtube, Richard's co-star in Black Sky, talking about working with Richard.



      15 Jan 2013

      The producer of Black Sky, Todd Garner, posted this picture on twitter today and this picture of the film's logo.

      He then posted another picture, this time showing Richard and Nathan Kress who plays Richard's son in the film. Here is his tweet or click the picture on the left to enlarge.



      09 Nov 2012

      Sarah Wayne Callies, Richard’s co-star in Black Sky, was recently interviewed by Collider about The Walking Dead and at the end of the interview there is a very brief mention of working with Richard. Warning – lots of spoilers about The Walking Dead.



      16 Oct 2012

      Richard's full character name in Black Sky is Gary Morris according to producer Todd Garner.



      21 Sep 2012

      An article in the Detroit Free Press states that filming of Black Sky is due to finish on Thursday 27th September. As yet, there is no information on what is lined up next for Richard apart from additional filming of The Hobbit next year. The online article is no longer available, click the picture to read:


      10 Sep 2012

      Here's a new picture of Richard on the set of Black Sky posted on twitter by producer Todd Garner.

      Click the picture to enlarge.

      Todd Garner has since revealed that Richard's character's name is Gary.


      05 Sep 2012

      Todd Garner, producer of Black Sky, has posted this picture showing Richard in the centre of the picture and Nathan Kress on the right-hand side. He has since confirmed it is Richard. Not quite the next official photo of Richard that we were hoping for, but it made me laugh at least.

      29 Aug 2012

      Another 'Black Sky' report from The Oakland Post, but this one has more detail about the location, the equipment used and quotes from the producer Todd Garner.


      23 Aug 2012

      Todd Garner, producer of Richard's latest movie Black Sky, has posted a picture on twitter of Richard in character.


      20 Aug 2012

      The untitled tornado movie, originally known as Category 6, has been given the title "Black Sky" according to the film's publicist as reported on Todd Garner, the producer of this film, tweeted this news from his twitter account earlier today.

      16 Aug 2012

      1. Todd Garner, producer of the untitled tornado movie that Richard is currently filming in Michigan, has posted this picture on twitter from the set. Richard is on the left.


      Location reports from Oakland Township website 8 Aug - 16 Aug 2012

      08 Aug 2012: this report includes pictures showing the equipment outside the school used to create the weather effects for the tornado thriller.


      10 Aug 2012: this report has some information about other filming locations soon to be used. 


      16 Aug 2012: another location report states that a parking lot on Oakland University campus has been transformed into a used car dealership.



      13 Jul 2012

      A very positive response to Richard’s casting in New Line’s tornado film on “It was also just announced that The Hobbit actor Richard Armitage will also be appearing in the movie — without makeup, of course — lending some credibility to what could be a throwaway project with too much shaky cam. Sure, it still could be, but we like Armitage (aka Thorin Oakenshield) and if there has to be another found footage movie, we’re glad he’s in it.”

      Simon Beaufoy, Oscar-winning screenwriter of Slumdog Millionaire and BAFTA-winning screenwriter of The Full Monty, will be rewriting the screenplay of the film, originally called Category 6.


      11 Jul 2012 have exclusively revealed that Richard Armitage has landed a major role in a tornado thriller, possibly known as Category 6 (according to and other sites). Director Steve Quale, who was second unit director on Avatar and Titanic, is directing the movie produced by New Line Cinema. Shooting begins on July 23 in Detroit.



      Useful Links

      Into the Storm on IMDB




      last updated 29 July 2014