29th December

1. Sky magazine has a little anecdote from the set of Strike Back involving deadly snakes. Read more here.

2. Viewing figures for episode eight of Spooks have been revealed by Digital Spy. A very good result!


28th December

1. We found this via bccmee who found it via jonia. Very quick Strike Back promo on youtube.We will endeavour to get some screencaps up of this soon but Hedgey’s laptop and all its whizzy software is currently only any use as a doorstop. We’ve also loaded the youtube vid on to the Strike Back career page.

2. Some technical jiggery pokery and much swearing later – Caps from the promo.

3. More Spooks episode 8 reviews added here.


24th December

1. Spooks episode 8 reviews are being added here.

2. Screencaps from Episode 8 of Spooks are now in the gallery

3. The zip file for these caps can be found here


23rd December

1.Two articles in the newspapers are listed in Spooks reviews, previewing Spooks episode eight which will be shown tonight on BBC1 at 9pm. Warning – spoilers.

2. Richard has sent a Christmas message to RAonline. You can read it here.


22nd December

The Vicar of Dibley ‘The Handsome Stranger’ episode will be shown on Dutch TV tonight at 23.35 hrs on the Ned2 channel. ‘The Vicar in White’, the last VoD episode, will be shown on the 29th December at 23.45. Thanks to Tessa for this info.


21st December

1. Two new scans previewing Spooks episode 8 have been added to Spooks Reviews. Thanks to Jen for the scans.

2. The biography has been updated.

3. An article has appeared on the Sky website advertising Strike Back, starring Richard Armitage as John Porter. You can read the full article here. Scroll down the page to read the full article under the heading ‘Chris Ryan’s Strike Back’.


20th December

1. Added a scan previewing episode 8 of Spooks from the Sunday Mirror to Spooks Reviews, courtesy of JJ.

2. Alice has sent us a Christmassy poem about Little Guy which is in our Artwork section. Thanks Alice.

3. The Interviews page has been updated today and archive interviews with Richard will be added as we find them. This list contains print and online interviews, all general articles and reviews are in Press Reviews.


19th December

1. Ben Richards and Richard McBrien, two writers for Spooks were interviewed on Radio 4′s Front Row last night and suggested that Spooks had been recommissioned for a 9th series. You can listen here (suspect it may not be available outside the UK). Thanks to Scoop on C19 for the tip off.

2. There have been a few comments about James Bond in our guestbook lately, so we thought we’d ask the rest of you what you think. The new poll is on the main page, left-hand side, thanks for your votes.


17th December

1. Spooks reviews for episode seven are here. I couldn’t resist that comment regarding Vicky Frost’s review, a tad unfair in my (Ali’s) opinion. And how do you back up an encrypted drive when you don’t know the encryption code asks Hedgey. Undecided

2. The Charlie page has updated following a chat given on the Charlie forum by Mike Ogden. Thanks to Mike and Bccmee on that forum.

3. Caps from Spooks episode 7 can be found here.

4. and a download of said caps can be found here. Didn’t forget this week.

5. Ian Wylie has given us a preview of Spooks episode eight, mild spoilers and a very amusing audio clip of Hermione talking about a particular day on set.


16th December

I was reminded that I hadn’t done this so here is the zip file of Episode 6 caps here. Enjoy Wink


13th December

1.Added two small scans from the latest What’s on TV magazine to Spooks Reviews, courtesy of Jen. These articles contain spoilers.

2. Some new digital artwork added thanks to Sammy. Click here and scroll down to ‘Art by Sammy’ to see her Guy and Allan art.

3. News from November has been archived here.

4. The prices on the Richard on DVD page have been updated, plus Venetia is now available from The Book Depository at a cheaper price than Amazon. Click on our Book Depository link next to the Venetia picture and if you make a purchase from that link, commission will be made for charity and collected by RAOnline.


11th December

1. There’s an article in the Mail Online today with quotes from Hermione Norris and Richard here.

2. BBC America will be showing the Vicar of Dibley Christmas episodes back to back, where Harry met and married Geraldine. These episodes will be shown twice  on Christmas Eve at 8am (ET) and 2pm (ET).

You can view the BBC America television schedule here.


10th December

1. Ian Wylie is teasing us again with a preview of episode seven of Spooks on his blog.

2. More Spooks episode six reviews are being added here as we find them.

3. Danielle has given us another lovely Harry Kennedy wallpaper which you can see here. Thanks Danielle.

4. Episode six caps are now up here. Be warned they are very spoilery toward the end.

5. New poll on the main page, left-hand side, tell us what you think of Spooks 8.

6. Added two new sound files of Lucas as the Russian oligarch – files are called Dogs and Wait.


9th December

1. Pam has sent us an amusing little article that appeared in the Evening Standard on Monday. We’ve added it to Spooks Reviews, or you can click here. Thanks Pam.

2. Danielle has given us a much needed Harry Kennedy wallpaper which you can find here. We are a bit thin on the ground for Harry wallpapers, please email [email protected] if you’d like us to display your artwork, whether Harry, Lucas, Guy, etc.


8th December

We’ve put up three calendars for 2010. One RA Character, one Lucas North and one Gizzy calendar (no longer available).


6th December

Added The Stage podcast interview with Richard Armitage and Robert Glenister to Spooks Publicity Downloads that took place on 27 February this year. Thanks to JJ for the reminder that it was missing Wink


5th December

Film Review have a synopsis and pics from Spooks Episode 7. Spoilers ahoy of course but some great Lucas action pics. Edit: the pics have now been moved to the episode 8 synopsis here

The new pictures are now in our Spooks Promo gallery.


3rd December

1. Two reviews of Spooks episode five added to Spooks Reviews and a preview of episode six from Ian Wylie.

2. Picture of the Day archive for November has been added here and can be downloaded.

3. Caps of Spooks Episode 5 are now up in the gallery.

4. Zippy dippy file of the Ep5 Lucasy tattooed goodness here.


1st December

1. AnnetteG over at RAonline has found this little snippet where Peter Firth confirmed to a blogger at Collectormania that Spooks series 9 had been recommissioned and was due to start filming in February. There’s no official confirmation though.

2. A critical review of Spooks so far, although praise is given to Richard: Mark Wright of The Stage


30th November

Moving On will be shown on the South African M-Net channel in December, starting with the episode that starred Richard Armitage, ‘Drowning Not Waving’, on Monday 7 December at 8.30pm.

There is a brief article here on the TVSA website followed by a more detailed ‘mini site’ here.


29th November

Spooks Episode 4 caps download in zip file. Apologies for lateness. My excuse is that – I forgot. Sorry.


28th November

Film Review Online has pictures from episode six of Spooks. There’s only one of Lucas North, which is now in our Spooks 8 Promo gallery. The text is taken from the BBC Press office and contains spoilers.

27th November

Ian Wylie has interviewed Hermione Norris about episode five which is due to be shown on BBC3 tonight at 9pm. There are some mild spoilers about the episode and a brief quote from Richard.


26th November

1. Ian Wylie’s preview of Episode 5 with some bizarre references to cake and spoilers.

2. Den of Geek review of Episode 4

3. Vicky Frost’s amusing take on Episode 4

4. We’ve gone a bit mad with the caps. There are 420 from Episode 4 of Spooks. I blame Alicat.

5. Two previews of episode five in TV choice and What’s on TV magazines in Spooks Reviews. Thanks Jen for the scans.


24th November

1. More pictures added to our screencap gallery:

2. Scan from this week’s Radio Times with a new pic of Ros and Lucas added to Spooks Reviews

3. Film Review online has more promo pics, which have been put into the Spooks 8 Promo gallery The text is taken from the recent BBC Press Release (spoilers).

4. Lots of new signature and avatar sets added today from Kiteflier and Bccmee, for Lucas, John Thornton, Guy and Richard. All signature sets can be viewed here Thanks ladies!


23rd November

Details of Spooks episode eight at the BBC Press Office

2. Previews of Spooks episode four (to be shown on Wednesday BBC1) from the Saturday magazines of the Daily Mail and Daily Express have been added to Spooks Reviews Thanks to Jen for these.


21st November

1. A short interview with Richard discussing Lucas’s relationship with Sarah in the Sun magazine has been added to here

2. Episode three caps can be downloaded in a zip file here


19th November

Three articles added to Spooks Reviews today:

– Another entertaining review by Vicky Frost of the Guardian (spoiler warning)

– An interesting blog entitled ‘Spying on Spooks’ with clips from fans who have caught moments of the crew filming Spooks in London

– Ian Wylie’s blog on episode 4: ‘this is Richard Armitage’s episode’. Shown first on BBC3 9pm tomorrow.


17th November

1. Radio Times has picked Spooks episode four as its TV choice for Weds 25 November. Short article and pic of RA in Spooks Reviews

2. The website FilmReviewOnline.com has published a preview of episode 4 with some new pictures of Lucas, Sarah Caulfield and Lucas’s former interrogator Oleg Darshavin. The text is taken from the BBC Press release, so it is full of spoilers. Article here

The new picture has been added to our Spooks Promo gallery which you can find here. You can see each picture at its largest size by clicking on the ‘original image’ button when viewing each image.

3 . More articles from the press added to Spooks Reviews here. No mention of Lucas but there are spoilers.


13th November

1. We’ve added to our high quality Gisborne image gallery, lots more added. When viewing each image, click on ‘original image’ for larger size.

2. Added some promotional pics to The Golden Hour gallery.

12th November

1. A short article about the filming location for Strike Back has been posted in Strike Back Reviews and Articles

2. Episode two viewing figures released here. Figures are down but it was first shown on BBC3 last Friday of course.

3. New high quality pics added to the Spooks Promo gallery for episode two images. Click icon in bottom right corner for original larger size.

4. Screencaps for Episode 2 can be found here

5. You can download the screen caps in a 10Mb zip file here

6. It’s the swimming pool fight this Friday on BBC3 – a preview of episode three in Ian Wylie’s blog here.

11th November

1. Press office information about Spooks episode six is here. Spoiler warning.

2. Vicky Frost from the Guardian has released another amusing review of Spooks, this time episode two. Listed in Spooks Reviews. Spoiler warning if you haven’t seen it yet.

5th November
Early viewing figures are very strong for episode 1 of Spooks, totalling 6.01m (24.8%) for the 9pm showing on BBC1.

More here according to Digital Spy.

Another article, this time from The Guardian, has a report on last night’s ratings here.

4th November

Richard Arnold of GMTV visited the Spooks set a few months ago (we were given a teaser of this on 15 July 2009 in this article in Woman’s Own) and we have provided a download in our Spooks series 8 Interview Downloads page.

There are brief interviews with Richard Armitage, Peter Firth, Hermione Norris and Nicola Walker and a quick look around the new revamped set. More pictures here

Miranda Raison was interviewed later in the programme by Lorraine Kelly and there are some brief clips of Richard during the interview. This is also available for download in our Spooks series 8 Interview Downloads page.

If viewing in Quicktime you may find the audio is slightly out of sync with the picture. Try using a different media player instead. VLC is excellent and is free to download.


3rd November

We have been alerted by a couple of people this afternoon that Richard has read an abridged version of Georgette Heyer’s Venetia. According to Amazon UK, this will be available from 1 April 2010.

See Amazon UK page here for details and to pre-order your copy. Amazon US also have the title available for pre-order and it is released on 6 April 2010.

If you order from Amazon via RAOnline, you will earn commission for charity.

30th October

There’s a new interview in Time Out magazine with Richard Armitage and this time the questions are very different. Some insights into his most memorable audition, the piece of work he’s least proud of, his most extravagant purchase and many more.

Click to enlarge.

There is also a snippet describing episode 1 of Spooks in Time Out. A few spoilers here.

Many thanks to Annette for sharing these scans with us.

29th October

Ian Wylie has given us two long interviews with Richard Armitage today. The first is here in which there’s information about fighting in swimming pools, the return of Ruth and the pitfalls of tattoos that rub off onto sheets.

“This series does keep you on your toes. It doesn’t help if you’re a bit of a control freak, like I am, because I like to know everything I’m doing, when I’m doing it.”

And now, Ian has given us an extra feature with Richard, which you can read here. There’s more detailed information about the series, about most of the main characters, the new CIA officer and Richard’s reaction to the storylines. Enjoy!

Posted in Spooks news | No Comments »

24th October

The Daily Record has an interview with Richard Armitage this morning in which we get an interesting insight of what life was like before he landed more significant roles in television. This experience affects his current work ethic: “But I always feel somehow it’s going to be taken away from me so I work when I can. When you struggled with work as I did when I left drama school you make hay when the sun shines.”

He also talks about the ever-changing scripts that are part of working life on the set of Spooks: “When I first came on board, Peter Firth said to me this is what happens and you have to learn to run with it. You’ve got to be able to learn lines and some very dense political jargon very quickly – it’s quite a workout for the brain.”

The online article is here.

Bernie from C19 has very kindly given us permission to post the scan from the printed edition of the Daily Record. Click on the images below to enlarge.

A complete list of all Spooks articles and interviews can be found on our site here.

23rd October

There’s a brief interview with Richard Armitage in this week’s Woman magazine. He says…”Last year Lucas was finding himself again after an eight-year incarceration, now he’s one of the team. He prefers to play the maverick, all guns blazing…”

Read more below – click to enlarge

Once again, the image of Richard is reversed and we cannot resist turning it the right way round.

22nd October

1. Update: Confirmation that Robin Hood series 3 will start on Saturday 1st May 7.30pm on ABC2 has appeared on the ABC website. Thanks Mulubinba for the email.


Thank you to those of you who have emailed us about ABC showing Robin Hood series 3 in Australia. The response from ABC has been as follows:

ABC Television does have the rights to this series, however scheduling is yet to be finalised. Visit www.abc.net.au/tv regularly for updates.

Hopefully you won’t have to wait too much longer!

2. Tvshowsondvd.com have announced that the region 1 version of Spooks season 7 (known as MI-5 in the US) will be released on 26 January 2010. The boxset comprises 4 discs with the same extras that are currently available on the region 2 (UK) DVD, namely:

– Audio commentaries by the producer, director and writer of episode 5 and episode 8
– Original UK Trailer
– “Spooks in Russia” Featurette
– Action Sequence Featurette
– Behind the Scenes Documentary

The article says that it will cost $59.98, however it will no doubt be cheaper from Amazon.com and other retailers. You can sign up here to be notified when the DVD is available from Amazon.

21st October

1. At last the BBC Press Office has announced that Spooks will start on Weds 4 November, 9pm – 10pm on BBC1.

Episode 1 information is here. Be warned – there are major spoilers in this press release.

2. There’s an interview with Richard Armitage in Star Magazine today with some new pictures. Be warned though, that one of the pictures and the text of the interview contain mild spoilers about the series.

“Series eight sees Lucas firmly in the fold of head-honcho Harry Pearce’s (Peter Firth) Section D team and, this time round, Lucas is the agent in the thick of most of the action.”

Click to enlarge the image.

The picture of Richard is the wrong way around, so we’ve reversed it so you can see it properly. Click to enlarge.

17th October

1. There’s a feature about Spooks in the Daily Express Saturday magazine today. There are quotes from Richard Armitage, Hermione Norris and Peter Firth which give some mild spoilers about the forthcoming series 8.

Thank you Lady J for the scan.

Click on the image to enlarge.

All Spooks reviews and articles can be found here.

2. John Lloyd of the Financial Times has written an interesting article about Spooks, analysing the reasons for its appeal.

He states: “But for all its contemporary references, Spooks isn’t interested in being any kind of documentary on what MI5 actually does, or how it does it. A working knowledge of international relations and geopolitical tensions has never been the main reason for its continued success.”

Read the full article here.


15th October

A short but sweet article in the free London magazine Shortlist today.

At the end you’ll see that it mentions Thursday 29 October 2009 as the air date, which does seem to add weight to the rumours already circulating that this is the date for episode 1. The BBC are still yet to confirm.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Many thanks to Stef for the scan.

14th October

There’s a new interview with Richard Armitage in the October issue of Closer magazine, in which he gives some insight into what we can expect from Lucas North in Spooks series 8.

Many thanks to LadyJ for the scan.

Click on image to enlarge.

13th October

The Radio Times and the TV Times have today given clues that Spooks series 8 will start week commencing 24 October, although there is still no exact day given.

On the back page of the Radio Times there is a picture of Ros under the heading ‘Next week in Radio Times on sale Tuesday 20 October’. Under the picture are the words ‘Spooks. The spy drama is back on the grid’.

The TV Times says “Next Issue – Spooks – Ros and Lucas return on a mission impossible: to find Harry alive.”

Still no word from the BBC Press Office.

Thanks Stef for the RT info and Janice for the TV Times info.

10th October

Allison Pearson has interviewed Richard Armitage on the set of Spooks. She states;

“Some rakish TV turns have earnt Spooks star Richard Armitage an army of female fans. ALLISON PEARSON went to see what all the fuss is about  –  and found him squirming with embarrassment.”

How many women can you take to a Richard Armitage interview? Earlier this year, when I paid homage to the actor in my Daily Mail column, so many readers volunteered to come along and ‘hold the microphone’ that if I ever met Richard I would have had to rent the Royal Albert Hall to squeeze us all in.”

There’s a new picture accompanying the article as well (click to enlarge):

You can read the full interview here

Here’s an article scan of the two page interview in the Weekend magazine that is published with the Daily Mail today, you get a larger picture with the printed version but the text is the same. Click each image to enlarge.

8th October

We have been sent a press release for the Spooks series 7 DVD which available from E1 Entertainment on 12 October.

Click on the images below to enlarge

7th October

A small mention of Richard Armitage in the Mail Online today by Allison Pearson.

As for the casting of badboy Jonny Lee Miller as the wise, older Mr Knightley, where is the divinely brooding and grown-up Richard Armitage when you need him? Answer me that.

6th October

Spooks has been nominated in the 37th International Emmy Awards as Best Drama Series against four other international shows. Winners will be announced by Graham Norton, on 23 November 2009 at the Hilton New York Hotel.

Further links:

Press release on the International Emmy’s site

Full list of nominees

BBC news report

Spooks is also up for another award which will be announced on 21 October 2009. The 2009 Specsavers Crime Thriller Awards, in association with the Crime Writers Association (CWA) and Cactus TV, will be broadcast on ITV3 later in October after the ceremony has taken place.

Although this ceremony focuses mostly on crime fiction, there are some television awards. Spooks is nominated for best small-screen crime thriller drama and Hermione Norris is nominated as Best Actress for her role as Ros Myers.

Announcement in The Bookseller

4th October

1. Two people have the chance of winning a Spooks series 7 boxset courtesy of lastbroadcast.co.uk. They have confirmed via email that this competition is only open to UK residents I’m afraid.

The page link above also gives you access to an episode guide for series 7 and to Richard Armitage’s interview that he gave prior to series 7 in case you haven’t seen it before, or would like a re-read.

I think the answer to the competition question is a tad obvious.

Closing date 3 November 2009.

Update 7th October

2. Another competition to win a Spooks 7 DVD boxset has been announced from Downtown Radio. Again, I’m afraid to say this competition is only open to UK residents.

The closing date is 9 November 2009. Click here for details

3. Another competition was announced on our news blog here on 27 September 2009 from Now magazine.

Update 9th October

4. Yet another competition only open to UK residents from Webuser

4th October

It’s already clear (and perhaps a little obvious) that North and South is the most re-watched show that Richard Armitage has appeared in, so we have modified the poll a little and now ask you to please vote again.

N&S has been removed from the list, so of the remaining shows, which one do you reach for the most often when in need of a ‘Richard’ fix?

Previous results showed that Spooks series 7 (15.4%) was the 2nd most popular, followed by Robin Hood series 3 (13%), but if N&S is no longer an option we’re wondering if this will affect the results.

Return to the homepage and see the poll options on the left-hand side.

Thanks for voting!

3rd October

Ian Wylie of the Manchester Evening News has posted some tantalising news of Spooks series 8, particularly episode 1 as he received the DVD of this episode yesterday.

Read his blog here. Caution: minor spoilers.

Highlights include:

The actor formerly known as Richard Armitage has been totally taken over by Lucas North.

It’s such a convincing portrayal that they surely must be one and the same person?


And a disturbing image in the teaser trailer for episode two.

I’m not ashamed to say that I had a little tear in my eye at the end.

Not long to go now…I hope!

30th September

The BBC America shop DVDs in the Works page has details of early 2010 releases of Spooks season 7 (known as MI-5 in the US) and Robin Hood season 3 on DVD.

Scroll down for a picture of tattooed Lucas and the following info…
‘we can now confirm we’re releasing this season, never before broadcast in the US, on DVD early next year’

There is still no news to confirm when BBCA will be showing MI-5 season 7, starring Richard Armitage as Lucas North.

Further down the DVDs in the Works page, there is information about the Robin Hood season 3 DVD, which will be available to buy in early in 2010. However, the site monstersandcritics.com states that it will be available to buy from 12th January 2010. The special features are exactly the same as you’ll find on the region 2 DVD which is out now, namely:

– A Legend Reborn (behind the scenes feature)
– A New Look (behind the scenes look at costuming)
– Trebuchet: Creating Chaos
– Character Profiles
– Video Diaries


29th September

1. The WATCH UK television channel are re-showing series 7 of Spooks starting 21 October 2009. The first episode will be shown at 9pm, repeated three hours later at midnight.

There is still no confirmation of when BBC1 will be showing series 8, although the BBC Press Office have not included it in their programme schedule 10-16 October, so perhaps it will start week commencing 17 October to coincide with the re-showing of series 7 on WATCH? We hope so.

2. Today we’re asking which of Richard Armitage’s programmes you have watched the most, to try and find out which is the most popular production. To vote, return to the homepage and scroll down the main menu on the left-hand side to see the poll choices.

The last poll found that 51% of you are looking forward to seeing Spooks series 8 and the next most looked forward to production is Strike Back (23.4%).

Thanks for voting! If you like to make a suggestion for future polls please mail Ali and Hedgey at [email protected]

27th September

Now magazine are offering the chance for 6 people to win copies of the Spooks series 7 DVD, but I’m afraid this is only open to UK residents.

The competition closes on Tuesday 27 October 2009.

To enter click here.

26th September

The wonderful people at vulpes libris have an interview with director and writer Jan Prowse about her work and favourite books. She directed Richard Armitage in Between the Sheets and mentions the show and Richard in some detail.

You can read the whole interview by clicking here

25th September

On 4 August 2009, Jason Arnopp revealed on Twitter that he had attended a round table interview with Richard Armitage and today, thanks to Debs, we have received a copy of that interview which has been published in a new magazine called ‘Film Star’, October edition.

The interview reveals many exciting details about Lucas’s role in series 8 of Spooks, including the fact that Lucas will revisit his traumatic past in the Russian prison and that he will begin a love affair with an attractive CIA liaison officer.

Here’s a scan of the interview. Click to enlarge.

(Ali has since bought the magazine and re-scanned for a clearer image. Press F5 if you can’t see the newer version straight away).

21st September

The South African site GFC has an article about Sky filming in a district of Johannesburg

“Skye TV, a British channel, is currently shooting a television series, some scenes of which are being filmed in Yeoville. Strike Back is a six part television serious centred on the current conflict in Iraq. San Remo, a distinctive but run down art deco block of flats on Kenmere Street, is the location for down town Baghdad.The building was chosen for its age and texture. It’s a once glorious building that with time and neglect now perfectly represents the dank, gritty feeling of a building in a war zone. Interiors and exteriors are being shot with a lot of the action taking place on the roof. The scenes in San Remo involve the rescue of a hostage by British SAS soldiers.”

You can read the full article here

29th September

Writer John Crook (St. Paul Pioneer Press) has published an interview with Richard Armitage about Guy of Gisborne that appears to contain new quotes about the character. We are not sure when this interview was undertaken, but some of Richard’s remarks do seem to be new to us.

Richard discusses his reaction to learning that Guy would kill Marian at the end of series 2, Gisborne’s road to self-destruction at the start of series 3 and his changing relationship with Robin as the series develops. He’s also pleased that Gisborne appears to develop a sense of humour:

“It’s interesting toward the end of this series, as he takes this unexpected journey to becoming someone new, you really do start to see this dry humor coming out of Gisborne. It’s in connection with Robin and the understanding between them. Gisborne starts to open up in terms of his humor with Robin, which is something I never expected, that he would have this sense of humor.”

Read the full interview here.

11th September

11 September: ‘TV and Film Guy’ has published a detailed article here, reviewing the opening episode of season 3 of Robin Hood which will be shown on BBC America on Saturday 12 September at 9pm.
Regarding Richard Armitage’s performance, he says ‘Armitage plays the part beautifully, not only looking like an empty shell of a man in the season premiere, but also conveying a sense of mourning from within as well.’


11 September: There is another review on SciFiAndTvTalk’s Blog here, with some nice screen captures of the episode.

12 September: TV Review: BBC America’s ‘Robin Hood’ Returns Darker, More Mature, on HollywoodChicago.com.

All of these articles contain spoilers.

For a full list of Robin Hood reviews and articles, click here.

7th September

1. The TV Quick and TV Choice Awards will be held this evening at the Dorchester Hotel in London. Richard is nominated for Best Actor for his role as Lucas North in Spooks, Moving On is nominated in Best New Drama, Spooks in Best Drama Series and Robin Hood is nominated in the Best Family Drama category.

Update 8 September:


  • Best Comedy Show: The Inbetweeners
  • Best Daytime Show: Loose Women
  • Best Entertainment Show: Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway
  • Best Lifestyle Show: Top Gear
  • Best Family Drama: Waterloo Road
  • Best New Drama: Merlin
  • Best Drama Series: Ashes To Ashes
  • Best Reality Show: The Apprentice
  • Best Actor: Philip Glenister
  • Best Actress: Denise Welch
  • Best Talent Show: Britain’s Got Talent
  • Best Gameshow: Deal Or No Deal
  • Best Soap Actor: Simon Gregson
  • Best Soap Actress: Katherine Kelly
  • Best Soap Newcomer: Lauren Crace
  • Best Soap: EastEnders
  • Best Soap Storyline: Danielle and Ronnie’s story, EastEnders

2. There has been no official confirmation of when Sky is planning to show Strike Back, although one of the Strike Back IMDB pages has now been updated to say that it will be shown in April 2010.

3. Richard Armitage has been nominated for Best Drama Performance in the National Television Awards.

You can vote here before the end of September and it is possible to vote up to 6 times using the same email address or phone number.

The Terms and Conditions state the following:

Voting restrictions:
You may vote up to 6 times by PRTS phone, post or via the website using the same phone number or email address, but you may only vote for one nominee per category. If you exceed this limit using PRTS you will hear a message informing you that you have reached the limit. Your telephone provider should not charge you for this call. If you exceed the limit when voting via the websites or via post, your votes will not be counted but you may still be charged where applicable.

This is the long list of nominees so hopefully Richard will make the short list, which will be announced later this year.

The NTAs will take place at the O2 Arena on 20 January 2010 and will be shown on ITV1.

Spooks and Robin Hood have been nominated for Best Drama. Please vote now!

Further details added 9th September:
According to the Radio Times, the shortlist will consist of just four nominees per category. The second round of voting for the nominees on the shortlist will commence 5th January 2010.

6th September

Fantastic promo for season 3 of Robin Hood has been aired on BBC America and captured here on youtube.

Thanks BF for uploading this

3rd September

1. Screencaps for episode 3 of The Impressionists has been added today. Find it here.

2. An online review of the forthcoming screening of Robin Hood season 3 on BBCA can be found on the RH reviews page. ‘Robin Hood’ returns, with a few surprises.

2nd September

1. Tiny little crumb of news from the TV Times about Richard’s involvement in Strike Back. Scan courtesy of Janice. Nice BAFTA picture!

25th August

Richard’s United Agents page has updated to confirm his new role as John Porter in Strike Back.


24th August

1. Confirmation that Richard’s latest project is definitely Strike Back here on the Variety website.

2. More on Strike Back here at C21Media

3. Guardian article on Strike Back

4. Left Bank pictures has provided lots more infomation about Strike Back here. Richard is confirmed as playing the part of John Porter.


23rd August

The BBCA Robin Hood page has been updated in preparation for showing Robin Hood season 3 on 12 September. Lots of information including behind the scenes clips and interviews and downloadable calendar pages.


20th August

1. The DVD Times has announced details of the extra features on the region 2 DVD of Spooks 7. Lots to look forward to, inc. documentaries and audio commentaries. Four discs as well. Can’t wait!

2. Frozen is being shown on BBC2 at 12.35am on Monday 31 August. Many thanks to Annette for this info. Frozen screencap gallery.

3. Four more wallpapers of Richard Armitage as John Mulligan from Moving On added here, thanks to June.

4. Guy and John Thornton are battling it out in our poll. The lead has swapped between them several times so please cast your vote if you haven’t yet done so. (The poll appears on the left-hand side of the main menu).


18th August

1. Article out today with brief quotes from Richard about Spooks, school life and going home: Leicestershire actor is in demand. This article also appeared in print in the Leicester Mercury. There is a scan of it here courtesy of Agenoria.

2. The article mentioned above appears to confirm the rumours that Richard’s next project will be Strike Back, produced by Left Bank Pictures, an adaptation of a Chris Ryan novel. Filming in South Africa is due to start imminently and it will be shown on SKY in 6 x 1hr episodes. No info on broadcast date yet.

3. Some new John Mulligan wallpapers, winners of a recent competition on ra_art_challenges. View them here – thank you Grendel, Danielle and June.


17th August

New poll on left-hand side, suggested by Lyn in our main page comments section. Only a few of his roles have been named as we suspect that these will be the likely candidates, but please choose ‘Other’ if your favourite isn’t listed.


8th August

Many RA sites have their own birthday messages to Richard so we have put a slight twist on the birthday tribute and ask you to give your comments on that first role that brought you to follow the man and your continuing enjoyment of his talent. Find it here or off of the main menu.


6th August

We are continuing to update our screencap gallery. Pics from the Richard Armitage interview on the N&S DVD have been added here.


5th August

Ian Wylie, writer for the Manchester Evening News, has posted a blog to confirm that he met with the Spooks cast, including Richard Armitage, this week to interview them about series 8. No news yet, but it’s a nice teaser! The Life of Wylie blog.


4th August

1. Robin Hood season 2 DVD extra screencaps added here.

2. Another CBeebies signature & icon donated by bccmee and added here. Thank you!


3rd August

1. New Sparkhouse Location article has been added to the site here. Alternatively click on the link off of the Locations tab on our main menu.

2. New message from the ‘spooksperson’ on RAOnline.


2nd August

1. Show Patrol article describes Richard’s return in Robin Hood on BBC America September 12th: BBC America brings back Armitage, ‘Robin Hood’ this fall

2. Some new artwork added today. Two John Thornton wallpapers by June and two Cbeebies signature sets by bccmee. Thank you ladies!


30th July

George Gently on ABC1, Australia: the episode that Richard appeared in will air on Friday 14 August at 8.30pm. Thank you to Ann for emailing this info to us.


29th July

After a recent trip to the Mills last weekend, we’ve created a locations page which describes some of the venues used during the filming of North and South. We’ll be adding more information about the trains used in the series soon.


23rd July

BBC America have announced that Robin Hood Series 3 will air, starting 12th September. Clickie


17th July

I’ve received my copy of the Robin Hood audiobook The Siege, and there is a review here, without too many spoilers I hope.


16th July

We have re-capped the Shakespeare Re-Told episode of Macbeth today, as we didn’t have many pictures of Richard as Macduff. You can view the gallery here. Macbeth synopsis added to the career page.


15th July

1. Great news regarding the audiobook ‘Sylvester’ by Georgette Heyer, read by Richard. It is currently #4 best seller in the audiobook fiction category on Amazon.co.uk and #1 in the literary classics category.

2. Series 7 of Spooks starts tonight on BBC Canada – details here.

3. Short article from Richard Arnold who met RA on the set of Spooks recently. In today’s Woman’s Own courtesy of June here.


14th July

1. Two stunning wallpapers of Guy and Marian added here. Created by HeathRA. Thank you!

2. If you have ordered the Robin Hood audiobook The Siege from Amazon, you may like to know that it has now been released and the CD should be received by UK residents early next week. Thanks to Vicki for this info.

3. Annette from RAOnline found this article on the Naxos site in which the production crew described working with Richard Armitage during the recording of Georgette Heyer’s Sylvester. There is a preview excerpt on RAOnline, although Ali is halfway through and is thoroughly enjoying the story… and the voices.

4. The Kudos site has a fantastic Spooks promo featuring cast from all 7 series including Lucas North. Click on the Spooks pic to view.


12th July

New stills of Richard filming Spooks at the Royal Festival Hall have been found on youtube by Patty. Thank you!


9th July

1. The Radio Times website has confirmed that Moving On starring Richard will be shown on Monday 20 July at 10.35pm on BBC1.

2. The Richard on DVD page has been updated and many of the prices at Amazon and Play.com have changed. The Sylvester audiobook and Moving On DVD are now available to buy. The Witchfinders audiobook is not currently available from Amazon, although you can buy it from Play.com or Big Finish who produced it. The Robin Hood audiobook narrated by Richard called The Siege was supposed to be released on 30 June, but to our knowledge it is not yet available. You can pre-order it however.


8th July

1. There’s a clip of the Spooks filming at the London Eye here on Youtube. Unfortunately you need to lie down to view it properly.

2. The interview with Richard Armitage on Vulpes Libris is here.
Forthcoming projects to look forward to, according to Richard: “A new 6-part TV series, a film, and a stage play based on a novel, which became a 60’s film classic. (Answers on a postcard please!) Hopefully, Spooks 9.”


7th July

1. A big thank you to AJ who has received confirmation from the Radio Times that Moving On: Drowning Not Waving starring Richard Armitage and Christine Tremarco ‘will be now scheduled at the end of the run in about two weeks time’.

2. Scan of next week’s Radio Times on the Robin Hood reviews page. (Oh and it wasn’t a syrup, it was hair extensions).


5th July

1. On Weds 8 July, the blog Vulpris Libris will publish an interview with Richard Armitage as part of their ‘In Conversation with…’ series: “…when actor Richard Armitage talks thoughtfully about the important books in his life, history’s favourite double-dyed villain and the redemption of Guy of Gisborne … among other things.”

2. Two stunning Gisborne wallpapers added, created by Emerald and Gizzysgirl.


4th July

Another press article about RH being axed in the Coventry Telegraph dated 3rd July. Read it here


3rd July

BBC News has reported the decision to end the Robin Hood series.


2nd July

1.It’s been reported on the BBC Points of View board that the last episode of Robin Hood will be re-shown on Saturday 11 July, BBC1, 5.15pm in addition to the BBC3 repeat on Monday 6 July at 8pm.

2. The Guardian is now reporting that there will be no series 4 of Robin Hood.


1st July

1. This list of shows coming to BBCA includes Robin Hood S3, at last! Sometime this year, but no date yet. Some other really good stuff too *cough* Being Human *cough*

2. Pictures of Guy from the DVD which arrived on my doorstep this morning. Guy appears on disc 1 and on the inside cover of the boxset. Click to enlarge.

th_s3DVDGuy1 th_s3DVDGuy2

3. Screencaps of Richard from the special features on the s3 RH DVD are here. Enjoy.


30th June

1. Two beautiful Gisborne wallpapers created by HeathRA and another beauty by Angelfish69. View them here.

2. More artwork added. Another by LadyT220 and two by Fingerpaints. Thanks ladies.

3. BBC America has announced that the season 3 DVD of Robin Hood (region 1) will be released early in 2010. Thanks to Lynn for this info.


28th June

1. We’ve created a Sir Guy appreciation page where you can leave your thoughts about the man in black. Click here.

2. Episode 13 screencaps are now in the RH gallery.

3. Several magazine articles have been put in the RH season 3 scans page (click here and then click on the picture of Guy). What’s On TV courtesy of Jen and TV Times courtesy of June. Thank you ladies.

4. Online reviews of RH episode 13 listed here. One of them includes a gratuitous but amusing poll.

5. Three new stunning Gisborne wallpapers at the end of the page, by angelfish69 and June inspired by the death of Sir Guy.

6. Beautiful Guy drawing by Lady_T_220 in the artwork section. Please leave a comment on this page if you want to give the artists feedback. Many thanks.


27th June

Caps for ep13 will be up Sunday afternoon. We will also put up a thread tomorrow where people can post comments about the finale of Robin Hood.


26th June

Preview of ep13 on the BBC Robin Hood site. Nothing too spoilerish. Apologies to those not in the UK who won’t be able to view this. It’s also on youtube, but be warned as comments left here do contain spoilers.


23rd June

1. Three short scans from this week’s Radio Times about Moving On, which is repeated next week. See Moving On Reviews. Thanks Liz for the scans.

2. We have heard that there is a massive spoiler in this week’s TV Times so watch out for that if you buy it. The Radio Times has a mild spoiler and a cast list that you might also wish to avoid if you’d rather be surprised on Saturday. No doubt other telly mags are the same.


22nd June

1. Two new promotional pics added to the RH promo gallery. A pic of a brooding Guy and one of Guy and Isabella.

2. We’ve uploaded some promotional pictures of Richard Armitage here including the 2009 pictures

21st June

1. Screencaps for RH Episode 12 are up here. Sorry for the delay.

2. Hedgey and Ali are on an avoiding spoliers kick. We know there are lots out there but please bear that in mind with your comments, guest book entries and emails to us for the next week whilst we bury our heads in the sand. Cheers!


19th June

Okay we’ve had some articles for a few days as they contain some HUGE and unconfirmed rumours so here they are. Be aware that they are not confirmed and they contain BIG Spoilers.

Guardian article – make sure you read the comments. Some are quite amusing.

My Park Article – again unconfirmed.


18th June

1. Lots of stunning Guy of Gisborne wallpapers added by Kiteflier in different sizes to suit your desktop. Thanks KF!

2. What’s On TV 20 – 26 June articles added to Robin Hood Press Reviews. But there is a huge spoiler here!

3. New pic of Guy we haven’t seen before (click to enlarge)


This comes from the My Park Magazine Robin Hood Gallery, which has 70 photos in total. Some of these have been on the Shootastic website, however there are some new pics here, some with spoilers for ep12 and ep13, so view with caution!

Thank you Jen for finding this.


17th June

We’ve added downloads of the Guy profile and the Hood Academy feature to the downloads section here. All I can say is yellow really is not his colour.


16th June

1. Added 6 new Guy wallpapers. More to come.

2. Preview of RH episode 12 is on the BBC RH site and on youtube.

3. Hood Academy pictures have been added to the Robin Hood gallery.


15th June

1. Couple of links to reviews added to the Robin Hood reviews section

2. Three high resolution pictures of Richard as Ricky Deeming have been spotted on the ZDF.de (German TV channel) site by Bee – thank you! These have been added to the George Gently gallery. The original pictures have text in German written over the black bar which unfortunately obscures the bottom half of the pictures, but they are definitely worth a look. The pictures are from here. Click on the first link and browse through.


14th June

1. The teddy is safely at home and the caps for Episode 11 are up here

2. There’s a great vid here on youtube by Spikesbint about Guy’s life up to now that you may care to view.. Contains spoilers.


13th June

Apologies, but due to a crisis involving a small pink teddy bear left at its owners Dad’s house and a rescue operation to avoid tears the caps for episode 11 won’t be up tonight. (she’s had the bear since she was a week old and has never gone to bed without it) Sorry. They’ll be up tomorrow.


11th June

1. Press Release for Robin Hood Episode 13: Something Worth Fighting For Part 2 has been released. There is a huge spoiler, but Guy’s fate is not mentioned so we are still blissfully in the dark about that.

2. New poll on the left-hand side about reading the spoilers.


10th June

Two magazine scans about this week’s episode of Robin Hood from What’s On TV magazine added. See Press Reviews.


9th June

1. New pics are up on Shootastic from RH Episode 13. Make sure you log in to the site to see the pictures.

2. New scans added to the Press Reviews page. Thanks to Janice and June for these.


8th June

1. Couple of online reviews for RH ep10 added to RH Press Reviews.

2. Preview of episode 11 is now on the BBC Robin Hood site. It’s not on youtube yet, but hopefully the BBC will put it up there soon as they did last week.


6th June

Caps from Episode Ten of Robin Hood are now up here


5th June

New wallpapers added courtesy of angelfish: new Gisborne wallpapers


4th June

Episode 12 is now at the press office. Something worth fighting for: Part 1. Lots of spoilers and a surprising turn of events.


3rd June

3 new Guy and Meg Wallpapers added by Kiteflier. Each comes in 3 sizes. They can be found here


2nd June

Article scans from What’s on TV added to the RH reviews. Thanks to Jen for those.


1st June

1. The BBC Robin Hood site has updated with a preview of Bad Blood, episode 10 of Robin Hood to be shown this Saturday. Thank you Jen for alerting us to this. A confrontation between Robin and a very shaky looking Gisborne in the forest. Apologies to non-UK fans who I don’t think will be able to see this content.

Update: the BBC have put the clip on youtube, yay!

2. Character page for Archer is now on the Robin Hood site.


31st May

A few online reviews added today. Two for Robin Hood Click on RH Press Reviews.


30th May

Caps for Episode Nine are now up in the gallery. Hedgey had a little weep doing them.


29th May

New high res pictures of Guy in ep12 and a couple of new ones for ep11 on Shootastic. Spoiler warning.You must log in to the site to view all the pictures.


28th May

Synopsis of Episode 11 – The Enemy of My Enemy is now at the BBC Press Office here. Spoiler warning.


23rd May

1. New set of high resolution pictures of Robin Hood at Paige’s Shootastic site for episodes 8, 9, 10 and 11. You have to be logged into her site to see the pictures. Thank you Paige! Warning – there are HUGE spoilers here so don’t look if you don’t want to know!

2. Caps for Robin Hood Episode eight now up in the gallery here


21st May

The BBC Press Office has just released information about Episode 10 entitled Bad Blood. This is a Guy-Robin centric episode with lots of intriguing backstory. Huge spoilers in the press release.


19th May

Two articles from today’s Radio Times have been added to RH Press Reviews ,mostly concerned with Toby Stephen’s role as Prince John in episode 8 to be shown this Saturday. Only the 2nd article mentions Gisborne. Thanks to June for the scans.


14th May

Episode 9 of Robin Hood is called A Dangerous Deal. This BBC Press Release contains spoilers about the episode.


10th May

Dan’s Media Digest has given Robin Hood episode 7 a good review here. Click on Press Reviews on the left for other reviews.

9th May

Robin Hood episode 7 screencaps are here


7th May

Robin Hood episode 8 “The King is Dead, Long Live the King” is up on the BBC press site. Unfortunately no mention of Richard or Gisborne.


5th May

Article scans from the Radio Times and What’s on TV added to the Reviews section


3rd May

Good review of Episode 6 here with strong praise for Richard. To quote’ No doubt about it, this show comes to life most when Richard Armitage is on the screen’.


2nd May

200 lovely caps from Episode 6 of Robin Hood now up here


30th April

1. The BBC Press Office programme info for 16 – 22 May has been published. Robin Hood will not be shown that week (Sat 16 May) because of the Eurovision song contest. However, Richard will appear in Moving On: Drowning Not Waving on Weds 20th May, time to be confirmed – click here for info.

2. Two scans from What’s on TV magazine in the Press Reviews section on the left-hand side, courtesy of Jen. Spoiler warning!


28th April

Article scan from the Radio Times – click here. They do get his name wrong though.


27th April

A couple of RH online reviews added – click on the Press Reviews link on the left.


26th April

Screencaps for RH episode 5 are now up in the screencap gallery, thanks to Dreamcatcher.


23rd April

Episode 7 synopsis ‘Too Hot To Handle’ can now be found at the BBC press office site here. Warning: spoilers!


22nd April

1. The BBC RH page has a new profile of Isabella which gives some background to her and Guy’s relationship. HERE

2. Preview of Episode 5 on the BBC website here. Interesting choice of music in the last three seconds.


20th April

1. The sixth Robin Hood audiobook (the second one read by Richard) is called ‘The Siege’ and will be released on 30 June 2009. Here’s a picture of the cover. Big Finish weblink


2. Not strictly Richard news, but we’re sure many of you will be interested to read Toby Stephens’s interview in the BBC Press Release here about his role in Robin Hood as Prince John.


16th April

Episode 6 of Robin Hood is called Do You Love Me? and the synopsis can be read here on the BBC Press site. Spoiler warning!


15th April

Interview with Lara Pulver, who plays Isabella, Gisborne’s sister in episode 5 and onwards in Robin Hood in the BBC Press Office page here. Lara is very complimentary in her comments about working with the cast and crew and mentions Richard specifically.


14th April

A few mentions of Guy of Gisborne in the Radio Times 18-24 April, which is out today. Under the description of the show on Saturday the reviewer writes, “Fun, as ever, but we miss Gisborne” and on page 48, the main preview by David Butcher ends “..somehow, without bad old Gisborne, it all lacks a certain something.” We think they have good taste.


9th April

1. Big Finish have announced that the first audiobook, The Witchfinders, read by Richard Armitage will be released on 30 April.

This is the cover:


To pre-order your copy, click here or go to Amazon UK

2. The April podcast on the Big Finish website has an extract from the audiobook. Go to 3:15 to hear the bit about RH. If you right-click and choose Save you will be able to save an mp3 copy.

3. Episode 5 of Robin Hood is called Let the Games Commence and the synopsis can be read here on the BBC Press site. Spoiler warning!

4. Shootastic now has high resolution stills from RH episodes 5 & 6. Warning – spoilers. You have to register/log in to view the stills. Click here.



6th April

Episodes of Spooks season 7 can now be downloaded from iTunes UK store at a cost of £1.89 each or £15.12 for the lot.



5th April

1. RH Episode Two caps are now up thanks to dreamcatcher. Unfortunately Hedgey’s DVD in a fit of (un)helpfulness decided as it was daylight savings that it would start recording an hour after the time set. Which was nice. Caps are here


4th April

1. Big Finish have announced the release date for the audio books. Clickie

2. Very complimentary but short article about RH episode 2 in the Daily Mail Weekend Supplement. Click here


3rd April

Robin Hood Episode 2 preview shown on GMTV this morning. Download it here.


2nd April

Robin Hood Episode 2 Trailer download available here.


31st March

Reviews of Episode one have been added here


30th March

1. You can now pre-order the Robin Hood series 3 DVD (region 2) from the BBC Shop for £27.00 or from Amazon. BBC Shop page. It will be released on 22nd June 2009.

2. Download of the RH article broadcast on BBC Entertainment news here


29th March

1. Caps for RH Episode One are now up HERE. Next week they should be up a tad quicker but this week the admins were all in one place and had been imbibing.

2. New Guy related poll on left-hand side of homepage.


28th March

1. New interview with Richard on Digital Spy. It seems the future for Guy is still uncertain – click here.

2. Lots more pictures on Shootastic today of episodes 2- 4 here. You will have to register/log in first. You are welcome to use and share these pictures please DO NOT hotlink to these pics. Credit to Paige/Shootastic where appropriate.


27th March

1. There’s an article on Robin Hood on the BBC news site with some behind the scenes footage. You can read and view here

2. The BBC Robin Hood site has been updated. No Gizzy wallpapers unfortunately although the games are fun. You can find it here

3. There’s an article about 11 year old James Buckley who will be in RH Season 3 here. This includes a pic of the little lad with Richard in the Halifax courier.


26th March

1. Keith Allen appeared on the This Morning show on ITV today. RH was discussed a little and there’s a very short clip of Guy in one of the pre-interview clips that you can download here.

2. New Interview with Richard about playing Guy of Gisborne on the BBC Press site.

3. Episode 3 of Robin Hood is called Lost in Translation and the synopsis can be read on the BBC Press site. Spoiler warning!


25th March

Richard appeared on GMTV this morning. Download clip here. Screencaps can be found here.


24th March

1. Digital Spy is having a Robin Hood week, showing interviews with a different cast member each day. The first one, with Gordon Kennedy, can be seen here. Maybe Richard will appear later this week?
Warning: at the end of the interview, Gordon appears to give away what happens to Robin at the end of the series.

2. Scan of the Radio Times Robin Hood article can be viewed HERE.

3. Scans from TV Choice and What’s on TV magazines can be viewed HERE. Thanks to Jen for the scans.

4. New short clip of episode 2 shown on The Paul O’Grady Show can be downloaded HERE.


23rd March

You can now download the BBC RH3 trailer. Follow the clickie


21st March

The BBC TV schedule has confirmed that the first episode of Robin Hood 3 will be shown in high definition.


19th March

1. Interview with David Harewood who plays Tuck on the BBC press site.

2. Episode 2 synopsis can be found on the BBC press site. Beware, there are spoilers! Episode 2 is entitled ‘Cause and Effect’.


18th March

1. New promotional pictures from RH s3 and stills from episode 1 here. You may have to register/log in first. A million thanks to Paige for sourcing these pictures. Paige is happy for you to use and share but please DO NOT hotlink to these pics. Credit to Paige/Shootastic would be nice.

2. High res pics from Shootastic site have been added to the promo section of our RH gallery. You can see them HERE

3. Press release for RH s3 episode 1 has been published. Read it here. Massive spoiler alert, don’t click if you don’t want to know what happens, it basically tells you the entire plot of the episode. Start time confirmed of 6.50pm on 28 March. The episode is entitled ‘Total Eclipse’.

4. Added two new wallpapers to the Guy wallpapers page by Angelfish69 showing the Gisborne Siblings, a composite made from the new pictures received today. Thanks A x


17th March

Hurrah we finally know when Robin Hood season 3 will air in the UK! Saturday 28 March on BBC1. The updated BBC press release is here.


13th March

It’s been announced that Richard is doing a new audiobook – “Sylvester” by Georgette Heyer. It’s available for pre-order here . Thanks to spikesbint for this.


28th February

Spooks series 7 DVD will be released on 12 October 2009 at RRP £58.99. Amazon.co.uk are taking pre-orders for £25.98.

27th February

1. A very big thank you to Yorkshirewench who has allowed us to link to the BBC showcase download (here). Please do not link elsewhere, or upload to youtube or similar.

2. Richard appears in a podcast just announced on The Stage’s website – click here to listen. There is more information about what is discussed during the podcast and some spoilers here.


26th February

Richard’s picture on his United Agents page has been updated. Thank you very much Empeel for emailing us with this news!



25th February

1. New pics of Richard on BBC Breakfast added to the Richard gallery. He was in attendence at this function for the BBC. Clickie. thanks to Yorkshirewench for the vid from which these caps came.

2. According to What’s on TV, Richard will narrate a new series of Homes from Hell 2009 starting Tues 3 March, 8.00pm on ITV1.


22nd February

1. New site for those on a slow connection. Described by the webmaster as “A little site for fans with old computers or dial-up access”. Richard-Armitage.org

2. More BAFTA pics added courtesy of PG, thank you! Click on BAFTA 2007 Pics on the left-hand side.


20th February

Article in myparkmag, hints at new love interest for Robin. Click here to read.


19th February

1. British TV suite have an online article about the new RH series which you can read here. Contains spoilers.

2. As the publicity machine now seems in full swing the reviews section now has a Robin hood section where all of the online interviews, reviews and artciles will be listed.

3. TV Scoop have a small and rather sarcastic little article, but it does hint at a March start. Clickie


18th February

1. Screencaps showing clips of Guy in series 3 are now on the site. Go to screencap gallery – Robin Hood.

2. The BBC have released a new press pack about Robin Hood, but as yet no actual date. You can read about it here


11th February

A picture of Richard and an article about his win of the RNA’s Valentine Poll appears in the Daily Mail and the online version which you can see here (halfway down the page). Congratulations to Angelfish69 whose video is mentioned in the article. You can view this lovely vid on youtube here.


6th February

1. Richard has given a mini interview to Red Magazine. You can see the scan here. Thanks to LadyJuliana for the scan. Not sure about the reference to the Spooks DVD, however, as Amazon now say it’s released in October.

2. Richard has topped the Romantic Novelists’ Association Valentine’s Poll, jumping to first place above the likes of Johnny Depp, Hugh Jackman and George Clooney.


3rd February

Richard’s United Agents voiceover page has been updated with some new extracts. Listen to them here. The Smirnoff ad is proving very popular!


2nd February

Big Finish to release 6 one hour long audiobooks each read by one of four members of the cast including Richard Armitage. Read more and order here.


28th January

Spooks Series 7 to be shown in Canada on BBC Canada. The starting date is 4th March at 10pm ET.


23rd January

Spooks/MI5 is to be aired in the US uncut on the some PBS channel. More details about it here


16th January

Lynn found this great site about period dramas with a large section on North and South. Includes a great cravat quiz. Justperioddrama.com


15th January

The chap playing the young Guy of Gisborne in series 3 is Tommy Bastow. His wiki page is here. And here’s a picture

7th January

1. Shootastic has some wonderful high res pics from Spooks (and other shows) You need to register in order to view the pics but they are well worth it. Shootastic

2. The Stage has some news about Robin Hood Series 4 (yes 4). The Stage