HMS Ark Royal

Series Producer:

Kate Jackson

Channel: Discovery

Tue 22 February 2011, 10pm
for 8 weeks

Duration: 8 episodes, 1 hour each


Richard Armitage



This 8 part documentary on the Discovery channel followed all ranks of the crew on HMS Ark Royal as she sailed across the Atlantic on what became her last, poignant voyage, although the crew were unaware of this fact at the start of filming.

The Discovery channel were given access to all areas of the ship as she travelled first to Halifax to celebrate the Canadian Navy centenary - including a confidential Royal visit - continuing down to the Mayport, New York, timed to coincide with Fleet Week, the American celebration of the US Navy. Then they continued to North Carolina to drop off the Marines of 42 Commando for training with the US Marine Corp in advance of deployment to Afghanistan. Finally, the Ark Royal returned to the UK to prepare to leave service.

Click below for clips on youtube uploaded by the Discovery channel:


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Discovery Press Release

Discovery Channel Programme Information Blog - includes 2 videos from the series


Last updated 17 October 2011